
cover art for Leanne - Feb 2021

Ireland's Birth Stories

Leanne - Feb 2021

In the next episode share my chat with Leanne back in Feb 2021 who talks me through her pregnancy and the birth of her little boy, James. Leanne planned a homebirth, built a relationship with her midwife and prepared her home but later for reasons which she will go through, it was decided she should birth her baby in hospital.She talks me through her long labour which finally ended with a C-section to bring her boy into the world. It wasn't what she ever envisaged the outcome would be but she had such a positive experience. She was surrounded by a team that enabled her to feel comfortable and most importantly heard.I have to say, her outlook has stayed with me. So calm, positive and an absolute pleasure to chat to 



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  • EP139 - Aimee, Four Pregnancies, Three Births, TFMR (Termination for Medical Reasons), Miscarriage, Positive C-section

    In this weeks episode I share Aimee's story of four pregnancies and three births. Aimee shares a profoundly sad part of her story surrounding the loss of her baby boy after a diagnosis of fatal fetal abnormalities. She share the day, weeks and months following this incredibly tough period of her life. Aimee then goes on to share her most recent birth story which was a beautiful positive Caesarean birth.Thank you so much Aimee!Within this link are many supports to help not only you but those around you navigating the loss of a child.
  • EP138 - Sinead D, Pregnancy Sickness, Positive Induction

    Sinead shares her second birth story following her first story in 2021 EP104 - Sinead D. Thankfully this experience was very different. She was surrounded by such a great team also supported by a doula who she was in touch with throughout labour. Sinead also chats about life postnatally which is equally as important to hear. Enjoy
  • Hello Again

    Just saying hello and sharing and also sharing the date for the next episodeChat soon
  • EP137 - Kate, Three Pregnancies, Two Births, Spontaneous Labour, Epidural, Miscarriage, Homebirth (Transfer)

    In this weeks episode I share my chat with @kate.canavan who talks me through her three pregnancies and two births. Kate opted for private care with her first pregnancy. She shares her experience which wasn’t one she expected in terms of support from her HCP and those around her during the birth of her son.Kate made the decision to give birth to her second baby in the comfort of her own home. She laboured with the support of her midwife and husband but the decision was made to transfer to hospital.She gave birth in hospital to another healthy little boy, this time her experience was thankfully much more positive.
  • EP136 - Claire, Two Births, Multiple Early Pregnancy Losses, Fertility Treatment, Induction, NICU

    In this next episode I share my chat with Claire who talks me through her two birth experiences. She was induced at 42 weeks with her first little boy and underwent and emergency c-section to bring her second baby into the world safely. At the latter stages of her second pregnancy it was discovery her baby was surrounded by a significant amount of fluid which led doctors to make the decision to bring her little boy into the world at 32 weeks.Thankfully the diagnosis wasn’t as severe as originally suspected but her little boy did spend some time in NICU.Claire also talks about her experience with fertility treatment, multiple early pregnancy losses and so much more that I know many of you will relate to.Thank you Claire
  • EP135 - Emma, One Pregnancy & Birth, Gestational Diabetes, Induction, Vaginal Birth, CMPA, Postnatal Depression, Postnatal Anxiety

    In this next episode I share my chat with Emma who talks me through her one pregnancy and the birth of her son. I vividly remember received Emmas email last year, she told me she suffered with PNA & PND but was ok the road to recovery. Although Emma was in a good place at the time she wasn’t aware of how tough the following months would be.Emma was diagnosed with gestational diabetes but managed this with both diet and exercise. She then talks me through her induction and the birth of her son. She admits she didn’t feel the rush of love that is spoken about so much but in reality not always felt.I truly appreciate how far Emma brought us into the depts of her depression. I think this honesty is so powerful as I know she isn’t alone in her experience. I do want to highlight she shares feeling suicidal thoughts at the height of her depression.As Emma said ‘if anyone is listening, you are worth trying to get better for, always!’ 
  • EP134 - Gillian, Two Pregnancies & Births, PNA

    In this next episode I share my chat with Gillian who talks me through her two pregnancies and births. Both Gillian’s boys have come into the world quickly, especially her second little man who was born in the assessment unit much to everyone’s suprise. Gillian knew the birth of her baby was imminent so put all her energy into staying calm and focusing on what was about to come. She then talks me through her diagnosis of PNA. She shares how she felt, the support she received and she adjusted to life as a mother of two.The release of this episode has lined up perfectly with Patrick’s first birthday too.Enjoy!
  • EP133 - Aideen, Two Pregnancies & Births, Induction, Homesbirth (Perspective of a midwife)

    In this episode I share my chat with Aideen who talks me through her two pregnancies and births. Aideen is a nurse, midwife and most recently and IBCLC so it's really nice to hear her perspective. She gave birth to her first son in hospital quiet quickly after an induction. Both she and those supporting her were surprised at how quickly she progress from 4cm to baby arriving into the world. We then chat through her second pregnancy after overcoming a tough postpartum period through early Covid with very little supports and the isolation that so many of us felt with new borns in our arms. Aideen decided to go down the homebirth route second time around supported by the Domino midwives. Similar to her first birth Aideen little man came quickly out into the world with one expulsive push. Enjoy!
  • EP132 - Shauna, 4 Pregnancies, Two Births, Vaginal Births, Forceps, Postpartum, Positive Birth (Paris)

    In this episode I share my chat with Shauna who talks me through her four pregnancies and three births. The birth of her first son was incredibly tough resulting in a due to the lack of support and communication within the hospital. Her son was birthed with the assistance of a forceps which hugely impacted her postpartum healing process for a number of reasons. Although the care within the hospital was poor, she was supported by a midwife for a number of days when she returned home. This is where she received the TLC she needed to help her establish breastfeeding and start the road to recovery. Shauna also suffered two early pregnancy losses which she shared previously in depth when we chatted on the "Between Us" episode linked. Shauna' second experience was just so beautiful and poles apart from her first, right down to her very first interaction in labour.....the taxi driver!Enjoy!