Let's Talk Mental Health

  • 6. Last Attempt With Spravato Treatment

    16:01||Ep. 6
    In this podcast I talk about starting up the Spravato treatment yet again, some of the road blocks, and where I am currently at with almost a month into the treatment for the 3rd time.
  • 5. Ketamine Troche Treatment

    23:54||Ep. 5
    This episode talks about the alternative to the Spravato Esketamine treatment which is the Ketamine Troches.
  • 4. Spravato Esketamine Treatment

    23:38||Ep. 4
    Spravato Esketamine Nasal Spray Treatment. My experience with Spravato
  • 3. Hope and Strength Through A Simple Phrase

    08:34||Ep. 3
    This episode talks about a simple phrase "...and we begin again". How a simple phrase can give you hope and strength, and how it can be used to help you keep moving forward to accomplish your goals or whatever you're trying to accomplish.
  • 2. MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying)

    16:52||Ep. 2
    This episode discusses my opinion and beliefs on the MAID program as well as why I hold those opinions an beliefs on Medical Assistance In Dying.
  • 1. Introduction

    29:12||Ep. 1
    An introduction to the podcast series Depression Talk. This episode gives a brief overview of my journey with depression. It will help to give you an idea of how my expertise in depression comes from personal experiences and some of the things I have been through since my depression started.