
cover art for ICB News Channel Episode 40 - November 2024

ICB News Channel

ICB News Channel Episode 40 - November 2024

Season 3, Ep. 40

Christmas is coming and there are some important things to already be talking about as Bookkeepers and Business owners, to put into place. This episode of the ICB News Channel explores what those conversations should be right now and how to get the info you need to make Christmas a smooth and drama free event this year. What are the Luca Awards for Bookkeepers and why are they so important and how does this add to the greater importance of Community and working together as Bookkeepers is covered off in this episode. Also covered in this episode is, how will Pay Day Super have a major effect on Cashflow for businesses, the impending closure of the ATO's Superannuation Clearing House and the impact this will have, the greater importance than ever of Engagement Letters and recent updates everyone should be aware of, plus much, much more of what is a "need to know" right now for all Professional Bookkeepers and Businesses. Tap into the ever flowing and current info that Rob & Matthew can enlighten you into, in yet another full episode of the ICB News Channel.

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  • 43. ICB News Channel Episode 43 - February 2025

    36:53||Season 4, Ep. 43
    Dealing with the Australian Tax Office (ATO) can have its challenges sometimes, and we examine this in this episode of the ICB News Channel. It is possibly through a different lens to what you might expect however. What to expect is also discussed by Matthew and Rob in this episode regarding ICB's approach to the QMS conversation (Quality Management Systems) and how you can get some direction and opportunity to engage in this as it continues to play out. Cash versus Accrual Accounting, BAS Agent practice mail, options and opportunity looming for NFP's and their Treasurers and a shift in understanding what is required when negotiating Fixed term contracts as an owner of a Business, all get a run in this episode, plus much more. We finish with a spotlight on a wonderful Professional Bookkeeper from Albany in Western Australia, who has recently been crowned the Professional Bookkeeper of the Year here in Australia. Plenty to hear. Plenty then to discuss with others in this episode of the ICB News Channel Podcast.
  • 42. ICB News Channel Episode 42 - January 2025

    39:06||Season 4, Ep. 42
    Its a New Year and Bookkeeping and Bookkeepers in Australia are set to again take on new tech, new compliance, new businesses challenges and most all, anything that is basically thrown at them. The ICB News Channel Podcast is here again in 2025 to help support, educate and assist Bookkeepers and those doing the books in Small Businesses right across Australia. In this episode, the year kicks off with a new law change as of January 1 2025, that is a must listen and understand for Bookkeepers and Business owners. The new "Criminal Underpayment Laws" that have now just kicked in, have a number of key and important takeaways and key features that Rob and Matthew discuss at length in this episode. How small business prepare for these changes is probably the number one reason for tuning in on this discussion, amongst others. What is ahead in 2025 for ICB Members and those thinking of joining Australia's biggest network of Bookkeepers in Australia, what is the education pathway and future looking like for Bookkeepers in Australia as well as a focus on a Bookkeeper in regional NSW who is doing amazing things and ensuring the future looks bright for Bookkeepers in this land. An episode (as always), worth investing in. Happy New Year everyone.
  • 41. ICB News Channel Episode 41 - December 2024

    54:53||Season 3, Ep. 41
    Our last episode of the ICB News Channel for 2024, has a reflective theme to it throughout, as we delve back into the things that affected Bookkeepers, bookkeeping and Small Business in 2024, including the learnings and takeaways as well as what will continue to churn and have effect into 2025. Artificial Intelligence continued to evolve rapidly in 2024 and in this episode, Rob chats with Cameron Anderson, the General Manager of AI based software company Xbert, about what has changed throughout 2024 and what Bookkeepers need to be across and on top of as another year ahead dawns. Rob then sits down with the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers CEO, Amanda Linton, to reflect on so much that has happened in the world of ICB and Bookkeeping in 2024, as well as a review of the recent ICB National Roadshows around Australia and the highly successful Summit held in Brisbane in early November. The winners and finalists of the inaugural Australian ICB Bookkeeper Luca Awards are celebrated in this episode. If you have been bookkeeping or working as a small business in 2024, this is a great opportunity to have some reflections of your own, as we start the move into 2025. A very Merry and Blessed Christmas 2024, to all of you who tune into the ICB News Channel Podcast. See you again in 2025.
  • 39. ICB News Channel Episode 39 - October 2024

    36:24||Season 3, Ep. 39
    October sees the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers travelling Australia on the annual ICB Roadshow series, chatting with large numbers of Bookkeepers about all things Bookkeeping and what is impacting right now. However, the wheels of a Podcast continue to spin and this episode of the ICB News Channel touches on a number of the subjects that are included in this years roadshow, but majors on a number of other issues that spiral around Bookkeepers and Small Business, currently. Pay Day Super is a constant "what if and when" discussion that Matthew and Rob tackle head on in this episode. What is a Bookkeeper versus a BAS Agent is always a discussion piece that is worth understanding as well as why Bookkeepers should consider an exit strategy as part of their planning for their future, also gets a run in this episode. Plenty of topics to keep you engaged and informed are part of this special edition episode, recorded live from an amazing part of Australia. You will have to tune in to hear where ...
  • 38. ICB News Channel Episode 38 - September 2024

    38:29||Season 3, Ep. 38
    The modern Professional and Employed Bookkeeper in Australia has to deal with an ever changing landscape when it comes to compliance, employment and so many other things that "once upon a time" would never have been so much of a consideration by the Bookkeepers of that day. This episode of the ICB News Channel continues to examine all the things that a Bookkeeper should consider as bubbling around Australia and affecting Australian Business, including a range of new Employment changes that kicked into action at the back end of August, the "Right to Disconnect" laws, changes to how Independent Contractors are now viewed plus a number of other very important changes. Understanding who is the Tax Practioners Board and why they are focussed on misleading statements right now is a big discussion piece for Rob & Matthew in this episode. And what about you as a Bookkeeper and Business owner. Taking care of you and what could happen if some form of incapacity occurred, is also included on todays Podcast. And then there is Cyber - it just keeps on giving. Listen in as Rob and Matthew put up a very tangible approach to combatting Cyber in your business that will have huge impact. And so much more ...
  • 37. ICB News Channel Episode 37 - August 2024

    41:30||Season 3, Ep. 37
    The TASA Code of Conduct Determination 2024 has polarised the Bookkeeping Community here in Australia in recent months and in this episode of the ICB News Channel, ICB Executive Director, Matthew Addison speaks with host, Rob Marshall about the impact the determination is having and the latest updates of what Accounting and Bookkeeping Professional Associations are doing to combat some of its effects. Matthew outlines what the new requirements look like from a Business perspective and how people can participate in conveying their objections to aspects of the determination. This episode tackles head on, what looms as a critical moment in the ongoing evolution of the Professional Bookkeeper in Australia. It is Taxable Payments Annual Reporting time again in Australia and TPAR is a point of discussion as is the Instant Asset Write Off laws on this episode of the Podcast. If you are a Professional Bookkeeper and incapacity to operate your Bookkeeping practice suddenly occurs, what should you consider and how can you ensure that contingencies are in place for others who may need to come in and take over. Rob and Matthew dive into this difficult conversation along with much, much more in this episode.
  • 36. ICB News Channel Episode 36 - July 2024

    40:53||Season 3, Ep. 36
    What happens with the GST when buying and selling a Motor Vehicle, the new Wage rate increases, Bookkeepers rates in Australia moving into a new financial year, Small Business resilience in tough times and how to protect your MyGovId (plus more), are what is tackled in this episode of the ICB News Channel Podcast. As always, we look at things that go way broader in this Podcast than just processing data from a Bookkeeping perspective and the how and why of knowing things as a Professional or Employed Bookkeeper are examined and explained. This episode also puts the "Pub Test" on much on what is examined. Plenty to consider and talk about ... as host Rob Marshall and ICB Executive Director Matthew Addison dive deep into what you need to know as the new 2024/25 financial year kicks in.
  • 35. ICB News Channel Episode 35 - June 2024

    58:38||Season 3, Ep. 35
    ICB General Manager of Community Engagement and Podcast host - Rob Marshall and ICB Executive Director - Matthew Addison, sit down and discuss in this episode, all things that are landing for this End of Financial Year for Bookkeepers and Business Owners around Australia. Included is a deep dive into the May 2024 Federal Budget and all the aspects of this that are rarely reported on in the mainstream media, that will impact and are essential for Bookkeepers to be across, this EOFY. Matthew and Rob also discuss the ongoing approach and the lobbying by the ICB, to overcome the challenges of Client / Agent linking in Australia, with some recent moves forward regarding this. And then there is "Agent Breach Reporting" about to kick in here in Australia from July 1 2024. What is it and what do you need to understand about it, is what is discussed at length in this episode. And then finally in this episode, Rob and ICB CEO, Amanda Linton, continue to unwrap the ICB Annual Bookkeeping Survey with some surprising results and interesting data to consider. Thanks for tuning in ... enjoy listening and we encourage you to open the conversation up, as we have done in this episode, with others in your Network.