
Less Stress, More Fun
Breathing Techniques
Let’s talk about practical stress reduction: breathing techniques!
Now, I know, I know, this is a frequently discussed topic. Still, the reason we hear so much about the fundamental act of breathing is because learning these techniques can make a real difference in how you manage stress and show up calm, cool, and collected in your everyday life.
As a bonus, I’ll be throwing in a few suggestions for fun, playful breathing techniques.
In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about:
- Awesome breathing techniques
- How these techniques can be used to reduce stress
- How to have more fun with breathing - yes, really!
Resources mentioned:
- “Breathing Exercises” (American Lung Association)
- “3 Most Effective Pranayamas” (Ventuno Yoga | YouTube)
- “Lion’s Breath - Foundations of Yoga” (Yoga with Adriene | YouTube)
- “Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quell errant stress response” (Harvard Medical School)
- Roger Love, vocal training for speaking and/or singing
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© 2023 Lisa Schwaller
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118. In Conclusion...
05:27||Ep. 118It's time for new adventures!Enjoy this last episode of my beloved "Less Stress, More Fun" podcast!#podcast #endings #beginnings #lessstress #morefun © 2024 Lisa Schwaller117. Choose Your Ikigai
17:05||Ep. 117What is your ikigai? Is it something you find…or can it be something you choose and create? Don’t let finding your purpose stress you out when there is a “Less Stress, More Fun” approach instead. In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about: The concept of “ikigai” Creative ways to use this concept in your life Resources mentioned: “How to Ikigai” (Tim Tamashiro, TEDx | YouTube)“Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Joyful Life” (Government of Japan) “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” (book)Get Lisa's "3 Ways to Reduce Stress TODAY" video + PDF: #ikigai #createresults #goals #purpose #achievinggoals #passion #findyourpassion #createyourpassion #createyourikigai #findyourikigai #personaldevelopment #stress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #playful #lessstress #morefun © 2024 Lisa Schwaller116. Retrospectives
15:57||Ep. 116Let’s reflect on the year that’s wrapping up. How do you want to remember it? In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about: The value of reflecting on a time period or a project How to perform a retrospective How to apply the lessons learned from your retrospective Resources mentioned: “Guide to Lessons Learned in Project Management” (Smartsheet) “Retrospective” (Atlassian) “Lessons learned: taking it to the next level” (Project Management Institute) “Guide to agile retrospectives for continuous improvement” (Aha!) Get Lisa's "3 Ways to Reduce Stress TODAY" video + PDF: #results #lessons #lessonslearned #retrospective #reflections #onetogrowon #goals #achievinggoals #personaldevelopment #stress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #playful #lessstress #morefun © 2023 Lisa Schwaller115. Your Favorite Version of You
16:03||Ep. 115Which version of you do you prefer? Of all the personas that you wear each week, there might be one you prefer or aspects of each you want to celebrate. In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about: Why we morph and how it’s a good thing Personas of behavior and thinking Celebrating your favorite persona(s) the “less stress, more fun” way Resources mentioned: “Does your Personality Change According to the Company You Keep?” (Truity) “Why we’re different people at work and at home” (BBC WorkLife) “Do you have a different personality at home and work?” (Fast Company) “Why Do People Act Differently in Groups Than They Do Alone?” (Walden University) Get Lisa's "3 Ways to Reduce Stress TODAY" video + PDF: #persona #personas #personality #modes #behaviors #connection #masks #personaldevelopment #stress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #playful #lessstress #morefun © 2023 Lisa Schwaller114. Relativity of Money
17:45||Ep. 114Consider what is a LOT of money to you compared to, “Meh, that’s not that much.” Money can be an emotionally charged topic for us…and yet so much about money is relative to your own perspective and environment. In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about: Why I consider money to be “relative” (and what that means) Reasons money is a central topic of our thinking Suggestions for powerful “less stress, more fun” ways to think about money Resources mentioned: Etymology of “relative” (Online etymology dictionary) The Psychological Science of Money (book, Springer) “Money Stress ("Less Stress" school 3 of 5)” (another awesome, free “Less Stress, More Fun” podcast episode) Get Lisa's "3 Ways to Reduce Stress TODAY" video + PDF: #money #allthemoney #nomoney #moneymindset #moneymeaning #finances #personalfinances #moneyrelationship #broke #personaldevelopment #stress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #playful #lessstress #morefun © 2023 Lisa Schwaller112. Asks and Offers
21:58||Ep. 112We’re in relationships constantly. With our families, with our careers or businesses, with ourselves. A key way to enjoy the less stress, more fun way of life is assessing times when a relationship is lopsided from either too much giving (offers) or too much taking (asks). In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about:The concept of “asks” and “offers” Ways to detect when one of the relationships in your life is out of balance Practical suggestions for assessing and reacting to out of balance “asks” and “offers”Resources mentioned:“The Importance of Reciprocal Relationships” (The Center for Growth) “Reciprocity in Relationships: 3 Types of Reciprocity” (Masterclass) “Honoring the Rule of Reciprocation” (Psychology Today) “Generous Accountability” (another delicious, free “Less Stress, More Fun” podcast episode)Get Lisa's "3 Ways to Reduce Stress TODAY" video + PDF: #reciprocity #mutualsupport #supportive #relationships #balance #friendships #personaldevelopment #stress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #playful #lessstress #morefun © 2023 Lisa Schwaller111. In Honor of Our Elders
16:44||Ep. 111This is the holiday season and that often means family gatherings.In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about:How a relationship with your elders can add to your life Ways you can honor your elders Inspiration for becoming the kind of elder you want to beResources mentioned:“The Wisdom of Elders: How the wisdom of elders can promote social well-being in troubled times.” (Psychology Today, Dr. Paul Stoller) “How Elders Make Us Human” (Sapiens, anthropology magazine) “Elephant Elders Deserve Respect” (Science magazine)Get Lisa's "3 Ways to Reduce Stress TODAY" video + PDF: #wisdom #older #aging #elder #connection #family #generations #personaldevelopment #stress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #playful #lessstress #morefun © 2023 Lisa Schwaller110. 5 Magic Messages
15:30||Ep. 110Do you love to receive messages from others? How about sending messages? Today I’ll share one of the best ways I know to manage stress and have more fun. Who knew messaging could be part of living the “Less Stress, More Fun” way? In this week’s podcast episode, I talk about: The concept of messaging as a way to practice a “Less Stress, More Fun” life Why messaging is so powerful What gets in the way of staying in touch Five types of messages you can send Awesome ideas for how to send your messages Resources mentioned:“How To Become Friends With Someone Over Text” (SocialSelf) “No Venting, Please” (Less Stress, More Fun Ep. 59 Apple | YouTube) Get Lisa's "3 Ways to Reduce Stress TODAY" video + PDF: #messages #relationships #stayintouch #communication #stress #stressmanagement #stressrelief #playful #lessstress #morefun © 2023 Lisa Schwaller