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I Am Katie Joem

Energy Work and a Live Reading with Farah Pop

Ep. 3

Farah and I met when she was a fashion stylist. She grew up knowing she was psychic, and despite it being against her Muslim upbringing, she decided to pursue her calling anyway.  

In today's episode, I talk with my close friend, Farah Pop. She is a mystic and she does Reiki, alchemy, energy transmission, and healing. She shares how we met, the different chakras within our body and how to use them to heal ailments, and she gives me a live reading. 

I Am Katie Joem is THE podcast to listen to if you're wanting to learn how to build the beautiful life you crave.

"Instead of pointing the blame on other people, shadow work is about looking at self. 'What am I doing?' Because ultimately, I am the co-creator of this situation, in this reality. And anything that's happening to me in the 3D realm is to teach me and to show me where I need to grow and where I need to go forward on. So if this situation is happening to me, it's happening for me." -Farah Pop

In today's episode, you will learn:

  • How Farah and I met (2:31)
  • A deep dive into elemental astrology (7:23)
  • Farah teaches us about chakra energy (14:55)
  • How to identify pain in your body and heal it (19:40)
  • How meditation can help us connect with ourselves (23:33)
  • What shadow work is and how it heals (28:54)
  • Farah gives me a live reading (35:21)

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  • Introducing: I Am Katie Joem

    I am Katie Joem. I'm just a very excited human being right now with what I've been through in my life and what I can bring to the table, and sharing all of my wisdom and knowledge with everybody who is listening.What has inspired me to start this journey is, one, I've been here before, and two, I have gone on this huge growth transitional period of my life where I feel like I've been reborn again. And I just want to share all of my knowledge and wisdom, and again, excitement with everybody who is listening to me, and learn from some of the things that I've done, some of the things that I've accomplished, some of the things I've failed at. And just have fun along the way and listen. What can you expect from the podcast?One takeaway that I would want to share with all of you guys is that happiness is within all of us; it's just about tapping into it; putting the tools and the strategies and the things in place for you to feel that true happiness, that true peace,  One of the tools that have certainly helped me tap into that happiness from within is these three elements. Those three elements are movement, mindfulness, and manifestation.Movement is defined in so many different ways.We could talk about this all day, but movement is a way to spend that time with yourself to not only push the boundaries of what you're capable of but to release those beautiful endorphins that we have within ourselves to take that time for ourselves. That movement is self-care, whether it's just walking through the countryside and listening to nature, going to the gym and lifting some weights, or even just practicing the stillness and flow of yoga.Manifestation has been one of the key elements that have really built my life in helping me not only achieve but attract the things that I want for my life. So, I think one of the key things is really understanding what you want, and then asking for it every single day for it to come to you. And it could be a day away or a month away or even 10 years away, it eventually comes to you when you keep practicing the art of manifestation, the law of attraction that we've heard so much about through personal development.Mindfulness is slowing down and being here now. And that's really hard, especially as life is crazy, busy, and chaotic. I'm a single mom, I run a business, I have a million things going, I've got two little dogs too, I've got friends and social life, and all of these different things. So, learning to be more mindful is learning to be here now. I was out on a walk and I was looking at the countryside feeling so much gratitude. It wasn't a particularly sunny day but it was just a beautiful day, and I felt this massive overwhelm of tears rolling down my face at the pure beauty of where I live, the countryside that I'm in, the noises, the sounds, and the landscape of what I could see; I felt so much gratitude for it that I actually cried. I mean, I'm crying at a tree, I’m like, “What is wrong with you, Katie?” But that is the definition of gratitude, and gratitude can only come when you're more mindful.The one truth that I've realized — and it makes me so emotional saying this — is that you are worthy of so much more, everything that you want and desire is there for you. The I am Katie Joem Podcast, available wherever you do your podcasts.