This week we dive into your gut and the super-spidey sense that comes with it. Don’t mess with a mama and never question her stength. Plus we also have feelings about Bridgerton and Jon Hamm.
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47:17|Many of you have seen that our dear city of LA has been hit with devastating fires. We want to thank everyone who has reached out and offered support to us and our city. Today we're talking about what's going on and how grateful we are to the "helpers".If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: HOLIDAY BLINGED SO HARD
42:23|We're feeling awkward and insecure and we're not even the ones in middle school! Join us today as we talk about the preteen fashion police and how we try (and fail) to keep our cool.If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: BEST OF 2024 SO HARD
37:17|Ladies, we've collected our top moments from the podcast from 2024, and we're ready to walk down memory lane with you! Happy New Year!If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: 2AM GIFT WRAP SO HARD
42:56|We see you, lady. We know you’re up after everyone’s asleep wrapping last minute gifts. If you’re feeling exhausted, we want you to know - you’re doin’ great. Join us as we gossip and enjoy this silent night together.If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: CHRISTMAS MOVIES SO HARD
53:52|A few weeks ago, Jen shared her favorite things and now Kristin is sharing hers (read: movies). Countdown to Christmas with these top notch holiday films….and we bet some of them won’t already be on your list! Plus, we play a Hallmark game that Jen absolutely crushes. Deck the halls and laugh pee with us.If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD YOU GUYS SO HARD
41:59|It's that time of, food and out-of-tune flutes played by 6th graders. Yep, tis the season for the holiday music programs, plays and junior musicals. And moms are taking home the award for "best actor". Grab your glitter and jazz shoes, we're reminiscing about recitals.If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: JEN'S FAVORITE THINGS SO HARD
59:22|Ladies, get ready because Jen is about to hook you UP! She has a list, she’s checked it twice and you’re going to get some stellar gift ideas whether you’ve been naughty or nice. So whether you’re like Kristin (who just wants cash) or Jen (who wants 100 colorful sweaters), you’ll walk away with your holiday gift list just in time for Black Friday (aka Kristin’s birthday).LINKS TO ITEMS MENTIONED: Charger - Claws- Reading Glasses- Sea Salt Flakes- Cosmetics Cosmetics!google!Product_Listing_Ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-1843189647101&CAAGID=28397269470&CAWELAID=330000200002985245&CATARGETID=330000200002991483&CADevice=c&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArva5BhBiEiwA-oTnXV9zdBs2v4zisnvQLBk0Z1MHAzd_SJridJWyr_JSWCu5h5kxWD7MUhoCw1IQAvD_BwEUncommon Goods (code: IMOMSOHARD): Ice Cube Tray - If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comDISCOUNT CODE CHEAT SHEET HERE: US:IG: AM THANKFUL FOR MY GAGGLE
34:55|You know who we're thankful for this year? Our MOM FRIENDS! (Thank includes you!) Today, we're sharing some hot tips on how to make mom friends (hint: text threads and margaritas). Tune in for the new segment Kristin's Fit Check where she wears a new t-shirt given to her by a mom!If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: POSHMARK SO HARD
48:43|Jen is fired up to help you save moola. Today, she’s sharing all of her tips for mom shopping on resale sites (including how to avoid pit stains and pitfalls).If you enjoyed this episode, leave a review and make sure you SUBSCRIBE!If you are interested in advertising on this podcast email ussales@acast.comTo request #IMOMSOHARD to be on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to ben@pionairepodcasting.comFOLLOW US:IG: