
cover art for Dismantling Leadership - Are Leaders Ready for the Impact of Digitalization?

leadership.sprouts Podcast

Dismantling Leadership - Are Leaders Ready for the Impact of Digitalization?

Ep. 10

Dismantling Leadership - a discussion round co-hosted by HHL and leadership.sprouts

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and leadership.sprouts, together created a talk round that reacts to current developments in society and economy. The Virtual Talk series addresses the latest and key topics to a broad audience.

We have invited Miriam Meckel, Co-Founder, CEO and publisher at ada. Ada is a platform for digital life and the economy of the future. Within her career, Miriam had the opportunity to observe and deeply study our German economy and its developments. Together with Miriam and Rolf Schrömgens from leadership.sprouts we want to discuss if our leaders bring the right mindset to face the impact of digitalization and shape a successful economy for the future?

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  • 14. New Economy needs New Work: Wie können wir eine Brücke bauen?

    49:19||Ep. 14
    Hallo Zusammen und herzlich Willkommen zum leadership.sprouts Podcast.Heute zu Gast habe ich meinen guten Freund und alten Arbeitskollegen Daniel Tröger.Daniel ist heute Mitgründer von flowplace. Ein Unternehmen, welches Personalentscheidungen auf der Basis von Potential statt Lebensläufen ermöglicht und somit einen großen Beitrag zum menschenzentrierten und dynamischen Arbeiten leistet.Wir sprechen über Daniels ganz persönliche Reise und schwelgen in alten Erinnerungen, die wir bei trivago machen durften.Dabei teilen wir unsere ganz persönlichen Learnings und Erkenntnisse und wie all dies uns zu dem geführt hat, was wir heute machen.Beide von uns teilen eine starke Überzeugung, dass es radikal neue Ansätze für das Arbeiten in der New Economy braucht und Wegbereiter, die diese Veränderungen begleiten.Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß beim Zuhören!
  • 13. Wie entwickelt sich die Persönlichkeit ... einer Organisation?

    53:48||Ep. 13
    Hallo Zusammen und herzlich willkommen zu unserem leadership.sprouts Podcast!Dieses Mal starten wir mit einer Prämiere: und zwar unsere erste deutsche Podcast Folge. Das werden wir in Zukunft häufiger machen und einen guten Mix aus Deutschen und Englischen Interviews zusammenstellen, immer abhängig davon, wie es unseren Gästen am besten von den Lippen geht.In unserer heutigen Folge habe ich Carolin Stüdemann zu Gast. Caro ist Teil der Geschäftsführung von Viva con Agua und setzt sich in dieser Funktion nicht nur für den Zugang zu sauberen Trinkwasser ein, sondern fördert und entwickelt auch eine spannende und menschenzentrierte Kultur innerhalb ihrer Organisation.Nachdem wir uns Ende letzten Jahres persönlich kennenlernen durften, wollte ich Caro unbedingt hierher einladen. Heute haben wir es endlich geschafft und obwohl wir noch soviel mehr hätten besprechen können, war ich ganz fasziniert von den ersten Einblicken in Caro's ganz persönliche Reise, ihre Wertebildung und -festigung und wie sie die Persönlichkeit von Viva con Agua prägt und mitentwickelt.Bitte entschuldigt die Audioqualität auf meiner Seite. Caro ist ganz wunderbar zu verstehen!Ich wünsche euch ganz viel Spaß und Inspiration mit diesem Gespräch!Schön, dass ihr reinhört <3.
  • 12. Wrapping Up the HEIDI Principles - Identity

    01:04:31||Ep. 12
    How would you describe your business when describing it with the adjectives of a person?responsible? goal-oriented? empathetic? brave? data-driven? empowering? supportive?More interestingly, why would you even try to answer this question? Corporate identity has emerged as a big field in organizational development, confronting companies with the question of who they really are: their core beliefs, the values they promote, and how they operate. Looking into our digitalized and fast-paced world you spot already the inefficiency of a rule-based approach which most corporates are still following. They are outdated the moment they are created. Values, in contrast, shape behavior and mindset and thus apply much better for navigating through dynamic and complex environments. 
  • 11. Dismantling Leadership - Why evolving leaders become your competitive advantage

