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  • 8. Moments of Insight Pt 7

    11:22||Season 3, Ep. 8
    Part 6 - A moment of InsightA moment of Insight. Let me share with you what Intuitive Insight is about and what Moments of Insight emits out.In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are.Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance.Many Blessings
  • 7. Moments of Insight Pt 6

    22:23||Season 3, Ep. 7
    Part 6 - Intuition VS Resonance Intuition is the voice of God, know the difference between intuition and resonance! Intuitive gnosis is recognized as a deeper knowing that supersedes any and all rational ideas as well as the stimuli of primary senses. It is usually communicated through the most clear receptive channel the questioner embodies & it is literally realisation through Living Light Codes of God translated into insight via the individual.Β Each whisper and message holds vital key components for our own ability to listen further to our God-given intuition. Each time we lean into that faithfulness and become all ears we are being activated of our inner vibrancy so that we can shed that which hinders us from seeing clearly in alignment with God's clarity. As our primary senses are being purified we can connect deeper into presence of our intuitive field, it encompasses us when to create and when to integrate, alike ebb & flow all has to unfold in Grace as allowance to our own individual pace. The more open our channel and vessel is to Gods language the more valid the exchange of information becomes. Resonance can be programmed, we can be programmed to obey under the laws of resonance, but once cleared as a vessel, the only true resonance is intuition. Let me share with you what Intuitive Insight is about and what Moments of Insight emits out.In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are.Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance.Many Blessings
  • 6. Moments of Insights - Pt. 5

    24:31||Season 3, Ep. 6
    Part 5 - The Agent of Chaos & The Neutral SpectatorWhen the Agent of Chaos enters into our Presence we can either flee, fight or stand firm in our Sacred Space. As a Neutral Spectator you give yourself the fair fight of not buying into anyone else agenda as well as completely assisting your own emergence onto the new fields of forgiveness. When we view what is happening we can see ourselves too and our own role, as we disengage from the drama it releases as resolves itself. However, there are different kinds of Neutral and different kinds of Chaos - which we will discuss here - because by now you ought to know that things are never as they first appear to be (unless you know how to see). Let me share with you what Intuitive Insight is about and what Moments of Insight emits out.In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are.Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance.Many Blessings
  • 5. Moments of Insights - Pt. 4

    17:22||Season 3, Ep. 5
    Part 4 - The Sexuality of Creativity and the Healing of ArtsThe sole reason behind the immense and everlasting attraction to artistry that crosses all boundaries and that bleeds out throughout all cultures, heritages, religions and beliefs, is the foundational establishments of creation. We as creative creators become more than simply creations or creatures when we create, we become creators and perhaps some of us also has the ability or as some state it, the talent, to open up and merge into Unity with the Creator. To create with the Creator is to become the Creator. There is nothing more attracting to any life ever lived, living or yet to be born, than to merge with the Creator. Since we all strive, whether we admit it, deny it, embrace it, fight it or simply persist on believing otherwise, we all are small fractions of that beauty of the essence and we all long to go back home. True Healing Artistry wakes us up, it reminds us that we are on this journey and it also makes us question the nature of our reality to come into realisation of our innate nature - as Creator, or at least to begin with, as creators... Let me share with you what Intuitive Insight is about and what Moments of Insight emits out.In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are.Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance.Many Blessings
  • 4. Moments of Insights - Pt. 3

    23:50||Season 3, Ep. 4
    Part 3 - The Biodynamics of True Trust versus Gut Based Feeling GoodUpon accountability comes responsibility. Within responsibility comes the ability to respond truthfully. Many of the human race now existing aren't able to come in contact with what is Truth but stays within the lane of a singularity belief, a belief that stems from the individuals perception of the collective norms of wrong and right, good and bad. The body then naturally mixes up the implanted version of reality for the organic truth, so that the biodynamics within the body (such as the endocrine system and nervous system) fails to recognise the truthful response. Instead the body gets triggered into believing that what is good is true and what is bad is false. Which in general terms wouldn't differ unless the belief of good and bad would be as skewed and deviant as it is in our society today. So the natural response that we call our discernment system is actually not functioning the way it should unless we teach it (or unlearn it rather) how to respond to the organic knowing of Truth, which is right vs wrong all in connection to the Universal Laws.Let me share with you what Intuitive Insight is about and what Moments of Insight emits out.In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are.Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance.Many Blessings
  • 3. Moments of Insights - Pt 2

    18:55||Season 3, Ep. 3
    PART 2 - Condemnation versus Blessings.By condemning someone or something we are sending out hexes and spelling out ill-wills, not only to our surroundings but to ourselves too. By blessing in Love and being able to bless even ignorance and stupidity we bless our own beings beyond time and place. We can always choose to invest our energy into pure forms of Love or we can invest our energy into subduing one another and dis-empowering each other. The choice lies within awareness, even as we slander and rage. Let me share with you what Oracle of Insight is about and what Moments of Insights emits out.In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are.Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance.Many Blessings
  • 2. Moments of Insights - Pt. 1

    18:45||Season 3, Ep. 2
    PART 1 - Categorical Complexity of a Multiverse Human-ness.Human Essence is Unprecedented & Sovereign. It is not bound by categories of the known human psyche or the individual perception of a mind. Human Essence can not be touched by any form of dogmatic beliefs or quests for holiness. Human Essence is liberated beyond the cultural heritage and traditional ways to fathom reality. Let me share with you what Intuitive Insight is about and what Moments of Insights emits out.In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are.Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance.Many Blessings
  • 1. Moments of Insights - Introduction

    14:42||Season 3, Ep. 1
    THIS IS THE BEGINNING - and here we start! Let me share with you what Oracle of Insight is about and what Moments of Insights emits out. In this series I will share shorter Moments of Insight regarding the journey of Awakening to the God Frequency, the length will be around 15-20 minutes and the amount will be unlimited, because insights are unlimited, time is never relevant when it comes to the moment of Now. Yet to tell the story of the insight takes time, a narrative surrounding debunking several narratives is an eloquent art to master, much alike poetry or motivational talks. Yet, I am not attempting to sell anything here, except to give you the choice, in each moment to choose Truth and Love as the core essence of Source God that you are. Let me give you inspiration to find out for yourself! Feel this, listen with your body, with your Heart and your Soul. Let the parts of the body that does not yet understand or see within you, to take their time to integrate. Each part of you is vital for your journey. God makes no mistakes. I am here to serve you as a reflector and inspirational force of remembrance and clairvoyance. Many Blessings Eyvaa
  • 11. METAMORPHOSIS (Infinite as I am)

    01:09:55||Season 2, Ep. 11
    So this is the end. Or is it? Is there ever truly an end to things or is there simply evolution? What is evolution on a personal level when it comes to the relationship we have with our internal and external affairs and how can we tell as we ascend or transcend? I will unnest these quests here with you and put to rest some of the best myths about ends and finales themselves. Care to share more of me? Please do share more of you! Do this here - /// FB + INSTA // BLESS YOU ALL SO MUCH - LOVE YOU EVEN MORE 😘😘😘 Eyvaa