
Loose Units: The Podcast
JonBenét Ramsey - Part One
Season 5, Ep. 292
Netflix's new documentary about this infamous case spurs John and Paul to finally begin looking at one of the most storied crimes in US history? Did the family do it? Or was an intruder too blame?
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302. Loose Ends 248 - Ankle Monitors
24:33||Season 5, Ep. 302How do ankle monitors work? What happens when cops can't cop properly? And will Musk doom us all?301. The Kidnapping of Frank Sinatra Jr.
24:32||Season 5, Ep. 301Did you know that Frank Sinatra's son was kidnapped mere days after the assassination of JFK? Because John and Paul sure didn't!300. Loose Ends 247 - Steamed
19:02||Season 5, Ep. 300John finally cashes in on some long overdue presents, and finds himself steaming in a most unlikely location.299. The Veteran and his Wife
26:09||Season 5, Ep. 299John tells Paul about a WW2 veteran who returns home, commits a murder, and is brought to justice. Or is he?298. Loose Ends 246 - Falling Out of the Sky
35:09||Season 5, Ep. 298Paul jumps out of a plane from 15,000 feet - something John has plenty of experience with. Plus... hang on. John was a garbage man?297. Missing: Ruth Ridley
41:21||Season 5, Ep. 297John and Paul return with their first full-length episode since before the Holidays. Today, they're looking at the strange case of a missing woman, and what forestry workers found in her abandoned car in the woods one day back in 2019.296. Back From Holidays - An Update!
09:12||Season 5, Ep. 296John and Paul are back soon, but in the meantime, a quick update for all of you loyal listeners!295. Loose Ends 245 - The Bali Nine
23:32||Season 5, Ep. 295In the final episode for 2024, Paul and John wheel through a rolodex of current crime headlines, culminating in a revelation from on high.294. JonBenét Ramsey - Part Two
32:06||Season 5, Ep. 294John and Paul look at the balls dropped by Boulder police, the press pile-on, and the legacy of this tragic case.