
cover art for The one where we finally delivered

Highs, Lows & Equestrian Whoas

The one where we finally delivered

Season 1, Ep. 1

Welcome to our very first attempt at Podcasting! After being highly requested we have finally delivered so we hope you enjoy listening and laughing along with us.

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  • 5. The one before the big B

    First thoughts of the Grassroots Championship course, terrible dress rehearsal and horrible attitude. We talk all things prior to Badminton Horse Trials.
  • 4. The one where we address the rumours

    We can only apologise that it's been so long but thank you for all the interest for another episode. So let's address the elephant in the room... where have we been? Have we fallen out? What's going on!
  • 3. The one where we look back at 2023

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! We thought as a final goodbye to 2023 we would look back over the past 12 months at what we both achieved. All we can say is what a memorable year it has been, have a listen to find out why.
  • 2. The one where we explain a little further

    Name's like Chris, Rob, Sam or Nala (just to name a few) are likely to come up in quite a lot of our conversations but we were made aware you may not actually know who these people/pets are so we explain a little more. We also share our first follower's Whoa!