MAC and friends

  • 3. Words are hard

    01:22:54||Season 1, Ep. 3
    We try our acting chops with some interesting material found online, our second friend recives the warm welcome we give all our guests and try to decipher fact from fiction when looking at the laws of our "great" land.
  • 2. Do you game bro?

    01:37:14||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Who’s this handsome sounding, mystery voice? Aaron?! HAHAH NO! It’s our first ever ‘friend’, Al (alexanderarested) ! Join us as we talk about our favourite, least favourite and most played games (featuring some quite depressing truths...) Who hates Fallout: New Vegas? Who loves Pokémon Soulsilver? Only one way to find out, LISTEN NOW!!
  • 1. The bois are off

    01:48:46||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Who’re we? Well let us introduce ourselves through the medium of voice and random sounds! In this episode we talk about the dentist, what we look like naked and shoelaces, It’s more exciting than it sounds we promise! Listen to us laugh at one another, it’s like being in a room with us!!