
cover art for Episode 4: Mark Congiusta

Last Year A DJ Saved My Life

Episode 4: Mark Congiusta

Ep. 4

Willkommen, bienvenue, and welcome to Episode Four. This week I’m super excited to chat with one of the loveliest, funniest, smartest and most gloriously irreverent people on this planet; my lovely chum, Mark Congiusta. (Fair warning, this one's sweary. Oops!)

Mark made the terrible mistake of hiring me waaaaaay back in 2010. He knew it was a terrible mistake because he left the agency and moved to the other side of Ireland a mere three months later. No, he really did. (None taken, Mark).

In reality though, Mark single-handedly changed the trajectory of my life when he hired me and I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. Nor would I be semi-barred from Eddie Rockets on Camden Street in Dublin, but that’s a story for another podcast… whenever I get around to recording my memoirs.

Mark’s pandemic music, and the music that has sound tracked his life, not only confused my Spotify algorithm, but also helped me discover some new music, and revisit some old favourites with a fresh perspective.

Mark's playlist:

Mark on Twitter:

Mark's website:

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  • 6. Episode 6: Declan Murphy

    01:21:22||Ep. 6
    This week's guest is Declan Murphy. A finance wonk, part-time poet, full-time provocateur and one of my very, very best friends. For many year, our nights out at the end of a busy week were something I relied on to help blow off some steam and looked forward to, always. Having been kept apart for almost two years now because of the seemingly never ending Panini… well, let’s just say I’m very much looking forward to the next one. However, our conversation about Declan’s music choices for the pandemic and beyond was a really gorgeous taste of what I can look forward to, Or a foreshadowing. Who’s to say?!His choices were a brilliant reflection of who he is: eclectic, intelligent, mildly subversive and 100% gorgeous. It’s not a short episode, but it is a fun one. Complete with bonus nonsense at the end (if you can hang on that long). I really hope you enjoy listening to this week’s episode even a fraction as much as I enjoyed recording it. As ever, we can't play the music we discuss, for rights reasons, but you can find his playlist here or on the website. I hope you'll listen and enjoy.
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  • Episode 1: Intro

    Hello and welcome to Last Year a DJ Saved My Life. Part music podcast, part person journal, part love letter to what it is that music gives us. Especially when we most need it. .Each week (or thereabouts) I'll be speaking to some of my favourite people about the how music helped them to get through the pandemic and what music in particular they leaned upon. We'll also be chatting about how music has soundtracked their lives in general and some of their favourite songs to turn to when they need that certain something for the moment at hand. We can't play the songs for rights reasons but there'll usually be a playlist to accompany each episode on Spotify. This week I've made a playlist to kick this whole thing off, with some of the songs I personally have loved during the bonkersness that was 2020. You'll find that at more information about the podcast and my guests, please come and visit at