
cover art for GOOGLE ADs vs LINKEDIN 🥊

Innovative Minds with Mel Francis


Season 1, Ep. 23

This week's episode of Innovative Minds with Mel Francis is a bit different:

No guest, just me 🥰

We've been running a lot of @Google ads this week - and we've gathered some really HOT insights to power-up your #digitalmarketing.

This weeks podcast goal is 100% about sharing those lessons with you PLUS some more HOT insights.

I dive into the stats around paid vs organic #content - focusing on the comparative sales-velocity of #Google vs @Linkedin.

If you're weighing up which platform to use in your #marketing, you'll find this 26-minute episode SUPER valuable!

Here's what I cover:

Does Google bring in better leads than LinkedIn? [2:17]

The conversion journey from Linkedin content is different [5:30]

Why Gary Vee focuses on personal brand not company brand [8:32]

Can paid traffic ever engage the way organic does? [10:27]

Why are the leading influencers playing brand? [12:00]

How we pick our podcast guests - and what it says about branding [15:02]

What Hubspot recommends for driving inbound leads [18:37]

Why you should create content based on customer-conversations [21:21]

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  • 57. The God Of LinkedIn Video with Alex Sheridan 

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  • 55. 7 Million Using Cold Calling With Dorian Ciavarella

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  • 53. How To Exit With Mac Lackey 

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  • 51. The World Needs A Clean Sweep With Alex Kain

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  • 50. Personal Branding Goddess Melanie Borden

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  • 49. How To Increase Your Leads With Chris Roche

    I love getting into it with another marketing agency owner. This time it was Chris Roche, CEO at Catalyst Consulting.We got stuck into:Why the design of your website should be the last thing you focus on Facebook is not only for B2C, but also B2BWhy you should have a retargeting layer on Facebook and YouTubeHow to work with a small budgetHow to divide time between organic and paid adsWhy you need to turn ads off during the Christmas period And the mega-bonus…Chris' content creation process.This is vital insider info for anyone thinking of running Facebook or LinkedIn ads.Remember to:Follow Chris on LinkedIn: ‘Mellonie Francis' on LinkedIn: