Gym n Gin Life | Fitness Couple

  • 6. Weight Training for BODY & MIND - Why you NEED to do it & HOW

    Talking how important weight training is to us, how it has transformed our lives, bodies & minds 🙇🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️Weight training literally will change your body shape for the better, but it also has endless benefits for your mental health!✨Imagine starting your day, already winning by choosing training instead of another hour in bed = day won already✅✨But ALSO smashing a PB on a lift, you will be BUZZZINGGGG to start your day & ready it’s smash anything the day throws at you!!💪🏻✅We hope this episode helps you see how beneficial weight training is to transform your body, but even better your mind! We hope you can take away, how you can and should use weight training to get the body & mindset you have always dreamed of!! Find us on Instagram as 'Gymnginlife' to see our everyday lifestyle and daily fitness & motivation videos!
  • 5. Intermittent Fasting & Nutrition for Fat Loss

    Discussing our simple & easy to maintain approach to nutrition for fat loss. Telling you the SOLUTION to fat loss, not the different methods mainstream companies try to sell to you as the 'only way' to lose body fat.We share how we use the method 'Intermittent Fasting' very loosely, to achieve a calorie deficit when fat loss is our goal.The benefits & disadvantages of Intermittent Fasting, and our tips and tricks that we have learnt along over the past 4 years using Intermittent Fasting each day.We hope this episode helps you see how straight forward understanding and implementing the basics to nutrition can be, and the main things you should focus on when fat loss is your goal.
  • 4. Our Mental Health Journeys & Dealing with Anxiety

    Taking you through how we have dealt with anxiety in different ways, anxiety triggers, PTSD, and how we have learnt many tools and coping mechanisms over the years to reduce it. We hope you learn from listening to this, that anxiety is normal, counselling is normal & how important it is to prioritise your mental health, the same as your physical health.The stronger your mental health is, the better you will feel every day in every other part of your life and your fitness journey will be much more successful too!
  • 3. Our Fitness Journeys - Part B

    Part B - Sharing both of our fitness journeys with you all!Talking how we have both come through different stages on our fitness journey, where we have each gained a lot of weight, lost body confidence, but then how we worked hard to get out out of the 'ruts' and back into great shape. Also by doing this, developing the best body confidence we have had in years.We share a lot of the mistakes we have made along the way, how its hard to deal with pressures to look a 'certain way', and why we would never chose those routes again!We have a laugh together as always along the way, and we hope you can learn from our experiences, take a bit of inspiration & learn its not as terrifying or impossible to get into shape & feel confident in your body!
  • 2. Our Fitness Journeys - Part A

    Part A - Sharing both of our fitness journeys with you all!Talking how we have both come through different stages on our fitness journey, where we have each gained a lot of weight, lost body confidence, but then how we worked hard to get out out of the 'ruts' and back into great shape. Also by doing this, developing the best body confidence we have had in years. We share a lot of the mistakes we have made along the way, how its hard to deal with pressures to look a 'certain way', and why we would never chose those routes again!We have a laugh together as always along the way, and we hope you can learn from our experiences, take a bit of inspiration & learn its not as terrifying or impossible to get into shape & feel confident in your body!Part B will be up very soon :)Find us on Instagram as 'Gymnginlife' to see our everyday lifestyle and daily fitness & motivation videos!
  • 1. Gym n Gin Life - Get to know us!

    Fitness couple Niamh & Grant, sharing our story, why we love to workout, but also love a good social event & party! You really can do both :) Listen in to hear all about us, and find out what topics we will cover in each episode to come! Find us on Instagram as 'Gymnginlife' to see our everyday lifestyle and daily fitness & motivation videos!