
cover art for Dr. Saji John from India Shares the Power of Unconditional Love

Living the Dream

Dr. Saji John from India Shares the Power of Unconditional Love

Ep. 7
The Power of Unconditional Love

His college days, Saji accepted Christ and joined operation mobilization in India. He was a part of a summer outreach program. Saji served on an evangelism team and that really opened up his eyes to the spiritual needs of India. He decided to stay on with operation mobilization instead of continuing his studies in college.

Saji was actually slated to be going into the medical field, but God grabbed ahold of his heart and he dedicated his life to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout the podcast, you’ll hear how Saji ended up in a long career: over 17 years with OM books, as well as being the managing director, for OM books, traveling around the world and all of Asia.

Saji served as the national director, for OM India, working in schools and vocational skills training centers, known as good shepherd schools. From December of 2006 through September of 2008, he served as the Asia director for Genova global, the US aid, working with a lot of different Christian and secular nonprofit organizations.mIn 2007, Dr. John, along with his wife, Cynthia, started a ministry in India, which ministers to both children and women through children’s homes.  Listen to how God has used Saji and his family’s obedience. And that’s just the beginning…

Hear how Saji’s perception of how God unconditionally loved him allows him to now minister through the power of unconditional love. Women and children’s lives are being changed through this ministry. Churches are being planted, pastors trained, and villages transformed all through the power of unconditional love.

We send many teams to India to empower Saji and his ministry! Find out how you can join a team today!


Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.

Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.

Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He’s a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this… He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he’s got to be close. He’s flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He’s taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.

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  • 14. It is the Word - Jenny & Yiming - Part Two

    25:57||Ep. 14
    Yiming grew up in China under the one-child policy with a strong emphasis on education and study. There was very little exposure to the Gospel in his formative years. He tells a story of his father being given a Bible, but he was discouraged from reading it for fear it would be a distraction. Yiming encouraged church leaders and staff to keep persevering and even though, in his case, there was not an immediate change that occurred in his life the seeds planted took root and over the course of years, encouragement from his wife, and many sermons, he started a relationship with Jesus.____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He's a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this... He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he's got to be close. He's flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He's taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us
  • 13. It is the Word - Jenny & Yiming - Part One

    32:18||Ep. 13
    Jenny shared her experience of growing up in a poor family in China to a college student in the US. Whether a family has financial means or not, being a foreign-born international student coming to the USA is a transition filled with humility and vulnerability for many students.When asked about what she remembers of Christianity being raised in China, she mentioned that there was very little awareness of Christianity. She remembers a Christmas celebration and some people mentioning it, but very little exposure to the Gospel. In China, the Gospel is restricted and even edited out of public schools, news, and communication channels.Jenny was invited to Christmas dinner by her mailman and was given the opportunity to go to church with other international students and study the Bible. It was through reading the Bible that she started to feel a spiritual awakening. She also had a roommate at Auburn that she looked up to as a spiritual person that really drew her to continue to read the Bible.Kevin shares that at GHI they often get accused of going to India to try to convert people, but he believes that he has never converted anyone. A person's decision to follow Christ is between God and them. We should strive to make Christ attractive in the way we live our lives."One of the points of our show is just to encourage our listeners to honor God's process, because a lot of times we think of evangelism as talking to someone about their need for Christ and praying with them at that very same moment, almost like drive-through Gospel. And, God doesn't always move like that." - Kevin____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He's a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this... He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he's got to be close. He's flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He's taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us
  • 12. The Gospel Strategy with Trae V.

