
Know Nonsense Anti Racism Podcast
Code-Switching 101
Season 3, Ep. 16
Today we are talking about something you've likely done a million times before without knowing there's a term for it. We're talking about code-switching which is when you change your language or appearance to fit in and adapt to the dominant environment around you. There are many times and ways people code-switch but we focus today's discussion (like all discussions) on what this means in the context of systemic racism.
There are so many funny and satirical examples of code-switching in pop culture! Watch these great clips that'll brighten up your day:
- Buzzfeed video on code-switching with Benjamin
- Big Mouth clip and catchy song about code-switching
- Key and Peele President Obama Meet and Greet
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24. Talking Allyship and Solidarity with Rosie Yeung
47:06||Season 3, Ep. 24As the final episode of the season we're talking all things allyship and solidarity! After listening and learning from 23 episodes this season, we wanted to end by thinking about how you can take this knowledge and put it into ACTION! Joining the conversation is a friend and fellow podcaster - Rosie Yeung. Our work on anti-racism is different and tackles this issue from different perspectives, experiences, and approaches but we both recognize that this work cannot achieve long term success if we don't work together and support each other across communities.Connect with Rosie on LinkedIn and Instagram. Client testimonials available at: out these great resources!1) Where do I begin? Reading plan2) Rachel Cargle - The Great Unlearn3) Guide to Allyship4) Tema Okun - White Supremacy CultureFollow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree - Migrant Labour is Essential Labour
24:00||Season 3, Ep. 23How much do you know about the people who put food on our tables? There are the farmers yes, but I'm talking about the people who pick and package our food. Canada's agriculture system depends on temporary migrant labour to keep our stores and shelves full with fresh fruit and vegetables, but despite being integral to our food supply chain they are not treated that way. We look into the history, policies and barriers to equitable rights and access for temporary migrant workers in Canada.Migrant rights organizations you should learn more about and support!Migrant Rights NetworkUFCW: Agricultural Workers AllianceMigrant Resource Centre CanadaJustice for Migrant WorkersFollow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree - What Does It Mean to "Defund the Police"?
23:18||Season 3, Ep. 22There has been a lot of conversations around defunding the police in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement and calls for police reform. There is a bit of confusion though about what this means in a tangible way - are we decreasing some funding or most of it? Are we getting rid of the police force altogether? If yes, does this create a void where crime will increase? Today we look at these questions and more, breaking down what it means to "defund the police" in Canada. Follow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree - The System is Criminal
27:27||Season 3, Ep. 21The criminal justice system has a big problem....systemic racism. How often do you think about Canada's criminal justice system? Chances are you don't think about it often, or at least not the full system that includes the police, the courts and prisons. In Canada, Black and Indigenous people are disproportionately ending up in our criminal justice system and from a young age. The statistics on this are numerous and alarming. Read the Ontario Human Rights Commission report on Black experiences with police.Listen to Jorgina Sunn and Devin Napope's stories.Follow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree - Racism and Mental Health
20:06||Season 3, Ep. 20TW: This episode discusses mental health issues including suicide so listener discretion is advised. Mental health is becoming something more of us can talk about openly, and we really need to talk about it! Our mental health affects how we take care of ourselves, how we interact with family and friends, as well as how we go about our daily lives. We all likely have had times our mental health was suffering, or know someone affected by mental health issues, but if you are someone from a visible minority or marginalized group (sexual orientation, religion, etc.) than you are facing even more challenges to your mental health and to accessing services to get better.To access services for mental health, check out Crises Services Canada for some fantastic resources.Follow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree - Talking Elections and Civic Engagement with Apathy is Boring
30:53||Season 3, Ep. 19The Know Nonsense Podcast sat down with Daniele-Jocelyne Otou (she/her), Communications Director at Apathy is Boring, to talk all things elections, engaging young people in civic engagement, diversity within organizations, and what is currently keeping her excited and inspired! For those of you working with young people and looking to create systemic change, you'll enjoy listening to Daniele's wisdom and experience.Learn more about Apathy is Boring and follow them on Instagram and TwitterFollow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree - Get Your Vote On!
26:14||Season 3, Ep. 18It's almost that time, Canada's federal elections are almost here! Are you ready to vote? Have you been watching the debates or reading up on what each federal party is promising to do if they win? The Know Nonsense team is excited about the elections and have been studying each party's platforms intensely to see what they are offering in terms of anti-racism. Some parties get A's, others are failing students (we're talking F's). Learn about the full platforms of each federal party.Check out a great data visualization about diversity amongst Canada's federal and provincial representatives.Follow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree - The Future is Afro!
17:53||Season 3, Ep. 17Have you heard about afro-futurism? Even if you've never heard about it, I can guarantee you have seen it in movies and artwork or you have heard it as music. Afro-futurism is the unique intersection of arts, science, and technology and African and/or Black pride. Afro-futurism looks like books by Octavia Butler, music by Janelle Monae and movies like Black Panther. Beyond being incredibly cool though, afro-futurism is an important way for Black people to imagine their greatness without the confines of discrimination, systemic racism, or the legacies of slavery and colonization.Follow and join the conversation on social media:Email - Instagram handle - - @nonsense_knowLinktree -