
Impact Oversell
The Most Professional Idiot
Season 1, Ep. 6
Shafqat talks about his conflict of emotions for John E. Bravo, his logical thoughts about Moose and the TNA title and everything else that went down on the November 03rd 2020 edition of IMPACT Wrestling.
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9. Hello World
23:27||Season 1, Ep. 9Hello World. The impact nation has an all elite city. Shafqat gives his thoughts on the historic December 08th 2020 edition of IMPACT including his initial concerns when the episode started and everything that went down during the show. Follow Impact Oversell on Twitter - Email feedback@impactoversell.comSupport the show on Ko-FiBackground review music from AudioTrimmer8. Moose Cam
17:52||Season 1, Ep. 8Shafqat reacts to the December 01st 2020 edition of IMPACT including his thoughts on the women's knockouts tag team tournament. Also is Eric Young going to align himself with AEW talent?Follow Impact Oversell on Twitter - Email feedback@impactoversell.comSupport the show on Ko-FiBackground review music from AudioTrimmer7. AEW is the turning point for IMPACT Wrestling
07:50||Season 1, Ep. 7Shafqat is PUMPED about Impact Wresting and All Elite Wrestling working together in an absolute bombshell moment on AEW Dynamite.This is huge.Follow Impact Oversell on Twitter - Email feedback@impactoversell.comSupport the show on Ko-FiBackground review music from AudioTrimmer5. My wife reacts to #WhoShotBravo
27:59||Season 1, Ep. 5Mr Shafqat is joined by Mrs Shafqat (who isn't a fan of professional wrestling) as they watch and react to the wedding of John E. Bravo and Rosemary aka #WhoShotBravo. Shafqat also provides his thoughts on the rest of this weeks episode of IMPACT. Follow Impact Oversell on Twitter - Email feedback@impactoversell.comSupport the show on Ko-FiBackground review music from AudioTrimmer4. Do you smell what IMPACT is cooking?
10:05||Season 1, Ep. 4Shafqat provides his quick thoughts on everything that went down at Bound for Glory 2020.Follow Impact Oversell on Twitter - Email feedback@impactoversell.comSupport the show on Ko-FiBackground review music from AudioTrimmerPreview: My wife reacts to #WhoShotBravo
00:18||Season 1A preview of what is coming later this week on IMPACT Oversell: Mr Shafqat is joined by Mrs Shafqat. They will react to the wedding of John E. Bravo and Rosemary aka #WhoShotBravo Follow Impact Oversell on Twitter - Email Support the show on Ko-Fi3. The Good Brothers Auditioning for QVC
11:37||Season 1, Ep. 3Shafqat is hyped for Bound for Glory. In this episode he reviews the go home show, the October 20th 2020 edition of Impact Wrestling.Follow Impact Oversell on Facebook and Twitter - Email feedback@impactoversell.comSupport the show on Ko-FiBackground review music from AudioTrimmer2. Cross the Line
13:18||Season 1, Ep. 2Shafqat reviews the October 13th 2020 edition of Impact WrestlingFollow Impact Oversell on Facebook and Twitter - Email feedback@impactoversell.comSupport the show on Ko-FiBackground review music from AudioTrimmer