
cover art for The Marines Prepare for Action

History of the Marine Corps

The Marines Prepare for Action

Ep. 9

This week, we start to see some action. We discuss some of the first Marines to enlist in the Marine Corps and learn about their mission of recruiting Marines for war. We also take a look at the Naval Committee of Congress decision to develop and implement Naval regulations. We’ll end the episode by taking a look at some Naval battles against the worlds strongest Naval force.

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  • 32. The United States Sail to the West Indies

    22:05||Ep. 32
    This episode detours from politics and discusses the Navy and Marine Corps during the start of the Quasi-war with France. We’ll review the construction of a couple of new frigates, weapons used, and take a look at USS Constellation and how she received the nickname, the Yankee racehorse.
  • 31. A New Nation Divided

    26:55||Ep. 31
    We draw the curtain back on American politics towards the end of the 18th century. President John Adams is dealing with France attacking and seizing American commerce ships and the Federalists and Democratic-Republican parties are using the conflict to advance their political party. The controversy was a crucial phase for the U.S. and introduced the challenge of international diplomacy. We also briefly discuss the XYZ Affair and the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. We’ll end the episode with a short discussion about the decision to establish the Department of the Navy and the passing of the Marine Corps Act, which formally established and organized the United States Marine Corps.
  • 30. A Former Ally Becomes an Enemy

    22:22||Ep. 30
    This episode introduces the first official war the United States fought as an independent nation. The Quasi-War was an undeclared war against one of our greatest allies during our fight for Independence, the French. We will take a look at our relationship with France after the revolution as well as events that changed our alliance.
  • 29. A New Independent Nation

    25:08||Ep. 29
    We'll tie a bow around Marines serving in the American Revolution and talk about the decision to disband the Continental Marines. We'll also get into some statistics about the war.
  • 28. The War Comes to an End

    21:40||Ep. 28
    This episode takes a look at the rarely talked about privateer and state Marines. 
  • 27. And Then There Were Two

    25:03||Ep. 27
    We take a look at the consequences the Penobscot Expedition had on Continental Marines and conclude with the two remaining detachments of Marines fighting in the American Revolution. 
  • 26. The Penobscot Expedition (Part 2)

    21:57||Ep. 26
    This episode takes a closer look at American military leaders’ actions that potentially cost lives and the loss of what should have been an easy win for the Continental military.
  • 25. The Penobscot Expedition (Part 1)

    25:24||Ep. 25
    We take a look at the beginning of the Penobscot Expedition, probably one of the worst naval disasters in American military history. 
  • 24. The End of the Willing Expedition

    26:00||Ep. 24
    During this episode, we dig a little deeper into the Willing expedition and discuss some of the hardships and challenges Willing and the Marines faced with the Spanish and the British.