
cover art for The Beast of Boredom by Richard R. Smith - A Martian and Time Travel

The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast - Vintage Sci-Fi Short Stories

The Beast of Boredom by Richard R. Smith - A Martian and Time Travel

Ep. 245

The Beast of Boredom wasn't a weapon or a bribe, as he thought. But it was the most ingenious trap of all time! The Beast of Boredom by Richard R. Smith, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

Thanks to Tif Love who bought us a coffee and says, “I listen to your podcast, and absolutely love it. So I just listened to “All the Girls were Nude” and I’m pretty sure this was well-known in some circles by the 80s, because when I was a child I would browse the back of dirty magazines in the grocery store (while moms shopped lol) and they were always advertising X-ray glasses. I found a lot the stories and ads more interesting than the nudity, I was different. Hilariously this story was probably where those ads got their start!” Thanks Tif for buying us a coffee and your interesting comment!

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Another 5 star review on Apple Podcasts. This from I ❤️ Asimov, “Wonderful podcast! Best I’ve heard!” Thanks I ❤️ Asimov, we appreciate you. Did you know that you can leave a comment on Apple Podcasts even if you listen to us somewhere else? You can, and we would appreciate your 5 star review if you think we deserve it. Reviews encourage people who have never listened to give us a try.

Richard R. Smith has been on the podcast before with Alien Equivalent. Todays’s story appears in the April 1958 issue of Infinity Science Fiction Magazine on page 46, The Beast of Boredom by Richard R. Smith…

Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, If time-travel is possible, then why haven't we been visited by people from the future? But Pete LeFranc found the answer to that.. Absolutely No Paradox by Lester Del Rey.

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$15 Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener

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$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener

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  • 272. The Venus Evil by Chester S. Geier - Science Fiction Short Story From the 1940s

    34:23||Ep. 272
    In the sweet Venusian spring, when iridescent butterflies swarmed and deer-things scampered, it was both necessary and good for Richard Farris to kill George Pearce. The Venus Evil by Chester S. Geier, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Another day, another author making his debut on our podcast. Chester S. Geier. He was born in 1921 in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. He wrote about 80 short stories, more than half of them in the 1940s. His first paid published story was, A Length of Rope, in 1941 and his last short story, The Astral Exile, was published in 1953. We know very little about him but we know that he was deaf from the age of twelve.And I know that I love this story. It was published in the summer of 1947 about the time of the Roswell incident in Roswell, New Mexico. To this day some believe that an extraterrestrial spacecraft crash landed near Roswell and that aliens were aboard the spaceship. From Planet Stories Magazine in the Summer of 1947 turn to page 68, The Venus Evil by Chester S. Geier…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, Mercury had no atmosphere—everyone knew that. Why was it developing one now? Hot Planet by Hal Clement☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 271. The Ultimate Vice by A. Bertram Chandler - The Early Days of Science Fiction

    26:15||Ep. 271
    Hallam wanted to get out of space – but even more he wanted to make a fortune first. Now he had found a way to do it – by selling – The Ultimate Vice by A. Bertram Chandler, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Arthur Bertram Chandler was born in England in 1912, forty four years later he moved to Australia and became an Australian citizen. He wrote more than 150 short stories starting with This Means War! in 1944. He also wrote more than 40 novels. He is perhaps most well-known for his John Grimes novels and for the Rim World Series.He was a merchant marine officer, sailing the world in everything from steamers to troopships for three decades. This experience is often woven into his writing. His descriptions of life aboard spaceships and the relationships between members of the crew come from his experience aboard seagoing ships. His debut on our podcast also marks the debut of Space Travel magazine in July 1958. Space Travel magazine was published for only three issues, although the magazine got its start as Imaginative Tales in 1954 before the short lived rebranding. We will find our story on page 100, The Ultimate Vice by A. Bertram Chandler…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, In the sweet Venusian spring, when iridescent butterflies swarmed and deer-things scampered, it was both necessary and good for Richard Farris to kill George Pearce. The Venus Evil by Chester S. Geier.☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 270. The Parasite by Arthur C. Clarke - Science Fiction Audiobook Short Story

