
cover art for What Should I Do With My Life? First, Do This.

Good Life Project

What Should I Do With My Life? First, Do This.

Question for you...

“How do you figure out what kind of work will fill you with a sense of purpose and meaning, let you fully express yourself, your gifts, passions and skills, and drop you into that transcendent state of flow where you just know, deep down, you’re doing the work you were put on the planet to do?”

Here’s what I’ve come to believe…

We’re all born with a certain “imprint” for work that makes us come alive. Work that lets us wake up in the morning and know, deep down, we’re doing what we’re here to do. Work that sets us ablaze with purpose and, fully-expressed in a healthy way, becomes a mainline to meaning, a pathway to that transcendent state of flow, and a gateway to connection and joy. Put another way, work that “sparks” us.

You may find thousands of satisfying outward expressions of this deeper imprint. I believe this is much of what people talk about when they use the word passion, and why any one person can have many equally satisfying outlets for this deeper driver.

But, much to my amazement, every time I’d keep drilling down in search of the deeper root, the essence, the DNA-level “source-code,” I come back not to millions of unique answers, but to the same, remarkably simple set of 10 core imprints or archetypes for meaning and work.

I call these Sparketypes™ ( The archetypes for work that sparks you.

This is not a “woowoo” thing. It’s actually incredibly practical, easily-validated through your own experience, and all about application in the real world. It’s about giving you tools to reveal, then live into a deep sense of purpose, potential and possibility.

And today, I’ve recorded a very special hour-long podcast that takes you deep into the world of the Sparketypes, introduces you to all 10 of them, explains how each becomes expressed in your life, and how we can tap this wisdom to cultivate purpose, meaning, joy and, ultimately, freedom and flow.

And, there’s one other thing. THIS. IS. REALLY. BIG.

Many of you will get a “sense” of your Sparketype simply from what I share about each on the podcast. But, you don’t have to settle for that.

Over the last year, we’ve been working fiercely behind the scenes to develop, test and optimize a proprietary Sparketype Assessment™ that will reveal your Sparketype (actually two of them) in a matter of minutes.

The Sparketype Assessment™ is now available for YOU to take! (

It is 100% free. It takes about 7-10 minutes to complete. At a minimum, it’ll open your eyes in a big way. And, it also just might change your life.

So, listen to the podcast. Take the Sparketype Assessment.

Then, share the podcast, your personal Sparketype and the Sparketype Assessment with anyone you know who needs a little help figuring out the work they’re here to do.


Thank you to our super cool brand partners. If you like the show, please support them - they help make the podcast possible.

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