
cover art for Episode 2: The Strenuous Life

Making Teddy

Episode 2: The Strenuous Life

Season 4

After his wife and mother both die on a single day, Teddy Roosevelt thinks his life is over. He escapes to the Dakota Badlands and the hardscrabble ranching life of the frontier. But the lure of politics brings him back to New York, where he’s determined to root out corruption as the new Commissioner of the Police Department.

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  • Introducing: Making Lincoln

    Introducing Making Lincoln, a new podcast from The HISTORY® Channel. Hosted by Emmy-winning actor and Broadway legend André De Shields, each episode takes you inside the life of our 16th President, bringing together leading historians, authors and journalists to uncover the forces that made the man Lincoln would become.
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    Lincoln takes office as the southern states domino into secession. By spring of 1861, the country is at war, and eleven states have left the Union. As Lincoln learns to be both president and commander-in-chief, emancipation becomes the most pressing question. Lincoln must convince the nation that the Civil War should  be about more than simply preserving the Union.
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    Lincoln finally passes the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring the end of slavery and establishing the United States Colored Troops. Meanwhile, Confederate forces gain momentum under their new general, Robert E. Lee. Hope for the end of the war hangs on a victory at Gettysburg. 
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    Few presidents inspire such wildly different views of their legacy as our 18th President, Ulysses S. Grant.Hosted by Broadway legend André de Shields “Making Grant” brings together leading historians, authors and journalists to understand the journey of this remarkable, unlikely hero to Civil War general and president.From The HISTORY® Channel, a new five-part season about a man history still struggles to understand.
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    No one expected Ulysses S. Grant to grow up to be the Union general who would end the Civil War and eventually win the presidency. A string of early failures trains Grant to become one of America’s greatest and most unlikely heroes. 
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    A surprise attack at the Battle of Shiloh galvanizes Grant’s combat instincts.  His grit and dogged determination  leads President Lincoln to appoint Grant general of the entire Union Army.