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APU Innovations in the Workplace

Partnerships to Deliver Technologically Advanced Education | EP27

Ep. 27
Providing curriculum that keeps pace with rapidly advancing technology in certain industries can be a major challenge for institutions of higher learning. In this episode, APU professor Justin Goldston talks to Jack Wong, CEO of LearnDay, about collaborating with traditional academic institutions to fill these curriculum development needs. Learn about efforts to create a symbiotic relationship between organizations to educate students about topics like artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain so they understand both the theory and driving force behind the technology as well as its practical and hands-on application.

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  • 29. Addressing Workplace Bullying | EP29

    Bullying in the workplace happens frequently – 73% of working adults report being aware of bullying in their workplace. In this episode, APU’s Dr. Linda Ashar talks to Dr. Suzanne Minarcine about what constitutes bullying as well as the difference between teasing and bullying. Learn what employees who are being bullied can do to end the unwanted behavior including possible legal action. Also learn what steps managers and executive leaders should take to prevent bullying through policy development, leadership training, and improvements to corporate culture so such behavior isn’t tolerated.
  • 28. The Future of Virtual Conferences | EP28

    The pandemic forced many conference organizers to either cancel the event or offer virtual or remote attendance options. In this episode, Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth talks to APU business professor Dr. Wanda Curlee about the pros and cons of virtual conferences. While virtual or hybrid conferences can save money and travel expenses, they often lose the face-to-face networking opportunities for attendees. Learn about the factors contributing to conference structure, the growth of micro conferences, and the influence of generational difference and attendee make-up.
  • 26. Recycling Relies on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence | EP26

    The amount of plastic waste continues to pile up, despite widespread campaigns to encourage recycling. In this episode, Dr. Wanda Curlee talks to APU reverse logistics professor Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth about advancements in recycling including the use of robotics and artificial intelligence to sort plastics. Also learn the challenges of recycling certain plastics, steps manufacturers have taken to use recyclable plastic in their products, and the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence in recycling centers.
  • 25. The Role of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in Web 3.0 | EP25

    When people think of blockchain they think of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but this decentralized network has far greater potential. In this episode, Dr. Wanda Curlee talks to APU professor Justin Goldston about rapidly developing blockchain models and the movement toward the interconnectedness of Web 3.0. Learn more about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Chainlink, Dogecoin, and the use of crowdloans and crowdsourcing to support the creation of some of these blockchain systems such as Polkadot. Also learn how artificial intelligence, or AI, may assist with the creation and protection of blockchains.
  • 24. Growing Pains of Integrating Artificial Intelligence | EP24

    How are artificial intelligence systems making a difference in people’s lives? In this episode, Dr. Wanda Curlee talks to APU logistics professor Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth about the advancement of robotics and the use of AI in everything from household goods to self-driving vehicles. Also learn how various companies like Amazon and Walmart are incorporating AI into every aspect of their business including customer service, logistics, and delivery systems. Hear about the growing pains of this technology, including some of the funny and not-so-funny failures, as well as the legal challenges as the government tries to keep up with quickly advancing technology.
  • 23. AI and Robotics are Changing Organizational Logistics | EP23

    Artificial intelligence and robotics are revolutionizing forward and reverse logistics operations. In this episode, APU professor Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth talks to Dr. Wanda Curlee about the advancement of AI, why it’s so important for business leaders to understand AI, and how companies are using AI to make its logistics operations more cost effective. Also learn how AI is helping project managers understand data, make decisions, and the likelihood that AI will one day be considered a team member on a project management team.
  • 22. Will Anti-Robot Sentiment Harm AI Advancement? | EP22

    Reports of robot abuse and anti-robot sentiments make headlines, but are such attitudes wide spread? In this episode, Dr. Wanda Curlee talks to APU business professor Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth about some of the factors contributing to anti-robot sentiments. Learn how people from different cultural backgrounds view AI-based technology and how acceptance may be largely dependent on age and socioeconomic factors.
  • 21. Using Artificial Intelligence in Residential Real Estate | EP21

    What are the benefits of applying artificial intelligence to the residential real estate market? In this episode, Dr. Wanda Curlee interviews APU computer science professor Dr. Zona Kostic about the advancement of AI algorithms in real estate applications. Learn how real estate platforms are using AI to accurately assess property values, better understand customer desires and behavior, and automate processes to assist real estate transactions. Also learn how drones are being used during the pandemic to collect more information about the location of a house, the neighborhood, and nearby points of interest and how that data can help with machine learning algorithms.