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God Botherers

They're knocking on your door!

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  • 20. 20. Isn't The Bible Massively Chauvinistic?

    38:47||Ep. 20
    In this exciting episode, Rob & Martin walk on egg shells in an attempt to answer a listener's question: Is the bible chauvinistic, male orientated and dismissive of women? Rob also has some good news for Martin. Enjoy!

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  • 19. 19. Christmas Special'24

    50:01||Ep. 19
    It’s the God Botherers Christmas Party! You are all invited for jokes, carols and mince pies! Merry Christmas to one and all! Carol samples from Kings College Choir, Cambridge, 2013-2020.
  • 18. 18. Multi-Faith Households

    48:17||Ep. 18
    Martin & Rob tackle a reader’s question about becoming a christian but being married to a non-christian. Should one try to convert their partner? How do you raise children in such a situation? And who puts out the rubbish!? Listen to find out!
  • 17. 17. Halloween: Whose Celebration is it Anyway!?

    54:53||Ep. 17
    Halloween, whose celebration is it anyway!? Did the Church steal an ancient pagan religious observance? Is it evil? Should Christians celebrate it? Listen to find out! Credit to historians Tim O'Neill of History for Atheists, and Dr. Andrew Henry of Religion for Breakfast for the information on today's quiz. I’ll add their videos about Halloween on our FaceBook page - to find us search for God Botherers Podcast. Sound effects courtesy of Pixabay.
  • 16. 16. Sex

    47:48||Ep. 16
    Episode 16. Sex. Do Christian’s hate sex? Is the Christian idea about sex out-dated? What’s the Church of England’s views on same-sex marriage? Listen to find out!
  • 15. 15. Is Heaven Like Devon?

    48:25||Ep. 15
    Rob & Martin are back with a packed show this month: Was the Paris Olympics Last Supper drag act parody blasphemous? Isn’t Heaven a made up tale? Is Heaven in Devon or the Isle of Wight? How do you get to Heaven - down the M5? Listen to find out!
  • 14. 14. Aren't Christians Hypocrites?

    44:53||Ep. 14
    I am holier than thou! Or am I? Aren't Christians just a massive load of hipocrites!? Listen to find out! Listen all the way to the end for an 'easter egg'!