
cover art for HSAY 010 - Joshua Allan - Entrepreneur | Traveler | Technology Developer

The How Social Are You Podcast

HSAY 010 - Joshua Allan - Entrepreneur | Traveler | Technology Developer


HSAY 010 - Joshua Allan - Entrepreneur | Traveler | Technology Developer


  • "Social Media is a great source of procrastination"
  • "Be genuine and don't cram a bunch of promotions down people's throats"

Joshua is the owner of Smart Theater VR headset a Virtual, an US ex-patriot living abroad in Uruguay and running his business virtually. He loves social media and how it allows him to keep up with the world as well as curate information he's interested in.


  • Living in Uruguay, Costa Rica, Latin America
  • Living abroad over 5 years uses social media a lot
  • Wanderlust is probably the main reason, had the travel bug since he was a kid. Traveled to over 20 countries.
  • Virtual business thanks to the Internet  Manufacture in China, business run out of LA and Uruguay with many partners in
  • They have been selling the product through traditional reseller channels. Only using social media for promotion of the brand over the last few month.
  • Be genuine and don't cram a bunch of promotions down people's throats.
  • was where we met.
  • The kick-starter for the Oculus Rift VR goggles was where the inspiration came from.
  • 3-4 year product development process
  • You can find Smart Theater VR headset on Amazon as well as at Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Toys R Us and most major retailers.
  • Joshua's main use for social media isn't his business although that's part of it. Living abroad social media allows him to keep in touch with developments in the world he left behind.
  • Curating information based on his interests.
  • Joshua merges his social media and work life. "Social Media is a great source of procrastination"
  • He sees value in the ability to interact with the people you are with and the people who aren't there. He doesn't see social media a barrier to personal interaction.
  • He makes a great point about social media training us to filter out the bad and only share the best images and experiences.
  • We can curate the information we are interested in but we can also curate ourselves, what the outside world sees.
  • He sees the future of VR as a platform and its impact in all areas including Augmented Reality - curating life experience itself.



  • You can find Joshua Allan and his company at and on Facebook and Twitter.
  • I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your friends.
  • You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated.
  • If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at

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  • HSAY 019 - Sara Broers | Travel Blogger | Social Media Leader

