
cover art for #174 - EMPTY HEAD



Season 1, Ep. 174

A tired morning rant about random stuff.

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  • 191. #191 - THE LAST OF US

    41:15||Season 1, Ep. 191
    In this episode i talk about how tech, social media and screens slowly turn humanity into Zombies.More on INSGAGRAM / YOUTUBE
  • 192. #192 - THE NEW EUROPE

    46:50||Season 1, Ep. 192
    In this episode i rant about Russia, modern warfare, gang violence and the future of Europe. Does history repeat itself?Instagram / Youtube
  • 190. #190 - HARDER TO KILL

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    A rant about the male ego, fighting dogs, and why its good to take a deep look into the mirror sometimes.More about the male ego..
  • 189. #189 - THE MACIAVELLIAN

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  • 188. #188 - THE FOREST

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    In this episode i rant about why i love living in the forest.Visit my instagram
  • 187. #187 - WE ARE THE APES

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    In this episode i talk about Homo Sapiens and Apes.You can also find me on INSTAGRAM and YOUTUBE
  • 186. #186 - ALL I WANT FOR X-MAS

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    A x-mas rant about the true and not true meaning of christmas.
  • 185. #185 - EAT, SLEEP, FUCK AND FIGHT

    01:00:40||Season 1, Ep. 185
    A rant about living in a modern society, history, orcs, politics, the left, barbarians and why we need to focus on eating, sleeping, fucking and fighting.
  • 184. #184 - A MAN ON A MISSION

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