    01:33:27||Ep. 11
    Dismantling Leadership - a discussion round co-hosted by HHL and leadership.sproutsHHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and leadership.sprouts, together created a talk round that reacts to current developments in society and economy. The Virtual Talk series addresses the latest and key topics to a broad audienceWe are looking forward to Niklas Östberg from Delivery Hero and Rolf Schrömgens talking about the competitive advantage of installing evolved leaders in your organization. But what do we mean when we talk about evolving leaders? Evolving in what? This session focuses on what it takes to master leadership in today‘s business world. What helps to increase productivity and which traits might be limiting for the overall performance of the organization?
  • 9. Dismantling Leadership - Safety vs Competition

    01:38:58||Ep. 9
    Dismantling Leadership - a discussion round co-hosted by HHL and leadership.sproutsHHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and leadership.sprouts, together created a talk round that reacts to current developments in society and economy. The Virtual Talk series addresses the latest and key topics to a broad audienceTogether with our guest Wilfried Gillrath (Entrepreneur and Investor), we talk about the mechanisms of Safety & Competition in an organization and how leaders need to find a healthy balance between them. Entering organizations, you quickly identify their operating systems: how people work together to create value and success for the company. As leaders, we are responsible for defining these operating systems. We define how performing our organizations operate. In this discussion round, we discuss what it needs to set up smart operating systems as the foundation of well-performing teams. Wilfried is Entrepreneur and Investor. Over the last two decades, he founded and invested in various companies in the field of (renewable) energy.
  • 8. Dismantling Leadership - Can you empower too much?

    02:08:15||Ep. 8
    Dismantling Leadership - a discussion round co-hosted by HHL and leadership.sproutsHHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and leadership.sprouts, together created a talk round that reacts to current developments in society and economy. The Virtual Talk series addresses the latest and key topics to a broad audience.We invited Waldemar Zeiler and Philip Siefer from Einhorn GmbH to debate about whether there can be too much empowerment? Einhorn has ever since been a playground for alternative leadership and company culture concepts. And Philip and Waldemar embrace the philosophy of consequent implementation. Together with Rolf Schrömgens from leadership.sprouts and Stephan Stubner from HHL, we discuss these questions: What does it take to truly empower people? How much care and attention is needed to do it successfully? And when can it cause harm to people and to the performance of your organization?
  • 7. Are you afraid of change? - The competitive advantage of building a dynamic organization

    01:33:31||Ep. 7
    In this episode, we wrap our heads around the dynamic capabilities of an organization. We believe that we need organizations that constantly evolve and learn. Ultimately, the value of an organization will be less defined by what output it currently creates and much more by how fast it learns. How can we create such organizations? How can we avoid tapping into the traps of title and hierarchies which often lead to crystallized structures and thus decrease our ability to change and adapt?
  • 6. Dismantling Leadership - How capital shapes leadership

    01:35:56||Ep. 6
    Dismantling Leadership - a discussion round co-hosted by HHL and leadership.sproutsHHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and leadership.sprouts, together created a talk round that reacts to current developments in society and economy. The Virtual Talk series addresses the latest and key topics to a broad audience.Rolf Schrömgens from leadership.sprouts and Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner (Dean of HHL) will discuss with their guest Florian Heinemann, founding partner at Project A Ventures, about the impact of external capital on young founders and their organizations.With their investments VCs enable young founders to grow their businesses and achieve their visions. Or is their short-term oriented focus rather harmful to the actual fulfillment of a founder's goals? Let's discuss if today's capital structures rather support or limitate the development of productive & successful organizations.