    HSAY 019 - Sara Broers | Travel Blogger | Social Media Leader Quote: “I want people to be smarter and safer online, and from a business perspective which most people tend to forget about” Background: Instructor Sara Broers is a Social Media Strategist and travel enthusiast who travels the nation speaking to groups on how to use social media. Sara has a passion for helping business owners make connections they need to grow their businesses through Social Media. Her Presentation has drawn national acclaim as she introduces new auctioneers to social media and shows them how they can use it to market their businesses in a successful manner. This 'A'  personality & top Instructor will inspire you to successfully find your place in the world of social media. TravelWithSara is where Sara shares passion of her home state of Iowa and anywhere a plane, car, train, or boat would take her. She was a bit of a travel bug at a young age and throughout her lifetime; and developed a deeper love for sharing her travel experiences with others. Sara is the co-founder of the Midwest Travel Bloggers Group in 2015 and the Midwest Travel Twitter Chat.  She is the founder of the North Iowa Social Media Breakfast Club. Several clubs have started, based off of the format that she started. Sara has grown to adore the beaches and people of the Alabama Coastline. Mountains, beaches and the Caribbean are also her favorites. Sara believes that your travel connections begin in your own backyard. Sara has partnered with several destination partners and helped them grow their tourism base through the use of social media. Highlights: lives in north Iowa In 2008, she hopped on the social media train when she started mom blog she didn't realize how social media would really change her life from there when she started writing, she didn't have a clue as to how people would find out who she was writing or who she was. then she hopped on twitter and not facebook usually, people would start from Facebook, she did it backward she started with twitter and has made more business connections with it than any other media platform looking back that was probably the best thing that happened to her it's fascinating because she can get to live on a farm in Iowa and travel the world because of the internet and social media she has been able to meet so many people she wouldn't have otherwise met in person through social media the magic really happens after you meet someone online and then you can get to meet them face-to-face in real life. When you can that relationship offline; to face-to-face conversation, that's where partnerships begin and things begin to really happen it's a fascinating space to be in In June 2013, she started the north Iowa social media breakfast club everywhere she went since then in her local community she mentioned the word twitter she is a trailblazer without even realizing it she's a blogger and a social media influencer her motto is, she wants people to be smarter and safer online and from a business perspective which most people tend to forget about into blogging, a travel writer social media is a part of her life - who she is, and what her life is made of She is a farmer's daughter - she has to get that in there every place is a huge place for social media she didn't think that farmers 10 years ago would have realized that social media would be a part of their lives today. Friends with Suzanne stavert - both share a mutual love of blogging and social media let's talk a little bit about your various blogs and how you manage to create contents she operates 3 different blogs com is a social media business she was blogging in 2010 and found a job on twitter she started managing social media platforms for businesses your tweets represents who you are and what you are about she grew a social media business out of blogging that she honestly never saw coming she has a passion for women and business com is where she tends to put things about safety, social media tips and feature some entrepreneurial women in north Iowa com actually came out from her previous blog which later morphed into travel she was a social media influencer but she never realized that at this time she started to do more travel stuff and she didn't have a travel platform saramomoftwo was on twitter for 5 years and twitter decided to cut it down because of suspicious activities that hurt because her 85,100 followers were real people she thought maybe this could be her little push to get into travel more you can't take your @travelwithsara and move it to that account saramomof2 became socialsarab she had an engaging community on twitter which meant a lot Midwest travel bloggers is a community that Lisa Trudell and Sara are building they've been on it for a couple of years, showcasing destinations of Midwest on twitter twitter is a big platform that we are using now as we are expanding into other platforms from the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month...they do the midwest travel chart she came about this because she taught nobody was talking about flyover countries Sara sees all this as not work, just doing what she loves she has created a brand and a platform off of twitter a lot of people just think there's too much noise on social media twitter list is a way to funnel down the noise and keeps you organized twitter is where she gets most of her News and it is so easy a lot of the times people are just afraid to use the twitter list sometimes she met Suzanne and they are actually doing a lot together at the women summit what she loves about social media is that she can be in 'a room' with people from ages 15 to 80...and everybody has the same interest the things that I'm really good at, that 17 years old is good at and the thing that I'm not good at, that 17 years old is really good at something that they can teach me it's a win-win with social media from that aspect thinks video is huge and everybody is becoming a photographer and videographer what scares her is how those pictures and videos are come across sometimes, not so much in the business world but in the personal world a lot of people don't realize that when they share these things on social media, they are actually sharing these things with the world wide web she has been playing around with the live feature on Facebook if you never try it you are never going to know whether it works or not for your audience what would be your advice for people out there who are looking to monetize their social media what I bring to it is my feet - my boots are in it my mind does not work that way - I'm a doer the best advice I can give people is getting yourself in front of the CEO, and the business you want to work with you need to continue with those face-to-face connections and if you don't I don't see where you'd be you may be successful doing this but you're going to leave a lot of money outside your bank account tools like this are great but they build on relationships that really matter you need to also put contents out there As a society, we are less social I love social media and it helps me pay my bills I see too many people who will not put their phones down it is a concern that Sara has and that comes from her wanting to educate people on being safer and smarter online I do have concerns for kids too because they are watching their parents and grandparents for be being social is to really get out and live your life, having face-to-face conversations with people local does matter and we can do big things with that what advice would you give to people to be more social with social media? have a conversation with people, don't blast whatever your opinion is be somebody who is engaging and wants to help be a friend of people a lot of people on social media are there because they don't have friends If you just be a good person online, you can be that person that helps them along the way I love to travel and I spend a couple of days at Disney world in Florida with my husband in January I spent one whole day without my phone - I left it in the hotel room I had to take that day and just leave my phone behind I've got a new project started with locally with homegirl social media in the Midwest here we are a little slower to embrace things than other parts of the countries I also work with auctioneers as the social media instructor people say why would auctioneers need social media? really? For every profession, there is a place for social media. Connect: website:, Twitter: @TravelWithSara Instagram: @TravelWithSara Facebook: TravelWithSara, socialconnectionsLLC Pinterest: travelwithsara  Google+- Sara Broers Flipboard: @TravelWithSara LinkedIn: I hope you enjoyed and found value in this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Speaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at   Until next time, thanks, everybody!
  • HSAY 018 - Rev. Michel Faulkner - NY mayor candidate | Republican | NFL Athlete

