
How I Made It Happen
Season Two - I'm back !
After a lengthy pandemic and taking a few months to write and publish my first book, I am excited to share that How I Made it Happen is back for another season. Officially launching on October 6th, season two features a range of entrepreneurs who discuss in detail how they got started in making their business idea a reality. Here is a snippet of what to expect from season two and if you have not already, please do leave a review and rating so others can discover the podcast.
My new book, Side Hustle in Progress: A Practical Guide to Kickstarting Your Business is published by HarperCollins and available to buy online and in all book shops.
You can find us on social: IG: @Forworkingladies @ElizabethOgabi Twitter: @Fwladies @ElizabethOgabi_
You can sign up for my newsletter "The Snippet" here.
How I Made it Happen is an independent podcast created and hosted by Elizabeth Ogabi and produced by Julie Banks.
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00:59|Welcome to How I made It Happen — the podcast bringing you interviews with phenomenal women sharing practical advice on how to build the career of your dreams or grow a business. This podcast is hosted by Elizabeth Ogabi, founder of For Working Ladies. For more inspiring content visit to read advice, stories and tips from likeminded women. You can find us on social: IG: @Forworkingladies @ElizabethOgabi Twitter: @Fwladies @ElizabethOgabi_1. 1: Ade Hassan, founder of Nubian Skin: On creating more than a fashion brand
21:34||Season 1, Ep. 1A conversation with Ade Hassan, founder of Nubian Skin2. 2: Sarah Akwisombe, founder of No Bull School: On creating an online business school
31:08||Season 1, Ep. 2A conversation with Sarah Akwismbe, founder of The No Bull Business School3. 3: Victoria Prew, Co-founder & CEO of Hurr Collective: On being a non tech founder, gaining traction and sustainable fashion.
28:32||Season 1, Ep. 3A conversation with Victoria Prew, Co-founder & CEO of Hurr Collective.4. 4: Chloé Adelia Watts, founder of chloédigital: On the power of email lists
35:15||Season 1, Ep. 4A conversation with Chloé Adelia Watts.5. 5: Nikki and Leah, Co-founders of OHNE: On getting investors to invest in women focused products.
43:36||Season 1, Ep. 5A conversation with Nikki Michelsen and Leah Remfry-Peploe, co-founders of OHNE.6. 6: Charlotte Williams, Founder of SevenSix Agency: On pivoting as a freelancer to founding a marketing agency
41:01||Season 1, Ep. 6A conversation with Charlotte Williams, founder of Seven Six Agency.7. 7: Nafisa & Selina Bakkar, Co-founders of On using your brand voice and ac
57:54||Season 1, Ep. 7A conversation with Nafisa & Selina Bakkar.