
cover art for Obedience Like Joshua

Lift: Mind, Body, Spirit

Obedience Like Joshua

God helps us accomplish EVERYTHING He asks us to do. It is our choice whether we will obey Him or not. "Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

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  • Baptized by FIRE?!!

    You may have been baptized by water, but have you been baptized by fire? In this podcast Brandon covers several scriptures that discuss the essential spiritual milestone of the baptism of fire. The prophet Joseph Smith said, "You might as well baptize a bag of sand as a man, if not done in view of the remission of sins and getting of the Holy Ghost. Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half—that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost."
  • Aligning with God's Algorithm

    From the very beginning, God created this beautiful algorithm that governs all his creations. From a simple insect to the blazing sun we see His creations aligning perfectly with the algorithm...humans seem to be the ones who don't readily identify and align with God's algorithm. Thankfully, Jesus Christ walked the path and we can follow his lead. As we align with God's algorithm, we will experience happiness and ultimately, eternal life.
  • Small & Simple Things

    Well over 2000 years ago Alma taught that "by small & simple things are great things brought to pass." How do we apply that principle to improve our health? Can a 3 minute workout really make a difference? How about a 3 second workout? We invite you to listen in to find out what recent research has found about the impact that very small things have on our health! :)
  • Obedience WITHOUT Expectation

    It takes a lot of faith to obey God when He guides us outside of our comfort zone... that is the first test! The next test comes immediately afterwards when we are tempted to speculate what the outcome will be and how we can benefit from it. Being aware of these tests and temptations allows us to surrender EVERYTHING to God and let our fears, hopes, needs, desires, and all of our will be placed on the alter.
  • Is God Calling You to MOVE?

    Throughout history God has moved MANY people around to fulfill His will in their lives and in the lives of others. If you have been feeling God calling you to move, then this podcast is for you! It takes faith, it takes courage....and that is what all miracles begin with! I promise God will bless you for being obedient!
  • Voices of Truth

    We are living in a time where voices speak out all around us with differing opinions. How can we know which voice is correct? How can we know which voice we should align with? Join Brooke in this podcast to learn to discern and become a Voice of Truth!
  • Pay It Forward...are you sure?

    Most people sincerely want to pay forward the good emotions and blessings in life. It is just as important to identify and stop ourselves before we pay forward the negative emotions we feel as well. Learn to discern what should be paid forward... and what should not.
  • A Fullness of JOY

    Our world is plagued by feelings that are the opposite of joy....depression, anxiety, stress, guilt, sorrow, etc. Yet God's plan for us is a Plan of Happiness, so how do we find that Fullness of Joy spoken of in the scriptures?