    HSAY 018 - Rev. Michel Faulkner - NY mayor candidate | Republican | NFL Athlete Quote: “For New yorkers, it's not just ‘our’ city, it actually belongs to the world!” Background: For more than 30 years, Rev. Michel Faulkner has dedicated his life to serving his community. Michel Faulkner is the only Republican candidate for Mayor of New York City, a former New York Jet and businessman. His Church in Harlem is responsible for thousands of people finding employment through their Jobs Partnership. Michel supports school choice and is a strong and vocal advocate for the Police. Highlights: Candidate for mayor of new york Positive uplifting and timely messaging on social media ---? NY is a world capital - Everybody comes to new york sometime or another For New yorkers, it's not just ‘our’ city, it actually belongs to the world. Michel  is working on NY being an expensive city. Making it more accessible. Been working to serve the people of NY for the past 30 years. He thinks NY needs to have principal leadership - the focus being on - jobs, education, tax reforms, on making things better so NY can move forward. The culture and ambience of the city can be enhanced. It is diminished right now because of the plaguing issues they’ve been facing recently. Michel  is running to help the middle class survive in NY, enhance the ambience and revive true culture of the city. “I’m a New Yorker, I have a NY attitude and NY values”, says Michel “I value all people, the dignity of all people, their worth.” “I don’t care what their political persuasion is, their ethnicity is, their socio-economic status, or their sexual orientation, what matters to me is healing new york.” “Unity is our destiny” “We need to be selfish and focus on maintaining structural and cultural integrity of NY” “NY is a place of hardworking people, if you have a dream and are willing to work hard to bring that dream to life, you should have a chance to do that in NY.” “NY has always been accepting of dreamers. I’m a dreamer, pragmatic dreamer” “Everybody has a job and a hustle in New York” and that’s a youth culture Michel  stressed upon. “We’ve made some amazing gains and strides. We cannot let it slip by. We need to move forward.” There has been a diminishing return on education system, students of public schools are unprepared when they graduate. Michel  will look into jobs and education. “The best way to empower citizens is to connect them with the police”, Michel  will work to enhance police-community relations. “NYPD is the best in the world with what they do” “We started the blue ribbon campaign for the unity in police community. It focused on 3 things- Affirmation of police officers, Appreciation of their jobs, accountability - police being accountable and citizens being responsible citizens” Michel  started tweeting and let people engage with each other at the time of the haiti quake - Provided food and help to people who were starving. Social media is a great enhancer for community relations. Big challenge is to get people behind social media to actually come out and take action and interact in communities. Social media works best when receivers are dynamic participants “More or less social because of social media ?” “I started a group called NY youth leaders network - used snail mail because there were no cell phones back then. People read the mail and took action.” 140 characters can change stock markets, bring notice to the entire globe. Traditional media stands shaken. The mayoral race is not about what’s wrong with NYC but about preserving what is right with NYC. “I will raise the level of engagement of stakeholders in NYC. It won’t be passive, it will  be dynamic, there will be action groups, social media groups, people will be able to raise their voices, their concerns and we will fix what is broken and hence move NY forward.” I am a great listener of people as long as we all are speaking the same language of healing the great city of NY. Connect: Twitter: @michelfaulkner and @FaulknerMayor2017 Facebook: Website : I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker, SoundCloud and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at   Until next time, thank's everybody!
  • HSAY 017 - Christian Toto - Award-Winning Journalist | Movie Critic | Podcast Host

    HSAY 017 - Christian Toto - Award-Winning Journalist | Movie Critic | Podcast Host   Background:   “Journalism is either changing or collapsing depending on your view”   I’m an award-winning journalist, member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association and founder of HiT. I studied art in college and, after collecting three degrees, realized I had a brighter future away from my pad and pencil. I eventually landed a feature writing position with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, where I asked to review movies when our regular critic went on vacation. I essentially did the same while working for The Washington Times, volunteering to pen any entertainment story I could in between my regular assignments. I finally emerged as one of the newspaper’s regular film critics, reviewing movies and interviewing A-list talent like Tom Hanks, Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Spacey. I left D.C. for Denver in 2007, transitioning to a freelance career  I later found work with both Breitbart News and before embracing my HiT duties full-time. I can be heard each week on “Mike Rosen at the Movies,” “The Michael Brown Show,” “Garrison,” “Haus Rules” and “Walker Daniels in the Morning.” I previously appeared on “Stossel,” shown on the Fox Business Channel and the “Devil’s Advocate” program on Colorado’s PBS station. Highlights:   Art major in college who went into journalism Journalism is either changing or collapsing depending on your view Wanted to cover entertainment from a right of center perspective Realized there wasn’t really anyone covering entertainment from this perspective Worked for Breitbart and Lifeset Created First social media he got involved with was Facebook Is political on his business page because that he part of his brand and part of who he is Conservative entertainment reporter-- but he doesn’t want to be vicious or irresponsible He tries to project his brand in a specific way-- i.e. no profanity, making fun of actors weight, etc. He wants his followers to trust him- know that he won’t make up things because of his worldview Wants to be credible-- might have made mistakes but never on purpose, and they are always updated with an editor’s note Wants to make sure everything is verified before reporting Social media is a great tool, but it can also do a lot of damage if you aren’t careful Always try to pause before sending something out Think before you tweet, retweet, or post because these posts can have consequences and repercussions Is what you are posting going to provide value to your followers? Entertainment is culture It is good to stand up for what you believe as long as you can back it up with solid information Staying uplifting on social media can be good for a brand Being consistent and staying above the fray as well as adding value are very important We are more social because of social media but also hard to really know who these followers/people on social media are However there is level of discourse on social media that has gotten sour People can really show a different side on social media-- allows us to be nastier then who we are There is this barrier that allows people to say things that they wouldn’t in person Resources: Hollywood in Toto:   Hollywood in Toto Podcast The Franchise podcast Midnight Movie Cowboys Podcast Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast The Smart Pass of Income Podcast Social Media Examiner podcast Marketing in Your Car podcast Connect: Hollywood in Toto: Twitter: @HollywoodinToto Facebook: Hollywood in Toto Hollywood in Toto Podcast I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at Until next time, thank's everybody!
  • HSAY 016 - Scott Isbell - Professional Pop Singer | Viral Social Media Sensation

