Happiness Is with Bruce Aitchison

  • 2. Happiness Is... Fiona Burnet [Ep 137]

    36:32||Season 8, Ep. 2
    Fiona Burnet seems to have 26 hours in her day!She is an elite level athlete, while working in a job that makes the world a better place.I absolutely loved chatting to her, I hope you enjoy listening. Happiness is Fiona Burnet Shaped
  • 1. Happiness Is... Amy Costello [Ep 136]

    45:08||Season 8, Ep. 1
    I've known of Amy Costello for a long time, I've enjoyed watching her journey from afar.I absolutely loved having the opportunity to chat to her about her life so far and the exciting things that lie ahead.She is a fantastic role model.I loved talking to her, I hope you enjoy listening.Happiness is Amy Costello Shaped
  • 7. Happiness Is... Jordan Edmunds [Ep 135]

    01:01:09||Season 7, Ep. 7
    I've known Jordan Edmunds for a long time. It has been an absolute joy to watch his journey and see everything he has achieved. From club, to pro, 7s on the circuit for Scotland and GB, playing for Edinburgh, and even having a tournament named after him...He's remained humble, hard working, and is a role model for others.I loved chatting to him, I hope you enjoy listening.
  • 6. Happiness Is... Rob Robertson & Pete Burns [Ep 134]

    41:31||Season 7, Ep. 6
    Murrayfield is a special place to me. I've had so many happy moments there, shared with so many people. I could watch the grass grow.Rob Robertson & Pete Burns have written an incredible book to celebrate the 1st 100 years of Murrayfield, about 100 memorable games. It's a cracker.I loved chatting to them, I hope you enjoy listening.
  • 5. Happiness Is... WP Nel [Ep 133]

    01:03:09||Season 7, Ep. 5
    I take HUGE delight announcing at Murrayfield & the Hive, especially this guy...W... P... NEL! I still get people shouting this at me! He's an amazing human, a gentle giant. It was great to speak to him from his home in South Africa, I hope you enjoy listening.
  • 4. Happiness Is... Kaleem Barretto [Ep 132]

    01:02:00||Season 7, Ep. 4
    Kaleem Barretto has a great story to tell, and he's not finished yet.You can't help but smile when you speak to him, and he's on a mission!I loved it, I hope you enjoy listening.
  • 3. Happiness Is... Matt Scott [Ep 131]

    01:03:25||Season 7, Ep. 3
    I always enjoy chatting to Matt Scott, he has had an amazing career and gathered some phenomenal memories. I was delighted to see him arrive back in Edinburgh this season.I loved chatting to him, I hope you enjoy listening.
  • 2. Happines Is... Taylor Winyard [Ep 130]

    52:20||Season 7, Ep. 2
    Happiness is Taylor Shaped!Taylor Winyard is delivering the match ball at the Scotland Women v Fiji Women at the Hive Stadium.Taylor is an inspirational, RECORD BREAKING athlete who has conquered both the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans!!! Friend to Rachel Malcolm & many of the Scotland Women, she has a brilliant story to tell.Humble, funny & determined, I loved the chat. I hope you enjoy listening!
  • 1. Happiness Is... Mick Colliss [Ep 129]

    17:56||Season 7, Ep. 1
    I didn't know Mick Colliss until Facebook brought him into my life. I'm so glad it did!A rugby loving Australian who like me, loves Clubland and enjoys talking!His story is hilarious, and he is bringing it to the Edinburgh Festival from the 19th - 25th August. I loved chatting to him, I hope you enjoy listening.Tickets are available here,https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/blood-sweat-and-beers-how-one-man-overcame-a-complete-lack-of-ability-to-represent-his-country?fbclid=IwY2xjawErDPRleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHR-1R47LKaUX5OSKy58UA4lScskEDN6wzTRp19LWLQEykRgRNqOQ-pAr8g_aem_FGilEYT1s-I6whqvnyN2wwI'll see you there!Mick knows...Happiness is Egg Shaped