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All's Fair in Lava and Floor

Mo-Cap Game Show Host

Season 2, Ep. 4

This week we're joined by resident science expert Ceri Riley to discuss the KID'S BEDROOM! The players flew through the air with the greatest of ease... unless they're the ones who fly on trapeze. We discuss hubris, screams, and who's the TRUE host of Floor is Lava: Rutledge or the man behind the mo-cap?

Our theme song is “Lava” by Doctor Popular, you can find more of his music here:

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  • Scrunching Down into Elmer's Glue

    47:45||Season 3
    We're wrapping up seasons 2 and 3 by once again chatting with Executive Producer and Showrunner Anthony Carbone! We discuss Netflix Synergy, Lava Fluid Dynamics, and our future an insurance company specializing in Floor is Lava-based claims.
  • 5. The Lava is Always Right

    01:03:33||Season 3, Ep. 5
    This week we're joined by the inimitable Stad St. Fleur to discuss the final episode of Season 3! Stad brings his challenge producer flair to the show as we discuss the finer points of the episode, including slippery starts, creative uses of a teeter-totter, and always saying “yes, and” to the lava.We'll be back in 2 weeks with a Q&A with Executive Producer and Showrunner Anthony Carbone, so email lavaandfloor@gmail with any questions you might have!!Our theme song is “Lava” by Doctor Popular, you can find more of his music here:
  • 4. The Lost Heritage of Jumping

    50:53||Season 3, Ep. 4
    This week we're joined by Justin McElroy in the SPOOKY (kind of) ATTIC! We had a heck of an episode to review, and we discussed everything from extremely detailed mermaid backstories, to the return of Rutledge's roast beef shirt, to the importance of taking a memento mori moment mid-run. It's all about perspective, y'all.
  • 3. The Jumpsuit Is Back

    50:58||Season 3, Ep. 3
    This week on the podcast Caleb Cleveland joins us for the return to THE GARAGE, where we dip our toes into spooky season with stories of the volcano's previous life, the curse of the final wagon, and basically all of the contestants falling to their fiery doom only to return as zombies to compete for glory. And some of them were really FAST zombies.Our theme song is “Lava” by Doctor Popular, you can find more of his music here:
  • 2. Half-Hearted Thumbs Up

    57:09||Season 3, Ep. 2
    This week we're joined by Sean Caldwell for the return to the KIDS ROOM! It was hard not to just talk about Orange Cassidy the entire time, if we're being honest. We hope he'll adopt us someday.Our theme song is “Lava” by Doctor Popular, you can find more of his music here:
  • 1. Big TikTok Energy

    57:04||Season 3, Ep. 1
    This is huge, guys. Brooke Breit joins us for the first episode of Season 3, and with her help we've blown the top off this whole thing, from a widely rumored (solely by us) missing episode to “analysts” closely watching Rutledge Wood. You may think it’s just wild speculation, but to us it’s just Podcast Science.Our theme song is “Lava” by Doctor Popular, you can find more of his music here:
  • 5. The Viscosity Gave Me Pause

    54:04||Season 2, Ep. 5
    For our mid-season finale, we're joined by Laura Swisher to watch various influencers take on THE GAME ROOM. Teams of pretty bois, tiktok teens, and circle celebs faced off (or at least tried to) and we had our priorities straight for discussing the important parts: the lava viscosity and team footwear.This is the last episode until the second half of season two drops! Don't unsubscribe in your podcatchers, and keep an eye on @lavaandfloor on Twitter for updates!Our theme song is “Lava” by Doctor Popular, you can find more of his music here:
  • 3. Satanic McDonald's PlayPlace Energy

    56:12||Season 2, Ep. 3
    On this episode, we’re headed to the Haunted Attic with ghost of podcast episode past Tom Dyke, last seen starring in our Floor Is Lava RPG. We go deep on diabolical chandeliers, crush on the muscles of people who could crush us, and debate volcano symmetry. Or theme song is “Lava” by Doctor Popular, you can find more of his music here: