
Growth by OIW and Epicenter

A podcast by Oslo Innovation Week and Epicenter that wants to inspire entrepreneurs, interact with ambitious people and enable you to grow your company

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  • 6. Engaging with the startup ecosystem

    In this episode of Growth we meet Siw, the CEO of Oslo Business RegionHow can Oslo, Norway and the Nordics be an asset when attracting new talent, clients and capital to your company? And how can the startup community contribute to making the region succeed even more? Siw joined us to discuss these topics. Growth is a podcast created by Oslo Innovation Week and Epicenter. The episodes are recorded at Epicenter, edited by Icecube Media and music is created by Bjørn Larsen. In the studio is Mathias Willumsen and Siw Andersen.

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  • 5. Disrupting traditional industries

    In this episode of Growth we meet Kristian, the CEO and Co-Founder of CuttersCheck out this episode where we talk about disrupting a traditional industry, and how to handle industry reactions. Also, we discussed how Cutters have grown to become an international player and the road to getting there. Growth is a podcast created by Oslo Innovation Week and Epicenter. The episodes are recorded at Epicenter, edited by Icecube Media and music is created by Bjørn Larsen. In the studio is Mathias Willumsen and Kristian Solberg. 
  • 4. Attracting key competence

    In this episode of Growth we meet Marianne, the CEO and Founder of VibbioWe had a talk about talent, and how it has been to attract tech talent as well as being a tech founder with a non-tech background. Growth is a podcast created by Oslo Innovation Week and Epicenter. The episodes are recorded at Epicenter, edited by Icecube Media and music is created by Bjørn Larsen. In the studio is Mathias Willumsen and Marianne Rickets.
  • 3. Strategic storytelling

    In this episode of Growth we meet Kjartan, the CCO and Co-Founder of Unacast Check out our talk where Kjartan shares stories about how they have used storytelling as a strategy to build their brand, and further extend and implement that strategy in multiple funnels of their successful growth story. Growth is a podcast created by Oslo Innovation Week and Epicenter. The episodes are recorded at Epicenter, edited by Icecube Media and music is created by Bjørn Larsen. In the studio is Mathias Willumsen and Kjartan Slette.
  • 2. Building a startup

    In this episode of Growth we meet Karianne, the Director of Growth and Partnerships at the Oslo and Bergen based Startuplab. An incubator and early stage investor focusing on early stage tech startups. Tune in to hear Karianne’s view on how startups and established companies can grow, innovate and cooperate faster when the right framework and  mindset is in place. Also, we will hear that joining a large network of innovative companies is possibly not enough, you need to contribute to your own success. Growth is a podcast created by Oslo Innovation Week and Epicenter. The episodes are recorded at Epicenter, edited by Icecube Media and music is created by Bjørn Larsen. In the studio is Mathias Willumsen and Karianne Melleby.
  • 1. Scalable business models

    In this episode of Growth we meet Sigrun, the CEO and Co-Founder of FJONG. A rental platform for clothes. Download the episode to hear our talk about how to react when the worst case scenario becomes real, and get inspired on how not to give up. But rather change gears, increase the growth pace and make your product more scalable. Sigrun will also reveal some future growth plans, and talk about how to prepare for international growth. Growth is a podcast created by Oslo Innovation Week and Epicenter. The episodes are recorded at Epicenter, edited by Icecube Media and music is created by Bjørn Larsen. In the studio is Mathias Willumsen and Sigrun Syverud.