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Last Year of Single

What would you do, if this was your last year of single?

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  • 1. 1. Why Last Year of Single? - Graham Norton advice & we love ourselves, now what?

    17:00||Season 1, Ep. 1
    If this was your last year of single, what would you do? We are the first generation in history who can choose to be single, and we have no idea how to enjoy it. Being in a relationship feels important and being single feels too hard. So, let’s change it.Bree Steele has been single for seven years and has done everything single people are supposed to do. After getting brutal life advice from Graham Norton, crying on the kitchen floor at 4am after a date and losing her job, Bree decided enough is enough.We are going to live this year as though it’s our last year of single. We are going to make a list of all the things we would do if this was our final year of true freedom, and we’re going to do everything on the list.We are also going to figure out how to make the day to day of single living easier.Let's redefine what is means to be single.Bree's InstagramJoin the Last Year of Single communityEmail Bree: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comAudio editor: Ryan PembertonHost and Executive Producer: Bree Steele

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  • What is The Last Year of Single?

    02:16||Season 1, Ep. 0
    If this was your last year of single, what would you do? If you knew in 12 months, that you would never be single again, how would you spend your time? Let’s redefine what it means to be single. We’re making a list of all the last things we would do in our last year of true freedom, and we’re going to do everything on that list. Host, and seven-year single, Bree Steele also wants to make the day to day of single living easier. So she will talk to experts who will help us fix the worst parts of being single: fear, loneliness, money, sex and more.Welcome to The Last Year of Single. Coming to you live from India.Email: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comInstagram: breesteele.mp3Host: Bree Steele Executive producer and editor: Bree Steele
  • 2. 2. Scared of single? - Why does being alone feel terrifying?

    18:53||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Why does being single feel so scary? Why does being in a relationship feel so important? Is it societal, biological or both? Bree Steele talks to Anna Machin, the evolutionary anthropologist who studied love at Oxford University for 12 years, and Sreemoyee Piu Kundu, the founder of Status Single, to find out how we can stop feeling afraid of being single.Bree is currently in Rishikesh, India.Link to Anna Machin’s book ‘Why We Love’Follow Sreeymoyee Piu KunduFollow Bree Steele on InstagramJoin the Last Year of Single communityEmail Bree Steele: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comHost, Executive Producer & Editor: Bree Steele
  • 3. 3. Good Friends - How to have better quality friendships and feel less lonely

    23:06||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Why is it so hard to see our friends? The older we get, the less satisfying our friendships feel. But it doesn't need to be this way! Bree Steele has asked New York Times' Friendship Expert Anna Goldfarb to help us have better quality friendships. And queer friendship researcher Tom Roach shares what straight people can learn from the queer community when it comes to having better quality and more honest friendships.Bree is currently in Mumbai, India.Anna Goldfarb's book 'Modern Friendship'Tom Roach's book 'Friendship As a Way of Life'Follow Bree Steele on InstagramJoin the community on Instagram on FacebookEmail Bree Steele: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comHost, Executive Producer & Editor: Bree Steele
  • 4. 4. New Friends! - How to make friends as an adult

    17:22||Season 1, Ep. 4
    How do we make new friends as adults? It can feel so awkward and hard at times. Where can we meet new people and how can we turn acquaintances into genuine friends? Friendship expert Anna Goldfarb is back with tips on how we can make new friends. 'Millennial Crisis' founder Demi Kostsoris is here to help us meet new people and stop feeling so embarrassed to make new friends.Bree is in Mumbai, India.Anna Goldfarb's book 'Modern Friendship' Follow Demi Kotsoris on InstagramMillennial Crisis websiteFollow Bree Steele on InstagramJoin the Last Year of Single communityEmail Bree Steele: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comHost, Executive Producer & Editor: Bree Steele
  • 5. 5. Financially secure & single - is it possible? How to find your dream job!

    22:46||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Is it possible to be single and financially free? In THIS economy? Host of Money Money Money and fellow single Glen James will share how we can be financially independent as single people.And how do we figure out what we want to do with our lives? Mindset and confidence coach Brian Nathan will share how we can live our lives on our own terms.Bree is in Mumbai, India.Follow Glen JamesFollow Brian NathanJoin the Last Year of Single community hereFollow Bree Steele on InstagramEmail: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comHost, Executive Producer & Editor: Bree Steele
  • 6. 6. Burnt out & single - how to heal from burnout

    25:34||Season 1, Ep. 6
    Being single can feel exhausting! We have to do everything ourselves. There is no one to share the mental load with. How can we heal from burnout? Bree Steele talks to SIRPA practitioner Irralee Andrzejowska to find ways we can heal from burnout in our day-to-day lives. And psychologist and author of The Burnout Challenge Michael Leiter will share his insights into workplace burnout and what we can do if our job is causing us to burn out.Bree is currently in Mumbai, India. Contact Irralee AndrzejowskaSIRPA websiteDr Kristin Neff self-compassion techniquesContact Michael Leiter and find his book hereFollow Bree Steele on InstagramJoin the Last Year of Single community on FacebookEmail: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comHost and Executive Producer: Bree Steele
  • BONUS - Guided body scan by Irralee Andrzejowska

    What's your body trying to tell you? Here is a guided body scan from SIRPA practitioner Irralee Andrzejowska. You can do this body scan any time, as many times as you like. Make sure you're sitting down and NOT driving while doing it. As discussed in episode 6 - it's important to check-in with our bodies and see what it is trying to tell us.Contact Irralee AndrzejowskaSIRPA websiteFollow Bree Steele on InstagramFollow Last Year of Single on InstagramJoin the Last Year of Single community on FacebookEmail: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comHost and Executive Producer: Bree Steele
  • 7. 7. Single sex life - how can we have a satisfying sex life while single?

    21:20||Season 1, Ep. 7
    Is it possible to be single and have a satisfying sex life without having to sleep with random losers? How can single people get more intimacy and touch in our lives? What if we need an emotional connection to sleep with someone but we still want to satisfy our needs? What should we do if we're sick of dating? How can we meet someone in real-life? Bree Steele talks to clinical sex therapist and co-founder of POSMO Laura Miano to help us navigate the world of sex, relationships and intimacy as single people.Bree is currently in Mumbai, India. She met Anil Kapoor.Contact Laura Miano for guided masturbations hereFind KAMA guided masturbations hereFind our more about POSMO hereFollow Bree Steele on InstagramJoin the Last Year of Single community on FacebookEmail: lastyearofsingle@gmail.comHost and Executive Producer: Bree Steele