    39:19||Ep. 12
    Bridges International is a caring community of Christ-followers committed to serve, promote social connections, engagements and spiritual conversations with international students. With over 365 full-time staff, Bridges desires to mobilize the body of Christ on college campuses to reach the nations Trae is passionate about seeing spiritual movements launched where international students encounter Jesus Christ.He is a graduate of Texas A&M University and Dallas Theological Seminary. Trae and his wife Melissa, have served with bridges since 2000 they have four children ranging from ages 19 to 12 years old. A fun fact, two of them were born in China, and two of them were made in the USA. And Trey jokingly says that they have that tattoo on their ankles to prove it.Trae mentioned being challenged as a freshman by a course called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement that he said sparked a desire to go overseas.Trae received some advice at college to not go straight into the mission field but enter the workforce instead and learn to serve the Lord like the majority of Christians do. After 4 years in finance, they were able to fulfill their dream and spend a year in foreign missions in the Orient. What they thought would be one year of serving in missions has now turned into 21 years of service with Cru!Trae began to realize the best person to prepare for an overseas mission is not just the American who can go overseas, but it was the international who was already the expert who already knew the language. Who already was familiar with the culture of the overseas. If they had the gospel, they would actually be able to impact not just hundreds, but thousands or millions because they have such great value to what God was doing.The strategy of Bridges international is the four "S's" Social Networks Services Student Leadership Spiritual Conversations "If you establish trust, the Gospel can move forward in power." Trae V.Over 200 heads of state, whether they are presidents, parliament leaders, or prime ministers have studied in the US.Trae shares an inspiring story of an international student who after having access to the Gospel while studying in the US went back to his homeland and led a successful coo to overthrow a corrupt government and how God uses situations like this over and over again in the lives of international students. God is allowing people from hard to reach nations to spend years in the US studying before returning to their countries as an opportunity for ministries like Bridges to make an incredible impact for the Gospel.Trae mentioned a tool for church leaders called which is a collaborative effort of 14 different agencies to reach international students and foreign-born internationals. ____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He's a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this... He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he's got to be close. He's flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He's taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us
  • 11. I'm seeing Red Cars everywhere!

    23:33||Ep. 11
    Three of the most enduring words you'll ever say to an international is, "I've been there." All of a sudden you have an instant conversation and the relationship can develop as much as you are willing.I've struck up conversations with thousands of internationals saying, "I've been there" and yet I've never heard anyone respond, "so what?" - KevinStatistics show that less than 5% of all Americans have actually traveled overseas. And so for a foreigner to hear "I've been there" is not only rare but it has an enduring impact. Not only do you show interest in them as a person. But you have embraced their place of birth and the country, the people that, that they love so much.Pastor Kevin issued a challenge for Church leadership. If you can look at your congregation and see a representation of a people group that you have not visited their place of birth on a mission trip, why not consider going? It will dramatically increase your effectiveness in reaching the internationals in your church. It will educate you, empower you, and equip you to have an identifiable strategy for reaching your community.____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He's a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this... He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he's got to be close. He's flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He's taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us
  • 10. Lady B. on Diversity in India

    28:09||Ep. 10
    India is a land of diversity. Different culture. Different languages. It's a very large country. There are 400 common languages with over 1500 dialects in India. The government recognizes 22 official languages, India has a large diversity of people and religions. They have mountains, the Himalayas, plains and many coasts. It is a beautiful country.Lady B. and her husband, Pastor B. have planted 20 churches. Their congregations speak three languages and are themselves very diverse for being a couple of hundred kilometers apart. One thing people who are familiar with traveling between states in the US may not be familiar with is how, in India, it is often the case when traveling between states in India that the language changes and you may not be able to communicate.Raleigh and Morrisville demographics were from census.govWe encourage you to find your city demographics from and consider how the demographics of your church match your city or town.____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He's a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this... He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he's got to be close. He's flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He's taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us
  • 9. Pastor M on Diversity and Unity

    31:12||Ep. 9
    Pastor M and Kevin met in Raleigh in 2015 and within a year Kevin was visiting him and his ministry in Mumbai. GHI has taken over 50 people to serve in Mumbai and his ministry and everyone falls in love with Pastor M.Pastor M. grew up in a slum in Mumbai and was radically transformed by Jesus Christ. Today he operates an orphan home including those with HIV, a child development center in the red light district of Mumbai, and has started five churches in the slums, and he is developing an amazing project called the City of Hope on a 30 acres located in the middle of what is predicted to be one of India's smart cities. Pastor M shares about the incredible journey of ministry so far and describes it as simple as "one life at a time."They are able to care for 130+ children in their orphanages.Most of the children in the development center in the red light district are the children of those involved in human trafficking and the sex trade in Mumbai. They have the opportunity to work with children, many of whom would have spent time in the house with their mothers who are practicing prostitution and provide safety and education for this generation of children.____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He's a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this... He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he's got to be close. He's flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He's taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us
  • 8. Who is Your Suresh?

