
cover art for Improvements we will be working on!

HolidayCity@Berkeley Open Meetings

Improvements we will be working on!


These are suggestions submitted by New Board Candidates

Everything will be voted on!

1.     WIFI in the clubhouses Thanks to Mr. Pomponio

2.     Transparency, Transparency, Transparency

3.     Provide the Minutes of every Meeting and every Binding vote before we spend, you won’t have to ask us.

4.     New Online Bulletin with live updates

5.     Updated to a 21st Century Website

6.     Make your payments online

7.     Email notices of Events (sign up is required)

8.     Savings accounts to offset Bank fees

9.     Shop every Vendor every year

10.    Evaluate the maintenance expenses every year

11.    Shop every expense every year

12.    Cut expenses because where we Can

13.    Amend the Committee requirements from 7 to 3

14.    Help is on the Way for those in need. Help the shareowners, to resolve complaints, helping them make calls  fill out forms, and creating clubs.         

15.    Expand the pool openings by two weeks

16.    Form classes to learn the Internet and basic computer skills.

17.    Have a class to teach the understanding of the Bylaws

18.    Seek out the needy residents

19.    Increase the Bylaw enforcements

20.    Reach out to the shareowners

21.    We will answer questions

22.    We will never be condescending

23.    Sign up for budget information classes

24.    Restructure the Bus Contract add a Meeting Day pick up

25.    Record Video/Audio live every Meeting that is open to shareowners

26.    Open a line of communication by email or chat so the shareowners who want to     speak about the issues can.

27.    Set up a BOD meeting with the other associations to pick each other’s brains (Coalition)

28.    Tear down that wall! Stop the abuse spending

29.    Return office hours to 9-4

30.    Review and correct every recent action the past board conducted outside the scope of their authority that was in violation to our governing documents

31.    Hold current Directors liable for losses resulting from all their unlawful actions

31a.   Conduct Surveys and use the results consideration for many suggestions, and decisions.

32. Posting all meetings on the website & having a link to ask questions. 


33. Having information as clickable links, IE: clubs, complaints, newsletter, etc.


34. Having 1 late night for the office


35. Enforcing bylaws with warnings and handing out fines for non-compliance 


36. Taking emails or phone #'s at meetings for responses to questions we have to look into


37. Updating the bylaws


38. Vote on monies spent over 5K


39. Review maintenance crew contracts


40. Review security personnel


41. Review the Grass cutting contract


42. Look at a pool maintenance contract


43. Investigate a salt water pool


44. Looking into Solar Panels


45. Form a “Welcome to the Neighborhood”: committee and welcome new members


46. Give members a self-addressed and stamped postcard or comment card annually that they can send to the association with comments, ideas and/ or feedback.

47. Research a Doggy Park amenity

48. Clean up the Landscaping on the clubhouse properties

49. Rust removal on sidewalks, buildings and structures.

50. Start a Men’s Club for barbequing at the pool.

51. Place Garbage cans wherever there is a bench in our community.

52. Shareowner Meetings at 6pm

53. Have a Year-Round maintenance schedule for our crew to upkeep our   landscaping and property appearance.

54. Have informal open meetings to discuss shareowner ideas, concerns and comments. These will be recorded for all directors to reference. A quorum will not be necessary.

55. Relocate and redesign the Pool 1 Entrance. We need to better utilize the deck and recreation areas.

56. Review and update the “Rules and Regulations” section in our Bylaws.





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