    32:10||Ep. 270
    Ever done anything for no particular reason at all ? Ever feel as if you were arguing with yourself? Do you sometimes get the feeling that you’re really two people who are at odds over the basic rights and wrongs of life? . . . The Parasite by Arthur C. Clarke, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Today’s story appeared in the short lived Avon Science Fiction And Fantasy Reader. It was the second and last issue published in the ASFAFR in April 1953. We will discover this intriguing tale on page 119, The Parasite by Arthur C. Clarke…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, Hallam wanted to get out of space – but even more he wanted to make a fortune first. Now he had found a way to do it – by selling – The Ultimate Vice by A. Bertram Chandler☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 269. The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster - The Early Days of Sci Fi

    01:34:18||Ep. 269
    In a future where human contact is almost eliminated by The Machine, Vashti’s tranquil, isolated life is interrupted by a plea from her son, to experience the world outside the Machine’s influence. As Vashti struggles to understand his desire to see the stars from the Earth’s surface, a profound disconnect between their realities begins to emerge. The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Our latest 5 star review is from MaddzW via Apple Podcasts, Great Britain, “ Obsessed! My go to podcast! I enjoy the journey of discovering these stories, authors, and their backgrounds. With gripping narration and an incredible voice, I thank you for my new nightly tales!” Thank you MaddzW we appreciate your review and we are proud that our podcast is your obsession! If you haven’t already left us a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts we hope you will and if you listen on Spotify could you please leave a 5 star rating? if you think we deserve it of course. Edward Morgan Forster, born in 1879, was a renowned English author celebrated for his novels A Room with a View, Howards End, and A Passage to India. His works have been adapted into well-known films, A Room with a View, which featured Maggie Smith and Helena Bonham Carter, and Howards End, starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson.Science Fiction fans will perhaps remember him forever for the amazing story you are about to hear. It was the most requested story we had never narrated until today. First published in 1909 this dystopian short story explores a future society where humanity lives underground, entirely dependent on a vast, all-encompassing machine that provides for their every need, The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, Ever done anything for no particular reason at all ? Ever feel as if you were arguing with yourself? Do you sometimes get the feeling that you’re really two people who are at odds over the basic rights and wrongs of life?. . . The Parasite by Arthur C. Clarke☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 268. An Enemy of Peace by Robert Silverberg - Apocalyptic Sci-Fi

    30:41||Ep. 268
    When enemies of peace threaten the System, they must be eliminated. There are many ways to do this. And if all else fails, you can always go to war with them. An Enemy of Peace by Robert Silverberg, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.The February 1957 issue of Fantastic magazine contained a story we heard not that long ago, The Mystery of Deneb IV by Robert Silverberg. There was also a story in that magazine on page 86 by Ralph Burke, but it was really written by one of our favorite authors, An Enemy of Peace by Robert Silverberg…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, In a future where human contact is almost eliminated by The Machine, Vashti’s tranquil, isolated life is interrupted by a plea from her son, to experience the world outside the Machine’s influence. As Vashti struggles to understand his desire to see the stars from the Earth’s surface, a profound disconnect between their realities begins to emerge.The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 267. Until Life Do Us Part by Winston Marks - Immortality Science Fiction

    26:21||Ep. 267
    It's a long life, when you’re immortal. To retain sanity you've got to be unemotional. To be unemotional, you can't fall in love… Until Life Do Us Part by Winston Marks, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Thank you for listening to our podcast and for your incredible reviews. We’re getting more comments than ever on YouTube. Phantomwelds says, “Thanks for all the wonderful stories Scott, I’ve been keeping up for about 2 years now and I appreciate your skill level as well as the casual enjoyment you seem to get out of the project. Keep up the amazing work! Can’t wait to see what you do next! Btw my favorite so far is “The Prominent Author” by PKD.” Thanks Phantomwelds you will love what we have coming in the next few weeks.Commenting on Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick eisenhertz had this to say, “Another great story, from my favorite storyteller, thanks a lot, please keep going on giving me and others a good time. Bless u.” Thank you eisenhertz we will keep ’em coming!Did you know that every time you comment and give us a thumbs up to say you like the video impacts the YouTube algorithm so more people see our videos? It’s another simple and easy way to support the podcast and we thank you for your support.Let’s jump in our time machine and go back to June 1955 and open the pages of If Worlds of Science Fiction Magazine to page 72, Until Life Do Us Part by Winston Marks…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, When enemies of peace threaten the System, they must be eliminated. There are many ways to do this. And if all else fails, you can always go to war with them. Enemy of Peace by Robert Silverberg☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 266. Oh, Rats! by Miriam Allen DeFord - Science Fiction Rats