    25:49||Ep. 8
    Who is Your Suresh? What relationship are you focusing on to help someone in your community understand the love of God? Do you feel intimidated by striking up conversations with people with different faces than your own? Do you feel intimidated by asking someone to join you for a church service? Let me encourage you, you don't need a seminary degree or expert knowledge of theology. You just need to be a friend. You can do it.Enjoy this real-life example of what it looks like to share simple acts of friendship and how a relationship can develop over time.____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He's a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this... He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he's got to be close. He's flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He's taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us
  • 6. History of His Story through Global Hope India

    26:39||Ep. 6
    In this episode, Pastor Kevin is interviewed by the show's producer, Joe Woolworth, who used to serve as the Communications Director of Hope Community Church that reached over 10,000 people per weekend. Pastor Kevin felt called into the ministry at the age of 17, the beginning of his senior year in high school. His family fell apart but he didn't have any real discipleship in his life. So as he was disciplined it came with a growing burden to help other people hear God's voice and feel called into a bigger story. At the time he had some stereotypes of what being a pastor or an evangelist and he spent the first 10 years in ministry trying to fit his ministry into one of those molds. But when he came onto staff at a large church he was dubbed "God's startup guy" by the pastor there and he has taken this as his mantle to be an entrepreneur in ministry.His first trip to India led to two realizations. 1. He needed to take his own children to India to experience ministry there and 2. A local pastor who had dedicated his life and time to make a difference in the lives of orphans inspired him to dream bigger. He led a couple of groups which led to them deciding to take on projects in India which led to the incorporation of Global Hope India. One team per year became two teams per year, etc. After three years on staff at Hope Community Church, his heart was broken for the pastors and ministry partners in India and called him to go full-time as a missionary working on Global Hope India.There is no greater catalyst for praying and giving to missions than to actually go on a trip. God calls us to radical obedience and there are few things more radical than getting a passport, raising funds and getting on a plane to share the Gospel with an unreached people group.What is exciting for Global Hope India in the future? Equipping and empowering the local churches in the US to live the dream of Revelation 7:9-12.Also mentioned on this episode: Find an opportunity for a short-term mission trip to India The total population of all Asian countries in 2019 is 4.6 billion people. That is 2/3 of the Earth's population! Yet Asians have the smallest percentage of Christians. Three Worthy Investments to Reach Internationals in Your Community Three FREE Things You Can Do Right Now To Reach Internationals In Your Community ____________Global Hope India: For over 20 years we have been watching God radically transform thousands of Americans & Indian Nationals through missions. We’ve taken nearly 1,000 Americans on short-term mission trips to India. We work with 12 long-term indigenous church planting partners located in North, South, East, & West mainland India as well as Northeast India. We empower The Church in India to make Christ known through leadership, child, & village development projects. Global Hope India is a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Morrisville, North Carolina. All gifts are tax-deductible. More about GHI.Living the Dream Podcast: The Living the Dream podcast is where Church staff and volunteers get comfortable and aligned with the reality that God is moving millions of foreign-born internationals into our communities. We focus on this incredible opportunity God is giving us to change the world! We know how this story ends! Rev 7:9-12 shows us a Church filled with EVERY nation, tribe, & tongue gathered together worshipping Jesus. Welcome to Living the Dream podcast where we help The Church be on earth as it is in heaven. More about Living the Dream Podcast.Meet Pastor Kevin: Pastor Kevin is Founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India and your host for Living the Dream Podcast. He’s a poor kid from rural North Carolina, but get this… He just returned from his 50th trip to India in 20 years. If he doesn’t yet hold the Guinness Book of World Records for the most trips to India then he’s got to be close. He’s flown over a million miles to 27 different countries. He’s taken nearly 1,000 people on mission trips to India. Global Hope India has seen thousands of Indian Nationals and Americans radically transformed by God through missions. The miracle continues! More about Pastor Kevin.GHI Resources & Contact Info:Resource CenterGHI FacebookGHI Instagram: @globalhopeindiaGHI Twitter: @globalhopeindiaEmail Us