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How She Did That

How She Took Action & Scaled!

Season 4, Ep. 88

Do you ever wonder why you see other businesses thriving and steadily increasing their revenue while yours feels stagnant? Do you find it impossible to grow your income without expanding your workload at the same time? In this episode we are talking about how to overcome the internal obstacles that are holding you back from achieving your goals. What are the reasons you are telling yourself that you can’t reach x amount of dollars or live a certain lifestyle? Today we are diving into why self sabotage is a thing and how you can change up your mindset, because more often than not your mindset is really the only thing standing in the way of your own success. You’ll be surprised to learn that scaling your business doesn’t need to be as hard as you think it is!

Here to help us do some soul searching is the founder and CEO of The Unstoppable Woman, Amira Alvarez. Amira knows exactly what tactical strategies and mindset shifts are required to get out of your own way, live life on your own terms, and master the art of achieving any goal you set your mind to. She has helped thousands of women break free from their limitations and accomplish their dreams, whether that be reaching 7-figures, building a business empire, making an impact in the field of entertainment, arts, sports, law, medicine, the corporate world, and so much more! 

We talk about:

  • Amira’s background and how she overcame her own mindset obstacles
  • Why we plateau once we’re “comfortable” 
  • The first step towards changing your mindset narrative
  • How to take action once you’ve overcome the mindset piece

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  • 197. How to Infuse Mission, Vision, Values into Your Agency's Day to Day - Part 2

    In the final episode of this 2-part series, we delved into the importance of creating company core values. Core values serve as guiding principles that uphold a business's beliefs and conduct. They're a personal and intentional promise to you, to your company, to your team and to your clients about what they can expect and depend on. In this episode, we break down: The five questions to ask yourself AND your team as you begin to brainstorm potential values. How to narrow down and refine the values you've brainstormedExamples of company core values such as integrity, accountability, and respect. Using your core values to determine if a client or a team member are in alignment with your company. Take action today by creating or revisiting your agency's core values, sharing them with your team, and posting them online or on your business' website to ensure consistent alignment with these values. If you liked this week's episode, check out Part 1 of the series where we covered the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement and how to turn them into statements that truly guide your company's direction and decision-making! Listen to Episode 196 here.
  • 196. How to Infuse Mission, Vision, Values into Your Agency's Day to Day - Part 1

    In this episode of the How She Did that Podcast, our focus is on the importance of mission and vision statements for your business. These are not just documents to be created and forgotten; they are the guiding stars for your business's direction and decision-making. I broke down the difference between mission and vision statements and provided examples from well-known companies like Starbucks, Nordstrom, Duolingo, TikTok, IKEA, Disney, and the BBC.I also shared practical tips on how to infuse these statements into the daily life of your business, such as:Post them on your company website.Include them in client intro and onboarding content.Engage your team by asking how they've lived out the mission or worked towards the vision.And more! Join me next week for Part 2, as we delve into creating strong core values statements. Head over to for more resources and ways to work with me!
  • 195. 3 Steps to Creating the Perfect Agency SOP

    In this episode of the How She Did That Podcast, I am sharing three key steps to creating the perfect agency SOP. SOPs or Standard Operating Procedures, are an important part of creating templated systems and processes within your agency. With these guides in place, it is much easier to ensure consistency among your team as they work together and support clients. In this episode you'll learn: The importance of breaking down complex processes into smaller, more manageable SOPs How to set up your SOPs to accommodate different learning stylesBest practices for housing SOPs Click here to watch a video demonstration of our SOP creation process at The Launch Guild.
  • 194. 3 Ways to Make Clients Happy that Cost $0.00

    In this episode of the How She Did That podcast, we dive into the art of client satisfaction without the need for extravagant gifts or expenses. I share three actionable strategies that can significantly boost your client's happiness and ensure a thriving, repeat business relationship.Define Success with Your Client - Understanding what success looks like to your clients is crucial. This ensures that you're focusing on what truly matters to them and addressing any potential fears they might have about the partnership.Keep Your Clients in the Loop - Communication is key. Clients may feel anxious about the process because they're not the experts. By keeping them informed about the progress, what's happening each week, and what's coming next, you can alleviate their concerns and build trust. Follow Through on Your Promises - Simply put, do what you say you'll do. Clients appreciate transparency and accountability.By implementing these three strategies, you can create a business that not only meets but exceeds client expectations, fostering a relationship they'll want to return to time and again.
  • 193. The 10 Things Successful Agency Owners Have in Common

    In this episode, I'm sharing a fast and furious list of the 10 Things Successful Agency Owners Have in Common (plus a couple bonus tips too). Between my three different coaching programs, where I'm working with close to 100 different agency owners at all different stages in their journey, I've been able to see first hand the commonalities that set successful agency owners apart. 1 - Mastering Delegation: Successful agency owners practice the art of delegation, understanding that they can't do everything themselves.2 - Handling Tough Conversations: They may not enjoy it, but they don't shy away from difficult discussions, knowing that addressing issues early prevents bigger problems later.3 - Prioritizing Effectively: They focus on what's truly important and avoid getting sidetracked by tasks that may not be necessary at the moment.4 - Staying on Top of Your Numbers: Knowing their numbers is crucial for maintaining profitability and making informed decisions.5 - Balancing Work and Personal Life: Having hobbies and interests outside of their business makes them better CEOs by providing fresh perspectives.6 - Being Proactive, Not Reactive: Anticipating needs and planning ahead helps them avoid "Oh crap" moments and stay ahead of the curve.7 - Consistent Marketing and Sales: They make lead generation and sales activities a non-negotiable part of their routine.8 - Learning to Say No: They understand the importance of setting boundaries to focus on what truly matters for their business and personal life.9 - Their Team is Now Their Clients: They shift their focus from client support to team support, recognizing that a well-supported team will take good care of clients.10 - They Don't Major in the Minors: They don't sweat the small stuff and allow minor issues to derail their focus or their business.BONUS TIP #1 - Embracing Failure as a Lesson: They view failures as opportunities for improvement rather than a closed door.BONUS TIP #2 - Decisiveness: They aren't afraid to make decisions, understanding that indecision can be more harmful than making an imperfect choice.I hope this list resonates with you and helps you identify areas where you can align your actions and mindset with those of successful agency owners. Let me know which traits you connect with the most by reaching out on Instagram at @thetashabooth.
  • 192. 3 Ways to Get Out of a Mindset Rut

