
Hot Eights
C2E20 La Cucaracha
Going into the prison on Redrock the party come up with some very .... inventive ways to progress without raising alarm.
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42. C2E42 Children of Lathander
01:17:44||Season 2, Ep. 42After going through a secret passageway in the Library of High Nobilis, our heroes find there is a hidden system of passages under the city- more secrets are revealed which point to the origin of Queen Vita....... and others41. C2E41 Ancient Tomes
01:06:24||Season 2, Ep. 41Our heroes go further into the secret passages beyond the library of High Nobilis, as they discover some secrets hidden in ancient books of the past....40. C2E40 Terreh & Jerreh
01:20:29||Season 1, Ep. 40Our heroes go on a reconnaissance mission into the Grand Library of High Nobilis, but something isn't quite right about about the librarians Terreh & Jerreh.....39. C2E39 Broomhilda
01:05:25||Season 2, Ep. 39Time for the party to go on a stealth mission and try to uncover the secrets hidden in High Nobilis- but one thing can't be hidden, the instant love connection between one bird-man and a broom........ It's DnD just go with it.38. C2E38 Golden Shower
54:47||Season 2, Ep. 38Let's take some time to go to The Golden Shower, order a pint, and wait for this whole thing to blow over.37. C2E37 Woah Back Betty
54:33||Season 2, Ep. 37The team return to the temple and try to undo the Golden curse on Betty, only 3 other curses to contend with now36. C2E36 Orcbliterate
01:03:54||Season 2, Ep. 36The party show their loyalty by assisting Idris and the mercenaries in clearing out an Orc encampment to the north.35. C2E35 Swear Fidelity to Lathander
54:54||Season 2, Ep. 35The group are given an ultimatum by Queen Vita, do they swear fidelity to The Dawn Father: Lathander?34. C2E34 High Nobilis
59:25||Season 2, Ep. 34The party take their first steps into the esteemed city of High Nobilis, is it as awe-inspiring as promised?