    HSAY 016 - Scott Isbell - Professional Pop Singer | Viral Social Media Sensation Background: “It was like my internet existence was completely erased" At the age of 4, Isbell became enamored with the rhythm and soul portrayed by an Elvis impersonator. Inspired by the performance, he began to emulate his new-found hero, Elvis Presley through his songs. As he grew, he discovered another King of Pop, Michael Jackson, who fueled Isbell’s curiosity to performing arts, setting his sights high on music. At 12, Scott competed in USA’s Most Talented Kids. Influenced by his heroes and other legends such as James Brown, Isbell was seen as a natural on stage where his signature old Soul of new Pop style began to take shape. Without an agent or managers and pushed by his desire to perform, Isbell also landed professional acting roles in both TV and film.  However, singing became Isbell’s way to creatively channel the frustrations of living with ADHD. His passion for music helped him focus on developing his vocal intensity, fueling his soulful sound. Isbell has performed at venues across the United States, including The MGM Grand, Hard Rock Cafés, Disney World, and Foxwoods Resort and Casino. An avid fan of professional wrestling, Isbell also performs at professional wrestling events alongside WWE superstars.  During the summer of 2014 and 2015, Isbell toured and opened for Wu-Tang Clan legend, Cappadonna, and other artists such as Spliff Star (Busta Rhymes), Ne-Yo, Inspectah Deck, Bricksquad, Young Dirty Bastard, and more. Today, Scott Isbell is taking his musical ambitions to the next level, studying at the world-renowned Berklee College of Music and now at Emerson College. Scott Isbell’s most viral campaign to date has been his hit song Trumpified, which has surpassed 46 million plays and has reached number 2 in the world on the Soundcloud charts, number 1 on the Pop charts on Soundcloud, and reached number 97 on the iTunes Hot 100 charts. Highlights: Lives in Boston 23 years old Professional Pop Singer Singing since 3 years old A few summers ago decided to put out a Pro-Trump presidential song Wanted to be the first to put out a Pro-Trump piece Created Trumpified song Has a pop/funk vibe Song eventually went viral Blew up on Soundcloud and YouTube Was hacked, though, by protesters A lot of his content was deleted when he was hacked on his social media accounts Never got his Youtube, Facebook, or Instagram back! Lost a lot of followers and subscribers Had to start all of his social media accounts again from scratch “Weather you like Trump or not, he got us to call out the media for their bias” This past year and a half has completely transformed our media according to Isbell How did he go about rebuilding his social media presence after hack? It was like his internet existence had been completely erased After he got hacked, started taking twitter more seriously Twitter was really responsive and helpful when he was hacked Has 1 million followers on twitter now Each social media site is its own puzzle Some sites he has a lot of engagement and many followers, and others aren’t so much his forte What works for one site probably won’t work for the other Hashtags aren’t the same on Instagram as they are on Twitter Pick one platform and really try to grow that platform, then you can try to grow the others Goes to Berklee for school-- prestigious music school No upcoming tours, but planning a few upcoming shows Is working on some new projects-- one with Howard Stern Also working on some solo songs Trying to find the balance between working on music as an artist and using/engaging with social media So many artists won’t get heard because they don’t put enough time into social media/don’t use social media Wants to learn more about Youtube and how to use it more effectively All social media platforms have their own community There is less face to face communication because of social media-- everyone tuned into their phones What’s incredible about social media is that you can meet some great people over the platforms Isbell has met some of his closest friends over social media As a society we need to learn how to use social media more wisely It is a good this for business purposes but everyone needs to learn when to shut it off Have to start learning how to step back a bit Resources: Listen to Trumpified here: Gary Vaynerchuk Crush It Gary Vaynerchuk Jab Jab Right Hook: Connect: Website: Twitter: scottisbell_ Gab: @scottisbell Youtube: Scott Isbell Music Soundcloud: Scott Isbell These last three bullets are cut a paste for every episode: I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at Until next time, thank's everybody!
  • HSAY 015 - Mark Lindheimer | Social Media and Fear