    In this episode of the How She Did That podcast, we are talking about 3 powerful ways to break free from a business mindset rut. As a business owner, you are bound to experience disappointments and challenges from time to time, and sometimes those situations can leave us feeling stuck or completely unmotivated. I'm sharing a bit about my own experiences with mindset ruts and offering strategies to help you endure the tough times and reignite your passion for your business.In this episode we cover: What a mindset rut is and the negative impacts it can have on your business Show Yourself Your Evidence of Awesome and reflect on all the amazing things you HAVE achieved! Take action and challenge yourself even when you think you can't find an ounce of motivation. The power of community and knowing you're not alone in your struggles. By implementing these strategies, you can overcome mindset ruts and propel your business towards success. Stay motivated, believe in yourself, and embrace the journey ahead!Learn More About the Agency Alliance Membership!
  • 191. How The Agency Alliance Membership Can Support Your Online Agency’s Growth

    Have you heard about the brand new membership community for agency owners that I just launched?It’s called The Agency Alliance Membership and, in this week's episode I’m sharing all about why I created it, what’s it all about and why over 50 agency owners said “yes” to joining within the first 48 hours of opening the doors!>>> Click Here To Learn More About The Membership & How To Join While Founding Member’s Pricing Is Still Available <<<The Agency Alliance Membership is a game changer for the online agency community! It’s an opportunity for agency owners of all experience and income levels to come together for support, community, and greater learning.In this episode, I share how why you should consider joining including…The Gap In The Market: What market research I did prior to launching this membership and how I knew it was a need for agency owners.What The Membership Includes: There are 4 pillars to how my team and I will support you — Monthly Events, Courses & Resources, Community, and Extra Support & Discounts — I dive into explaining each.The Differences Between The Membership & Others Ways I Support Agency Owners: Wondering how The Agency Alliance is different than my programs The Agency Thrivemind or Expansive — I’ll break it down!The In Person Bonding Opportunity I’ve Created For This Membership (I’m so excited!!!!) : OMG! This is gonna be so fun and I can’t wait!!6 Additional Questions I’ve Been Asked About The Membership: I had A LOT of questions come in about the membership…I answered many in other places in the episode but here are 6 more that you might be wondering about too!Learn More About the Agency Alliance Membership!
  • 190. The Leader Within: Cultivating Self-Leadership in Your Online Agency Team

    In this week's episode of the How She Did That podcast, I’m sharing how to cultivate self-leadership within your online agency team. I am a firm believer that every single member of your team, no matter their role, is a leader in their own right and it is my responsibility as CEO to help them develop those skills! By supporting them in seeing themselves as leaders and providing opportunities for growth, you can foster a culture of ownership, dedication and excellence within your company.In this episode, I share how you can inspire the same leadership and autonomy in your own team:Leadership is an Action: Leadership is about behaviors that align collective direction and execute strategic plans. It's something you do, not just who you are.Encourage Solution-Focused Approaches: Team members should bring solutions, not just problems. This fosters a proactive mindset and encourages strategic thinking.Ask for Their Input: Instead of always providing answers, ask your team members what they think. This empowers them to contribute their ideas and take ownership of their work.Utilize the "Ask Three, Then Me" Philosophy: Encourage team members to seek answers and solutions from multiple sources before coming to you. This helps them use their resources and become more independent.Implement a Tech Triple Check: This process ensures quality control and reminds team members to take responsibility for their work before it reaches the client.Promote Ownership and Responsibility: Allow team members to own their successes and failures. This includes letting them address their mistakes directly with clients, which is a powerful learning experience.Support Their Growth Outside of Your Direct Influence: Provide opportunities for professional development, such as coaching, courses, or stipends for books and conventions.Also mentioned in this episode:Article by McKinsey & Company -’t forget to sign up for my new masterclass called The Macro on Micro Agencies, happening February 22nd at 11am ET! In it, I'll be sharing 5 reasons why building a smaller agency could actually mean BIGGER profits and far fewer headaches. Go to to register!
  • 189. From Chaos to Clarity: Revamping Leadership Team Meetings for Success

    In this week's episode of the How She Did That podcast, I dive into the transformative changes we've made to our leadership team meetings to enhance productivity and maintain focus on our business goals. As a high quick start business owner with unmedicated ADHD, I found that our previous approach led to chaos and a lack of direction. We'd start the year with a strategic plan, only to lose sight of it as time went on.To combat this, we've implemented a new structure for our weekly leadership meetings, ensuring we stay aligned with our goals and can adjust our strategies in real-time. In this week's episode I'm sharing: A breakdown of our revamped leadership meeting agenda. What key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics we review at the start of every meeting and why. The crucial question my team asks me every week that keeps me from being the bottleneck and avoiding CEO overwhelm. By sharing this behind-the-scenes look at our leadership meetings, I hope to inspire other agency owners to refine their processes and create a business they love. Sign up for my new masterclass called The Macro on Micro Agencies, happening February 22nd at 11am ET! In it, I'll be sharing 5 reasons why building a smaller agency could actually mean BIGGER profits and far fewer headaches. Go to to register!