
cover art for Women for Election #morewomen

Late Lunch Best Bits & Features

Women for Election #morewomen

Orlaith Carmody interviews Flor McCarthy, head of training for Women for Election on why more women are needed in Irish politics.

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  • Jim Corcoran - His Life and Times

    Just once on the airwaves, Jim Corcoran reflected on his life and times, when he dropped into LMFM and Gerry Kelly on his Late Lunch Show. With the great man's passing recently, here's that conversation from July 3rd 2017. Rest in Peace Jim....
  • Rosie Maye's Roses

    The roses are in full bloom as Gerry pays his latest visit to Mullaghdillon House and Insomniac Gardener Rosie Maye!
  • A Garden Wander with Rosie Maye in May

    Gerry pays another visit to Rosie Maye's beautiful garden as the Summer blooms emerge with gusto!
  • Ode to Daffodils

    With Daffodil season in full swing, Gerry paid a visit to the Insomniac Gardener Rosie Maye's wonderful garden near Slane...
  • Rosie Maye's Snowdrop Soiree

    Late Lunch Presenter Gerry Kelly returns to Rosie Maye the Insomniac Gardener's wonderful garden near Slane, where the snowdrops are doing their thing in Spring 2024!
  • John Bruton Interview Late Lunch 2015

    Former Taoiseach and Meath TD John Bruton sadly passed away earlier today. In remembering John, we go back to December 8th 2015, when on the publication of his book called Faith in Politics, the great man joined Gerry Kelly on his Late Lunch Show for a wide-ranging interview...
  • The Insomniac Gardener at Christmas

    On his final visit of the year, Rosie Maye, the Insomniac Gardener, shows Gerry that if you look hard enough there's still much colour in her garden in the depths of winter!
  • The Insomniac Gardener in Winter

    Winter has descended on Rosie Maye's wonderful garden, yet the range of colours is still outstanding! Close your eyes, listen and let your imagination join us on a walkabout in Winter...
  • IMRO Radio Awards Radio Moment of the Year 2023 "Losing My Boys to Suicide"

    In early December 2023 Patrice Matthews joined Gerry Kelly on his Late Lunch Show not a year on from losing two of her sons PJ and Mikey to suicide within thirteen weeks of each other. What followed was an incredibly moving, touching and emotional story told by a mother still trying to come to terms with her immense loss. This is the extract from that interview that picked up one of the most prestigious awards on Irish Radio which is dedicated to the memory of both PJ and Mikey.