
Living Water Anglican Church - Albany

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  • Faithful God #2 The LORD is God of Heaven Above and the Earth Below - Revd. Shane Marques

    Joshua 2. The spies, Jericho, Rahab, the soldiers, lying - it's a rather messy story. But in the midst of the mess, as she protects the Israelite spies, Rahab has an epiphany moment when she realises and openly declares that the Lord God, he is God. And because she does, she is ultimately saved.
  • Faithful God #1 - Revd. Shane Marques

    In the midst of the leadership transition from Moses to Joshua, and as the Israelites time and again struggle to follow wholeheartedly after God under the leadership of Joshua, the Judges, King David and the other kings, God remains ever faithful.
  • Treasure In Jars of Clay - Dr Richard Goetz

    Paul declares that the central Christian truth of Jesus Christ as Lord is a light or treasure within us, even though we are jars of clay. Priceless treasure in an ordinary vessel or container is not the way the world works, but it is the way of God's Kingdom.
  • The Trinity: Love and the Meaning of Life

    The Tri-unity of God; Father, Son & Holy Spirit, eternally existing in relationships of love and glory, reveals the meaning and purpose of our lives in whose image we are created.
  • "Come Holy Spirit" - Revd. Shane Marques

    Acts 2: 1-21. The Holy Spirit descends on the new believers at the feast of Pentecost, to remain with them and dwell in them in order to empower them and transform them from the inside out. He still does the same today.
  • Devoted to Doing Good - Revd. Shane Marques

    Titus 1-3. Paul's emphasis throughout the letter to Titus on "doing good" motivates us to focus on others and not ourselves, - that the gospel may be advanced.