Career Warrior Podcast

Chris Villanueva, CEO & Co-Founder of Let's Eat, Grandma resume service, proudly hosts the Career Warrior Podcast for job seekers of all backgrounds. You will hear job-hunting strategies from industry leaders, resume experts, and top coaches to help guide you through your career.

This show retells the stories and struggles of job seekers, industry professionals, and brave startup founders. Hear about their career pitfalls and how they climbed out of them in these episodes.

The Career Warrior Podcast covers the best career-related content by discussing all topics relevant to all entry-level applicants, mid-career candidates, and high-level executives - from the ideal resume page formatting to writing a resignation letter. We want you to become the best professional you can be in your career!

Chris Villanueva

Chris Villanueva is the CEO and Co-founder of Let's Eat, Grandma, a resume writing service that was founded to help professionals land their dream job. Chris has helped thousands of job seekers through his service and perhaps tens of thousands more with valuable content released through talks, podcasts, and his company blog. Chris aims to be the #1 motivational and informational resource for job seekers by 2022.