    26:33||Ep. 266
    Orthedrin, maxiton and glutamic acid—they were the prescription that made him king of his world! Oh, Rats! By Miriam Allen De Ford, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.This is a great vintage science fiction story. You’ll find it in the December 1961 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine on page 68, Oh, Rats! By Miriam Allen De Ford…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, It's a long life, when you’re immortal. To retain sanity you've got to be unemotional. To be unemotional, you can't fall in love… Until Life Do Us Part by Winston Marks☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 265. The Inquisitor by Robert Silverberg - Science Fiction Grand Master Robert Silverberg Short Story

    17:49||Ep. 265
    It wasn't that Kroll enjoyed watching the traitors broken in body and spirit. But why did they keep insisting they were innocent before—The Inquisitor. By Robert Silverberg, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Science Fiction Grand Master Robert Silverberg has been on the podcast many times with The Mystery of Deneb IV, Never Trust a Thief, Planet of the Angry Giants, Monsters that Once Were Men and several others. He returns today with a short story from December 1956 that appeared in Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy. We often hear from listeners who say they don’t understand why authors use pen names. This issue is a great example. Robert Silverberg actually wrote three stories that appeared in this issue. No magazine editor wanted one author to appear multiple times in a single magazine, readers might not like it. So the solution was simple, use a different name, or in this case names. The Alien Dies at Dawn, which you will hear on the podcast in the not too distant future, was credited to Alexander Blade but was written by Silverberg, as was Lair of the Dragonbird. On page 106 of the December 1956 of Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy we will find today’s story, The Inquisitor By Robert Silverberg…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, Orthedrin, maxiton and glutamic acid—they were the prescription that made him king of his world! Oh, Rats! By Miriam Allen De Ford☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener
  • 264. The Deadly Dust by Murray Leinster - The Third Story in the Bud Gregory Saga

    01:38:39||Ep. 264
    When Geiger counters all over America went into too-high gear, Dr. David Murfree knew there was only one man to see–Bud Gregory, the hillbilly genius of the atom! The Deadly Dust by Murray Leinster, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Thanks to Peetee Bee who gave us a 5 star rating and review on Apple Podcasts Great Britain. “Well narrated. My go to for old sci-fi brilliantly narrated - no need for sound effects or background music. Keep ‘em coming I’m almost up to date. Thank you for a brilliant podcast.” Thank YOU Peetee Bee! Your review on Apple Podcasts is a great way to support The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.Bud Gregory is back. This is the third story in the Bud Gregory Saga written by Murray Leinster. All of them can be enjoyed individually, but if you want to go back and listen to all of the stories in the order that they appeared in 1947, The Gregory Circle was first, followed by The Nameless Something and today’s story, The Deadly Dust.Let’s turn back the hands of time exactly 77 years ago to August 1947. The story we are seeking can be found on page 11 of Thrilling Wonder Stories Magazine, The Deadly Dust by Murray Leinster…Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, It wasn't that Kroll enjoyed watching the traitors broken in body and spirit. But why did they keep insisting they were innocent before—The Inquisitor. By Robert Silverberg☕ Buy Me a Coffee - - - ❤️ ❤️ Thanks to All Our Listeners Who Bought Us a Coffee$200 Someone$75 James Van Maanenberg$50 Anonymous Listener$25 Dave Wiseman, Bromite Thrip, Marwin de Haan, Future Space Engineer, Fressie, Kevin Eckert, Stephen Kagan, James Van Maanenberg, Irma Stolfo, Josh Jennings, Leber8tr, Conrad Chaffee, Anonymous Listener$15 Patrick McLendon, Curious Jon, Buz C., Fressie, Anonymous Listener$10 Anonymous Listener$5 Tif Love, Chrystene, Richard Hoffman, Anonymous Listener