    HSAY 015 - Mark Lindheimer | Social Media and Fear Quote: "and just remember you can be more social." Transcript: Hello everybody this is Marki Lindheimer your host and welcome to podcast episode number 15.  I'm just leaving a meeting and heading back to my office that I'd share some thoughts about social media and fear. It's been something I've been thinking about for a while. If you spend any time on Facebook or Twitter especially and you look at the trending topics or you look at the news of the day there's always, almost always a polarity to the discussion around a particular topic. It could be political, it could be social, it could be whatever and you know there's always an opinion, everyone has an opinion and in some cases those opinions can be very strong and strident and you know aggressive on both sides of the Issue. It occurred to me that in many cases these types of attacks that result in this discussion that goes on, especially on controversial issues, can be difficult for people to grasp and I was wondering where did these  attacks come from, where do does this anger and aggressiveness come from and you know really it really always, almost always comes from a place of fear and fear is a powerful motivator. It drives action and behavior and social media is a great place for, or not so great place for, fear to be displayed in a very aggressive way and we've just gone through an election, I’ve talked about this a little bit, very divisive, very polarizing. The candidates were really difficult to accept on either side of the of the aisle and you know the discussion around those candidates was very aggressive and attacking and and angry in many cases depending on who you're supporting. You  know really i think a lot of that comes from fear. Fear comes from the information that's available and how we consume the information and there's a term called confirmation bias. So in many ways we might be looking for information that confirms our bias that we have, a certain belief about a person or a candidate or a topic or some thing that triggers something within us and then we go about that action of whatever it is and i'm talking about social media. If you search on just about any topic out there other than the innocuous MCM's or WCWS, it's really know, and even that can can lead to some pretty aggressive discussion. But i think it all comes back to fear, I think fear is something that is so powerful and I think that also I believe that our media and our social media platforms as a result allow people to express that fear and sometimes it's not a constructive way.  Sometimes it's very negative and disrespectful and truly awful. So I'm glad that social media platforms are available to us for having these discussions. I understand that people are going to have different opinions. I recognize that that the that fear is going to drive people in certain ways and I think it's really important to know that you do have control about what you consume. You do have control on social media about what you can just consume, you don't have to follow certain people, you don't have to search certain search topics, you don't have to engage in things that are upsetting and might trigger some fear and action that might result and I think it's important to practice that. I think you can use that same approach, my wife and I decided many years ago to turn off the news. We don't watch the news, we don't participate in that and because it was frankly upsetting it caused fear and I believe that's what it's designed to do. So to have the belief that I can have much less fearful existence if I cut out some of these things that caused me fear, that make me upset, that you know might cause me to lash out in in social media is a great awareness . I think if more people understood that they could be more at peace with today's world, to look more inward to different solutions, to be able to to deal with you know the fear that might come up for whatever reason and to use those filters. I always joke that i have a short distance between my my brain in my mouth and that I've actually been able to exercise a filter when it comes to some of the things that I might respond to, react to, that might trigger something in me based on what I've seen in the news or in social media and I've been able to use that filter in terms of choosing not to consume certain information. Whether its  news or blogs or talk radio or anything along those lines or even certain segments of the social media were all the the Twittersphere and Facebook and even Instagram. So I believe that  we have an opportunity on this podcast to educate people and to share ideas and to make suggestions. That's really my goal is to is to make suggestions through people's experience, people I interview and through my experience to help people come up with solutions in social media so that we become more social and we really can become more social and there are different techniques and tools that we can use and apply. What i'm talking about today, filtering out the news, the noise, the negative messages and becoming much more happy as a result, At least that's been my experience so that's what I wanted to share today. if you like to podcast please go to iTunes and give us a rating of 5 stars, we love comments and that certainly helps us and our following. You can find us on the Stitcher and Spreaker and also on Google Play some of our content is up on soundcloud but haven't quite set that up completely yet but you can find us in a lot of different ways. i'll be launching a website in the near future and i'll keep you posted on that. So I’m glad I got to talk about fear, glad I got to express a little bit about what I've been thinking and I do appreciate all of you listening and just remember, you can be more social, so thanks everybody Connect: I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at  
  • HSAY 014 - Mark Lindheimer - Social Media and the Holidays

    HSAY 014 - Mark Lindheimer - Social Media and the Holidays Quote: "and just remember you can be more social." Transcript: Thanks for tuning in for downloading or listening, this is podcast episode number 14, this is Mark Lindheimer and I'm your host, I’m just driving home from a meeting and I thought I'd check in. It's the holiday season between Christmas and New Year's and I was just thinking about how social medias become such a big part of our holiday experience, how people you know, tend to share so much about their lives on social media during the holidays, their family gatherings and the Christmas tree and the presents and the travel. The various different things that they're doing and its really neat because you know we all come together during the holidays with our families and we enjoy the time together but sometimes we're not able to be together with our friends and family during the holidays and social media allows us to connect on a level that would be difficult without this amazing platform whether it's Facebook or Instagram or even Twitter. This ability to visually connect, to interact, to engage with our friends and family on social media during this time of year is really special because everybody's pretty positive and happy and optimistic and putting on their best face for the holidays. There's no doubt that people are struggling and experiencing things that are difficult but you know social media allows us to interact and to engage and its really a powerful way for us to be together during the holidays. We’ve all come through a very difficult election with you know very divided united states, divided world really, that election and to come through that as a country and to have the opportunity to celebrate you know something very special during the holidays really, I think, has kind of I hope provided a little bit of a release valve you know kind of letting some air out of the balloon and the pressure as we go into 2017 and all the changes that are on the horizon. I think it's you know a wonderful time that we should all be enjoying and embracing and I for one am extremely grateful that I've gotten to spend time with my mom and my brother and my family and we just got back from Disneyland spending a couple days in that beautiful park, the weather was gorgeous. It was crowded but we got to spend time and go on rides and enjoy ourselves and it's so beautiful this time of year and you know share the pictures on Facebook and Instagram and you know connect with our followers and friends and family in that way. So it's just a wonderful time of year it's a wonderful time for social media it's very positive and uplifting and I hope we can carry that feeling throughout 2017. I for one am very optimistic and I look forward to what the new year has to offer and I’ll share more about that in future podcasts. So thanks everybody, I really appreciate you tuning in and just remember you can be more social. Connect: I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at  
  • HSAY 013 - Daniele Gatti | Marketing Consultant | Social Media Expert

