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The Birds & The Bees

Ep. 65

Happy Friday! This week, we're talking about the birds and the bees! Specifically, my install of a 3lb honey bee package, mallard ducks and their mating shenanigans, and my chickens. Funnily enough, right after I recorded this episode, I went out and found that one of Dahlia's eggs has hatched! It's a beautiful little yellow fluffball. Check out my Instagram for pics!

I mention Queenright Colonies, which is a great beekeeping supply company. You can find their website here.

(Please note: I've marked this episode explicit because a few swears slip out. I also discuss animal genitalia in frank, anatomical terms.)

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  • 71. Updates & animal shenanigans!

    50:54||Ep. 71
    I'm back! It's taken multiple attempts to record this episode due to various life chaos but here it is! I start with some quick personal updates, a little sad news (RIP Petal), homestead and hive news, and then I share some funny animal stories from the last few weeks. Thanks for your patience with me! Please check out my Instagram for photos of things discussed. (Marked explicit due to some light cursing.)
  • 70. My current nemesis: Thistle!

    45:55||Ep. 70
    This week, I talk about thistles! How can we identify them? Are they good for pollinators? How do we destroy and conquer the invasive species? Will I be digging them up forever?? (Probably, yes)All this and more in episode 70!*References:
  • 69. Relaxed Fit! Updates & Bee Chatter

    50:00||Ep. 69
    I'm back! Hurrah! This week, I share all the news from the homestead, including chicken updates, bee colony progress, and why I am drinking a gin & tonic at 4 in the afternoon! Then I get into some bee chatter; where I analyze a question from one of my mentees, and go through my thoughts on the topic. Warnings for bad language (sorry, mum), discussion of chicken prolapse, alcohol chat (I bought fancy gin!), and mention of surgery.Links:Hendrick's Gin Flora Adora (it's flower and pollinator inspired!)Queenright Colonies' Beekeeping Calendar17th Century Beekeeper Saying
  • 68. Frogs That Freeze

    30:28||Ep. 68
    Happy Friday! I hope you will enjoy this addition to my 'farm story' episodes. I am a big fan of this extraordinary little frog, and I hope you are too! *Article on crushed egg shells and slugs:
  • 67. Baby Raccoon Attack??

    37:21||Ep. 67
    I'm back after my short break! Thank you for your patience.This episode starts with some updates on my sad-sack-ness and why I haven't uploaded anything for 2 weeks. I also talk about my hives (up to 2 colonies now!), and my garden (what is planted, what's growing, what's in bloom, etc).Then we get to the main story, which will not be for everyone. Listener discretion advised! I tell the story of two baby raccoons who appeared to willfully throw themselves into the jaws of death (aka my dogs). Frank discussion of animal death, rabies, and vaccinations. Skip if that isn't your thing!My next episode will be much less depressing (I hope)!
  • 66. Baby Season! & Hive Update

    46:27||Ep. 66
    I'm back after last week's break! Things have been very busy here the last 2 weeks, and I talk a little about what has been going on. Then I get into baby season here on the homestead! I have news on the skinks, and the chickens. I ended up incubating the rest of Dahlia's clutch so discuss how that works and how to set up a brooder for newly hatched chicks. I also talk about how my package of bees is settling in to their new home, and share general bee news from my local community (it's swarm-a-palooza here, right now!)References/links:I used an old model of a Hova Bator incubator for these eggs. Website link here.And I referenced Lisa Steele's, "Fresh Eggs Daily" for getting my brooder set up. Check out her website here. Follow me on Instagram for photos of the babies!
  • 64. Chaos Sprites (aka chickens)

    17:43||Ep. 64
    Happy Friday! This is a short one because I haven't been able to do much outside due to the weather, and life off the homestead has been a touch chaotic. Speaking of chaos. . . a recent experience with one of my chickens has convinced me that they're actually adorably fluffy chaos sprites (who can't be trusted!). Listen in to hear how Petal, a small frizzle hen, defied the laws of physics and caused great confusion (and noise)!I mention a 'no pick' lotion in this episode, which can be found here. Apologies for the short length, and I hope to have more to report in a week!
  • Spring has sprung! (maybe)

    Happy Friday! This week, I talk about what has been going on at the homestead. Is Spring finally here? It felt like it for about a week but then the cold returned! I have tried to make the most of the nice weather by cleaning up and prepping the gardens, and there's just so much to do that it can be hard to focus. Early in the episode, I give a sad update on my gecko, Pixie. Animal death discussed so please listen with caution. I also got a bit sniffly, sorry!Then I talk about some community activism to protect our chickens, and finally I end the episode with some confusing happenings in my apiary. I'd love your thoughts on that! Send me an email at if you have any insights for me!With thanks to The Honey Bee Suite for some excellent articles on absconding vs swarming in honey bees:Why do honey bees swarm (or abscond) in the fall?Absconding bees or death by varroa?