Godly Passion, Holy Flame

  • 4. Remembering My Mom

    13:26||Season 3, Ep. 4
    An amazing saint went home to be with her Savior this year. This recording is just my humble attempt to pay tribute to the 57 years of love that she poured into my life.
  • Tidings: A Shepherd's Story

    30:46||Season 3
    I'd like to share with you a play I wrote years ago, inspired by the extraordinary events in the hills outside Bethlehem on the original Christmas night. Although fictionalized, this account is drawn from my research into the story and background of the Bethlehem shepherds (as recorded in Luke 2), stirred together with some holy imaginiation of what it might have been like to experience that holy night, not to mention the years that followed...Music by Julius H. from Pixabay
  • Project Philippians - Trailer (Ch 1)

    Many of you have already heard about the new podcast that I began recently. This is just a little promotional trailer that I put together to try to spread the word and to encourage other disciples who might be interested in the type of "deep-dive Scriptural analysis" that Project: Philippians is aiming to be.If you're interested in joining us on the journey, you can find the podcast here: https://shows.acast.com/project-phillipians (or just search for "Project: Philippians" on your favorite podcast app).
  • 5. Introducing: Project Philippians

    09:54||Season 3, Ep. 5
    Today I'd like to invite you into a sneak peak of a new project that I have been praying about for months. It is an ambitious new venture -- one that could only be accomplished if the Lord is in it. But, if He is, I believe this project may have a lasting impact in the spirtual journey of many people. In this episode, I'm announcing a brand new podcast that I'm launching today -- a podcast with one singular mission: to take listeners on a verse by verse "deep dive" into one of my favorite books in Scripture: Philippians.For those of you who want to join me on this journey, head over to Project: PHILIPPIANS -- https://shows.acast.com/project-phillipians
  • 4. Back Forty

    12:01||Season 3, Ep. 4
    Regardless of how old you are or how many years you already have under your treads, your story is not finished yet. Neither is mine. And the challenging question that has been swirling around in my head recently is, "What am I going to do with the time I have left?" As I've been meditating on this, I've been inspired by the story of Caleb, the man who kept charging hard into God's adventures even into his eighties. That's the type of man I want to be. And, earlier this week, the Lord gave me a little glimpse of that future in a way that has made me yearn for it even more.Joshua 14:6-14
  • 3. Something Else to be Thankful For

    12:32||Season 3, Ep. 3
    As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to share just a few things that I'm particularly thankful for this year. Not least of which is an amazing get-together that I got invited to by a guy named Jesus.John 1:37-39
  • 2. (Hineni) Here I Am, Lord

    25:10||Season 3, Ep. 2
    Today I'd like to introduce you to one very special Hebrew word that has begun to transform my prayer life. הִנֵּֽנִי It's pronounced "hin-nê-nî", and it encapsulates, what I believe to be one of the most important postures of a servant's heart.1 Samuel 3
  • 1. Rekindling the Fire

    16:50||Season 3, Ep. 1
    Have you lost the passion? Has your flame grown dim? Has the spiritual fire of your soul dwindled down to nothing but glowing embers? I've been there. I know the feeling. But today, I'd like to share with you some verses that the Lord God has placed on my heart, because I want to help rekindle that fire on the hearth of your heart. Men, I believe there is nothing more important in our spiritual lives than fanning into flame the eternal fire of communion with God.Leviticus 6:12-13; 9:23-34; 10:1-3
  • 11. A Season of Silence

    07:06||Season 2, Ep. 11
    Welcome to the final episode in Season Two of the Holy Flame podcast. I have to say Farewell, for a while, but I just I'd leave you with you a final verse, a final challenge, and a final prayer. Hope to see you again in the Fall!