
cover art for Alliance vs Horde: can we just get along?

Lore Watch Podcast

Alliance vs Horde: can we just get along?

Ep. 355

In this week's show, Matt and Joe discuss the conflict between Alliance and Horde -- and more importantly, the lack of conflict some characters may feel when they're just out there adventuring. Even if their factions are opposed, we've had a ton of time collaborating and helping each other out on a personal level. Could a third, neutral faction be possible, and if so, what would it look like? Then, they deep dive on the question of the relationship between the various opposing forces controlling the WoW universe. Which are completely opposing forces, and which transition from one to the other easily? Would it be possible, for instance, for N'Zoth to become Holy, like we've seen with the Naaru?

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  • 358. Could the Sunwell become a Voidwell? (And other wild Warcraft speculation)

    01:02:21||Ep. 358
    This week we put on the tinfoil hat to contemplate Xal'atath's plans for the future, the nature of the void, and where we might be going in the Midnight expansion due out in 2026. As with most of our wild speculation episodes, the conversation goes off the rails and then forgets there were ever rails in the first place. Enjoy!If you enjoy the show, please support us on Patreon, where you can get these episodes early and ad-free!
  • 357. What you need to know about Paladins, Templars, and Crusaders in Diablo

    01:00:44||Ep. 357
    We're doing something a little new this week for Lore Watch, with a remaster of an older episode. As Joe explains in the new intro, we wanted to highlight something that we've already covered, but which could use another look as it becomes relevant again. Paladins or Crusaders are one of the most common fan picks for the second new class to come to Diablo 4, so we're revisiting the lore that makes them so popular.In this episode, Joe and Matt give us a primer on the in-game religions that Crusaders, Templars, and Paladins are holy warriors for -- and why they declined in power after each expansion where they were featured. They are fascinating to explore, being holy warriors in a game so consumed in every way by evil. Join us as we go through the ages, from Akarat's visions all the way up through the information we get from Deckard Cain.
  • 356. Suffer well: the lore of Death Knights in World of Warcraft

    52:22||Ep. 356
    Death Knights, one of the most iconic, lore-heavy classes added to World of Warcraft, are the core topic of this week's Lore Watch, this time with a focus on what dead means, really. Join Joe and Matt as they discuss the other types of undead we know, and how their existence shapes current Death Knights. The concept of Death Knights, and death in general started a long time ago in WoW's history, so there's a lot of ground to cover.How were they made? Are they fully dead, or partly alive? How will they make new Death Knights since Sylvanas destroyed the Helm of Domination? And do they literally have to "suffer well?" All addressed in this week's Lore Watch.Thanks to our supporter Tetsemi for the question.
  • 354. Why World of Warcraft's Odyn is both a Titan and a titanic jerk

    55:35||Ep. 354
    This week's Lore Watch Podcast is a Q & A, but sometimes those questions can give us a chance to go off on a topic we love to discuss. For instance, why Odyn in World of Warcraft is just the worst. Maybe not the absolute worst given what horrors the setting has to offer, but he's certainly getting coal from Greatfather Winter next December. Matt and Joe lay out the reasons why he's a huge J-E-R-K, going back to Azeroth's creation.Then, speaking of Grandfather Winter, if he were suddenly unavailable for Winter Veil Eve, who would take up the mantle? Perhaps Santa Clause-style?
  • 353. Why don't the people of Sanctuary ever learn from their past?

    55:20||Ep. 353
    This week Matt and Joe discuss how history seems to keep repeating itself in Diablo's Sanctuary. (Spoiler: it's because everyone keeps dying.) Plus pointy ears for Humans in WoW aren't just about fashion, darling, because the new Arathi-style ear customization has a lot of lore implications... and then we somehow segued into Star Trek and divergent evolution. That's Lore Watch for you.
  • 352. The lore and history of the goblins in WoW

    56:56||Ep. 352
    In preparation for the upcoming WoW patch 11.1 featuring the goblin capital The Undermine, we dive into the evolution of the goblins throughout the history of Azeroth, the difference between the various cartels, and the transition of leadership from the exploitive Gallywix to the more ethical Gazlowe.
  • 351. Could Elune and Xal’atath be linked?

    56:02||Ep. 351
    Join us as speculate on a possible connection between Elune and Xal’atath as well as Elune's dual nature and her ties to cosmic forces like the Naaru and the Winter Queen.We also dive into the concept of godhood and if the Titans are actually gods imbued with divine power or just three kobolds in a trench coat using a really good voice changer.
  • 350. The reimagining of the Diablo franchise

    56:32||Ep. 350
    Join us as we discuss an alternate universe for the Diablo franchise where Prince Aidan never embedded the soul stone into his head to become the vessel for Diablo at the end of the first game. How would the lack of this pivotal moment radically alter the events of Diablo II, III, and IV? The discussion delves into alternate outcomes for Sanctuary, the Worldstone, and humanity, while speculating on the role of angels, demons, and the spirit realm in this strange new, yet still terrifying world. It is Diablo after all. It’s not all gonna be happy cow level rainbow times no matter the butterfly effect.