    HSAY 013 - Daniele Gatti | Marketing Consultant | Social Media Expert   Background: Daniele was born in the wine region of Piedmont, in the North of Italy to a family of wine merchants.  He graduated Summa cum Laude in Oriental Languages and Literatures at Venice University in Italy, and has spent extensive time living and working in Japan and Asia. Before joining Velvet Media Daniele has worked for a decade as Brand and Marketing Manager in Fortune 100 companies, leading international-scale projects and multicultural teams. He lives between Tokyo and Denver and in his spare time, tries hard to improve his golf handicap score. Quote: “You have to make the content relevant to the audience, and provide value for the audience in exchange for their engagement and time " Highlights: Started Velvet Media specializes in Marketing and utilizing social media Company started in Italy and has expanded into the USA Found a niche with no competition and grew very fastly with the help of social media People were skeptical at first, it was tough to sell this idea of using social media for marketing Started utilizing social media in company about 3 years ago Advertising and using social media is not a one size fits all marketing approach Something posted on Facebook might not be suitable or the best content for Twitter This causes redundancy of content Need to customize content to fit each different platform You have to be storytelling in order to capture the attention of your audience Providing audience with value in exchange for their engagement and time Likes DO equal dollars People are starting to spend more and more time on social media More and more people are looking at content on a mobile platform This changes the relevance of content Something that worked on a laptop or a computer might not look the best on a cell phone or mobile device Building loyalty through the stories you tell on social media platforms is so important Need to build brand equity first Landscape within Facebook is changing very rapidly Instagram is becoming much more of a marketplace This past election was the first true social media political campaign and election Candidates were able to leverage their social media to tell stories and generate impressions With regards to Reviews and social media, it only takes one bad review to stir the pot Has social media become a barrier to human interaction? We need to use social media as a tool and a bridge to go to another place Don’t just sit on the bridge! It is up to the user to cross that bridge and create that human interaction It has given us incredible power which we have never had before We can use social media to breach communication gaps There is so much power in crowdfunding and small startup grow because of social media Resources: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk Amazon: Connect: Velvet Media on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook   I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at   Until next time, thank's everybody!
  • HSAY 012 - Jeremiah Dinnell - Retired Navy Seal |Firearms Instructor | Leadership Trainer | MMA Fighter

    HSAY 012 - Jeremiah Dinnell  - Retired Navy Seal |Firearms Instructor | Leadership Trainer | MMA Fighter Background:   "If you can do it in less than three minutes, get it done right now and don’t put it off”   Jeremiah is originally from Sacramento, California.  He joined the Navy after high school and trained to become a Navy Seal.  He did deployments with Seal Team three and three combat deployments.  He got a job in Sales after returning from the Navy.  This past December he decided to pursue his own dream and started Never Settle Consulting.  Never Settle Consulting specializes in unique sales and leadership team building events to help improve your company's overall communication, leadership and growth from principles proven to work. Never Settle Consulting was founded with the purpose to deliver high level training in shooting, tactics, long range shooting, combative training, and personalized training programs for Law Enforcement, SWAT and Military groups. Jeremiah is also an MMA fighter.  He does fighting as a stress reliever; he’s 6 and 1 for fights.  He lives with his wife Amanda and their children.   Highlights: Former Navy Seal Current MMA Fighter First got involved in social media through MySpace, during his first deployment to Iraq Then joined Facebook with the hopes of staying in touch with people Your page needs to provide value to people without simply trying to sell people something Jeremiah started to gear his facebook and twitter in this way to provide value to his followers There comes a point in business where you need to start promoting yourself on social media Connected with friend and influencer, Jocko who then had him as a guest on his podcast The podcast received over 17,000 views/listens Jeremiah received numerous new followers on all social media platforms Shows the power of social media None of those people knew who he was before, after the podcast he had tons of new connections The podcast set him up for so many more business opportunities and connections; got a call from Dom Rozzo He is trying to get better at balancing his use of social media During working hours he uses social media, but after those hours his wife tries to help him focus on family time or alone time without the phone Tries to set up a schedule in order to be effective with his time and limit his social media use Are we more social or less social?  Jeremiah says yes to both Tip about social media: when on a date or with another significant other, put the phone away!  Spend quality time with loved ones. Resources: Jocko Podcast with Jeremiah: Extreme Ownership - by Joclo Willink & Leif Babin : Connect:   Website: Instagram: @neversettleconsulting Twitter: @jpdinnell Facebook: Never Settle Consulting LLC Email:   I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at   Until next time, thank's everybody!
  • HSAY 011 - Kim Acedo - Self Care Coach | Health and Wellness Mentor | Personal Trainer

