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It's the Purpose, Dear!

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  • 5. 5 – TRUST – How can we build trust with purpose as a team?

    18:55||Season 1, Ep. 5
    In a lot of companies, trust is based on fear of being punished for violating trust but also on the rewards one receives from preserving it.   Hopefully, it is not the only way trust is built. And more and more, other models of trust-building are finding their way into teams and companies.   Finding trust in others, is recognising the value of trustworthiness. It can apply to people you work with// but also more broadly, to the company you’re in and the values and beliefs it upholds. So how do you tackle trust? PURPOSE COMMUNITYThe purpose of our community is to empower and enable everybody to find and pursue their purpose. Discover it on our community page here:“Handbook of Conflict Resolution” -Morton Deutsch Peter T. Coleman Eric C. Marcus track of the show Biscuit by LukremboSource:

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  • 4. 4 – FINDING FLOW – How can we make purpose work every day?

    11:23||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Some tasks are just plain boring or overwhelming. But when you find the right middle between challenging and motivating you enter what is called, “the Zone”. Flow state is a mental state that facilitates productivity and predicts that the balance between a task difficulty and the individual ability to achieve it, boosts motivation.In this episode, we dig into flow theory and how concretely mastering it to make work more purposefully. If by the end of the episode you have any question about flow, purpose or collaboration, you can write to me at steve@generation-purpose.orgIf you are interested to dig deeper, here are some references I used to write the episode: Theory and Research, Nakamura J. and Csikszentmihalyi, Oxford Handbook of Positivr PsychologySoul, directed by  Pete Docter, Pixar*Disclaimer* I do not claim ownership of the content of Pixar in this podcast. The sound is used for critique and comment, as allowable in Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 for "fair use."Music track of the show Biscuit by LukremboSource:
  • 3. 3 – MEANINGFUL CONVERSATION – How can we collaborate even better?

    15:56||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Have you ever faced this situation: you are in a meeting with 10 - 15 people, as per usual, the same people are talking, displaying their knowledge and opinion, almost as if they owned the room. Maybe it's your manager, or colleagues saying what the manager wants to hear, pushing their ideas. On the other side of the room, the same people, as per usual, listening and agreeing in silent. Or are they?Book reference: Time to Think, Nancy Kline ( you have any questions, comments or feedback, send me an email or voice memo at
  • 2. 2 – COURAGE – How does purpose support our inner hero?

    15:07||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Once upon a time, an ancient form of storytelling called the « Hero’s Journey » was born. Since then, it has been used many times as a model for fiction writing. Such tales tell goes as follows; a hero receives a call to adventure / which prompts them to go on a journey paved with obstacles before coming back to their world, enriched and matured. Notorious example, Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. She starts her journey in a place of boredom, wishing to find a place where she’ll be out of trouble. During a quest, her goal is to go back home and will successfully do so after overcoming challenges. I feel that this storytelling structure would work in real life, because I do see some parallels.  Facing scary challenges to grow and find confidence ? So, how do heroes overcome obstacles ?If you have questions, BURNING questions about purpose and/or collaboration, feel free to send me an email (or a vocal) at so Nadja, Laurent and I can answer it soon!P.S: You'll hear Laurent changing voice at 2:05. I tried to correct a mistake but it didn't go as expected. Please know that when Laurent says "stand in for" he really means "stand UP for". Thank you for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience.
  • 1. 1 – WELCOMING THE CHANGE – How can purpose help me navigate uncertainty?

    09:30||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Some people stick to what's familiar to them, even if this means staying in pain. But for others, the uncertainty that comes with change can lead to uncomfortable feelings. But why is that? We can maybe relate it to a kind of catch up effect. A phenomenon that occurs where we want to make changes in our lives and fear that things that have made sense all along will not follow the newness that is coming. It's kind of a fear of disconnection with things and people we like and of finding ourselves in an uncertain situation.But change, though scary and unpredictable, can be addressed from a place of security and stability. This place is found in your purpose. 
  • It's the Purpose, Dear! – INTRO

    03:35||Season 1, Ep. 0
    We believe that everything comes down to the purpose. Living your purpose individually or together with others isn't something that happens overnight. We want to give you tools and ideas to understand purpose, its magic and how to truly live it in life and in collaboration.Episode 1 coming on Mach 30th!