
Islamic Audiobooks Collection - Booklets & Articles
Jesus, Son of Mary (IslamReligion)
Reading Now: “Jesus Son of Mary”
BY: Aisha Stacey
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Christians often talk about developing a relationship with Christ and accepting him into their lives. They assert that Jesus is much more than a man and died on the cross to free mankind from the original sin. Christians speak of Jesus with love and respect, and it is obvious he holds a special place in their lives and hearts. But what about Muslims; what do they think about Jesus and what place does Jesus Christ hold in Islam?
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New Podcast and New Kids Channel!!
00:59|A'Salaam Alaikum We have now added a new podcast 30 Lessons for those who fast by Aa’id Abdullah al Qarni.Please do check out on your preferred platform.Its also on Youtube as well.Link for the kids channel - Lets Read with Eliza:'Allah Khayr Islamic AudioBooks CollectionAnnouncement!!!! New Book!
00:42|A'Salaam AlaikumNew books announcement:Thirty Lessons for Those who Fast by Aa’id Abdullah al QarniPlease listen to new episodes on YouTube - link:'Allah KhayrIslamic AudioBooks CollectionAnnouncement!!!! Two New Books
00:57|A'Salaam Alaikum Two new books announcement:Men Around the Messenger by Khalid Muhammad Khalid;Women Around the Messenger by Muhammad Ali Qutb.Please listen to new episodes on YouTube - link:'Allah Khayr Islamic AudioBooks CollectionChapter 3: The Journey of the Soul (MissionIslam)
16:52|Reading Now: “The Journey of the Soul – Chapter 3”Downloaded from MissionIslam.comThe life of the martyrs is not like the life on earth. The Messenger of Allah (saws) explained this further in the following narration."Their souls are in the crops of green birds which are in lamps suspended from the Throne of Allah, which fly where they wish in Paradise and then return to these lamp. Their Lord looks on them and asks whether they desire anything, and they ask in reply what they wish when they can go where they like in Paradise. He asks them three times, and when they see they will not be left until they ask something, they tell their Lord that they wish Him to return their souls to their bodies so that they may be killed in His path again. Then when He that they lack nothing they are left without further questioning."(Transmitted by Muslim)Email:☕ If you would like to buy me a coffee! please do so here you!#islamicaudiobookscollectionChapter 2: The Journey of the Soul (MissionIslam)
17:27|Reading Now: “The Journey of the Soul – Chapter 2”Downloaded from"The man who believes that there is no afterlife and that he will not be accountable in a divine court becomes a slave of this world. He hankers after its comforts and luxuries, and will break any laws that stand between him and success. In his desperate quest for more wealth, he will refuse to differentiate between halal and haram. The tyrants and criminals of this world operate in the same manner. If to achieve their goals requires murder and violence, then so be it. The Bosnian Serbs were among the twentieth century’s worst examples of barbarity and tyranny; led by a pathological lust for more land, their evil knew no bounds."Email: sisterbee007@gmail.comThank you!#islamicaudiobookscollectionChapter 1: The Journey of the Soul (MissionIslam)
20:54|Reading Now: “The Journey of the Soul – Chapter 1”Downloaded from"They ask you [O Muhammad (saws] concerning the Ruh (Soul). Say: 'It is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given very little."[Qur'an Al-Israa 17: 85]Email:☕ If you would like to buy me a coffee! please do so here you!#islamicaudiobookscollectionFuneral Rites and Regulations (QuranProject)
28:18|Reading Now: “Funeral Rites and Regulations”Downloaded from (QuranProject) All praise is due to Allah All-Mighty, the Ever-Living Who said: "Every soul shall taste death." And may His peace and blessings be upon His slave and final Messenger, our beloved Prophet Muhammad who himself tasted death. The one who said: "Always remember the destroyer of pleasures - Death." Email:☕ If you would like to buy me a coffee! please do so here you!#islamicaudiobookscollectionThe Meaning of Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un (MissionIslam)
08:24|Reading Now: “The Meaning of Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un”Downloaded from'Our eyes are filled with tears, our hearts with grief, but we say nothing with our lips except that which pleases Allah.... Verily, to Allah we belong, and to Him we return.' (Bukhaari)Email:☕ If you would like to buy me a coffee! please do so here you!#islamicaudiobookscollection