    HSAY 011 - Kim Acedo - Self Care Coach | Health and Wellness Mentor | Personal Trainer Background:   “You don’t get stronger if you do the same thing all the time” Kim Acedo has been advising women in midlife on their health and wellness since 2000. She works exclusively with women in their 50s who want to live their healthiest and happiest life. Most of her clients have been putting their health and self-care on the back burner for most of their lives and when they hit their 50s they realized that they’ve been putting their wants and needs to the side and it’s now time for them to refocus on themselves. Kim empowers her clients to build confidence, resilience, hope, self-motivation, and make lasting changes to their health and well‐being. Her clients and she work together to get “unstuck” and discover goals and strategies based on their core values and motivators in order to bring about the healthy lifestyle they desire. Kim has a Master’s degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science and is a Certified Health & Wellness Coach through Wellcoaches School of Coaching. Highlights: Health and self care coach for women in their 50’s Kim is 35 but has been working with people in their 50’s for about 20 years Started as a personal trainer; did this for 15 years Thought that she would open her own gym, but started to work with her clients in a different way so decided against it Likes working with people for an extended amount of time Discovered her clients wanted an overall wellness in their life Would give her clients a judgement free space to open up and talk with her; this gave her a shift in energy All coaching is done virtually Finds herself very fulfilled Discovered she had coaching skills, listening, reflecting back, asking open-ended questions Went to a coaching school and felt like it was exactly what she should be doing Involved in a mastermind group for about 5 years Most of her clients have been putting other people first in their lives for a long time Women who have hit their 50’s and are experiencing an empty nest or questioning their purpose They are asking themselves what’s next?  They want to start putting themselves right up with everyone else Women at this age are more open to adventure and a new challenge Realize their parents are declining and this changes things for them as well Uses facebook mostly for business, email for business instagram for personal Has snapchat and twitter accounts but doesn’t typically use those Wants to be where her audience is; her ideal client is a facebook user Facebook is becoming a great way to curate information Her clients need to be ready, willing, and able to make a change Discovered that there are so many women on Facebook that are available for her to target So many tools for targeting and advertising to specific markets on Facebook She is concerned with the level of distraction due to Facebook Finds that women in their 50’s are also distracted by Facebook You need to step away from social media in order to improve yourself Over Consuming social media is a problem despite the demographic It’s necessary to close down your social media at times and not have to focus on many things at one time Resources: Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod   Connect: Business website: Transformation Wellness for Women; Facebook: Kim Acedo I hope you enjoyed and found value on this episode of The How Social Are You Podcast please feel free to share it on social media with your followers. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker and Google Play. Your ratings and comments on iTunes are greatly appreciated. If you have questions about The How Social Are You Podcast or would like to be interviewed you can tweet or direct message me on GAB the new People First / Free Speech Social Network at @ML as well as on Twitter @mlindheimer or on Instagram @mlindheimer and lastly on Facebook melindheimer and you can also email me at   Until next time, thank's everybody!