
Looking at the Word

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  • 3. Messiahs: The Anointed Ones of God

    In the third episode of Messiahs: The Anointed Ones of God, we look at Moses, who was born a Hebrew, raised as an Egyptian, and chosen by God to lead His people out of slavery

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  • 2. Messiahs: The Anointed Ones of God

    In the second episode in the series focusing on different messiahs, we look at Joseph who after being betrayed by his brothers, became second in charge of a mighty nation
  • 1. Messiahs: The Anointed Ones of God

    In this first episode of a series focusing on the diffrent Messiahs of the Bible, we look at Noah, who God tasked with building an ark to survive a worldwide flood and start mankind over again
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