
cover art for EP 36 - Perfectly Imperfect

Good Mums Say Bad Words Podcast

EP 36 - Perfectly Imperfect

Raising "perfect" children. We navigate and grow as parents and lately we have tried to take the P word out of our vocabulary and enjoy life and all of it's imperfections.

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  • EP 40 - We have sperm

    We have some exciting news and some other lil life updates!
  • EP 39 - Fill Up Your Cup

    A quick thank you from us for letting us share our story...well we went around in circles and then we got to the thank you. Continue the conversation out there about grief and loss, but also do the shit that make your cup full, or at least half full x
  • EP 38 - Meet Rex

    *CONTENT WARNING*This episode contains content that you may find upsetting, controversial or offensive. We're back after a 5 month hiatus. In this episode we discuss our loss of a twin pregnancy as we continue our IVF journey.
  • EP 37 - Sister Act

    Kariah takes a break on this ep while Lissa and her two sisters from another Mister jump on... Annabelle & Emilly weigh in on their big sisters parenting style and recap Annabelle's amazing wedding! Shout out to @ellylouisebridal who made our (Kariah & Lissa) custom wedding dresses and Annabelle's too! We will catch up with Emilly on a later episode to discuss a very sensitive topic.
  • Intellectual Nourishment - Volume 2

    This week's parenting hack we explore kids meal time and healthy habits with Lissa!
  • Intellectual Nourishment - Volume 1

    Welcome to our first mini ep with Lissa. We like to call these Intellectual Nourishment - also known as a parenting hack!
  • EP 35 - Terima Kasih Bali

    We are back after our Bali trip and talk about travelling with kids, all things dick cheese, Kariah's new hair cut and of course the AFL Grand Final and also Kariah's new haircut ;)
  • EP 34 - Blended Families

    B is for Blended, but B is also for BRAVE which is exactly what our friend Georgia is and so much more! Georgia and her now 2 year old Connor, met Mike and his daughter Chelsea and the rest is history for this little family unit. Stay tuned for the next time we speak to G on the poddy.