
cover art for Staying Grateful Through Grief

Joyful-Souls with Tracey Benson

Staying Grateful Through Grief

Ep. 28

Today’s episode is a bit of a heavy one. 

I recently lost two friends of mine within the personal development circle and have taken some time to collect my thoughts on all of it. Reflection has been rampant in mourning and the one thing that’s been pressing on my mind lately is how grateful I am for the people around me.

On the show today, I want to share why I’m so passionate about practicing gratitude, particularly through adversity, why learning to live in the moment is beneficial for us in the long run, as well as some ways to ensure we never live with regrets. 

To hear more, tune in to Episode 28 of Joyful-Souls! 

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • How grieving the loss of my friends made me realize what I was taking for granted (1:28)
  • Why dedicating more time to our loved ones can alleviate our regrets (4:03)
  • The effect it leaves on the people closest to us to show them we care (6:36)
  • What I’ve been reflecting on after losing these individuals (7:39)
  • The responsibility we have during conflict in our relationships (9:16)
  • Why it’s so important to stay connected with the people in our lives (12:24)

Let’s Connect!

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  • 29. My Holiday Gift Guide

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  • 27. Saying Goodbye to a Furry Family Member

    These past couple of weeks have been a little tough. I’ve unfortunately had to put my dog of eleven years down and have been taking some time to say goodbye to him. Caring for a pet, particularly a dog, is one of the most fulfilling, educational, and loving ventures you can embark on and there is so much we can stand to learn from animals. In this episode, I’ll be sharing a few of the things I’m grateful for in regards to the dogs I’ve owned over the years, why this holiday season has been an especially emotional time for me personally, and why bringing a pet into your home is an overall blessing. To hear more, tune in to Episode 27 of Joyful-Souls!In This Episode You Will Learn:What I’m grateful for in regards to my dog who recently passed away (3:32)What made me reminisce on my first pet during my gratitude meditation (6:09)Why owning a dog, in particular, is such a blessing (8:00)A question for my listeners — What in our lives are we taking for granted? (9:44)Why I get particularly emotional about this topic during the holidays (12:35)The benefits of adopting a furry family member this season (14:52)Let’s Connect!InstagramFacebookEmail:
  • 26. The Art of Slowing Down

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  • 25. Entering 2021 With a Bang!

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  • 24. How Are You Playing Small?

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  • 23. Life as a Landlord During COVID-19

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  • 22. Knowing Your Worth & Taking Control of a Toxic Relationship

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  • 21. A Guided Meditation to Ground Yourself and Bring Awareness to Your Mind

    Have you checked in with yourself today? If you’re in the mood for some much-needed relaxation, then join me in today’s episode where I’ll be talking you through a guided meditation! Moving away from my usual episodes, this one will be a little less conversation heavy and focus more on how we can ground ourselves and bring awareness to our mind through this practice. Meditation has been proven to produce optimal results for decades now and has even helped those with issues such as insomnia, anxiety, and generalized stress. I ask that you keep an open mind for today and participate in whatever way you feel comfortable. This could even be a great resource to revisit for future moments of decompression.  I’ll see you there! In This Episode You Will Learn:An introduction to today’s guided meditation (1:02)A brief moment for my listeners to get comfortable in preparation for this session (2:46)Calming deep breathing exercises (3:13)Guided ‘body scan’ on each area of the body (4:49)Bringing awareness to our breath and hearts (6:36)Gratitude practice (7:38)Grounding physical exercises to center yourself (15:21)Conclusion for today’s meditation (16:57)Let’s Connect!InstagramFacebookEmail: