
Kurr'b's GOBlin podCAST
Marauder Mo: All About Star Trek's Missing Action Figure
Season 1, Ep. 12
This is my deep dive on an action figure that SHOULD exist. The lore and worldbuilding that I want so bad. Why don't we have THE action figure from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? We're going on a journey today, to look at what could be a throwaway line on an episode of Star Trek to explore a whole world of potential (action figures).
As you listen, just remember Rule of Acquisitoin #9 - "Opportunity plus instinct equals profit."
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11. Gobcast Episode 11: All About That Swigg
34:42||Season 1, Ep. 11We're diving deep on Swigg. His secret origins. Why he's so awesome.And to bring things all together, we'll discuss the Night of 1000 Swiggs at LegionsCon.Read the short story by Jeremy Girard that launched the gathering of 1000 Swiggs at: can see how many Swiggs are going to be there as well as register your own at: more information about LegionsCon, visit legionscon.comDon't have a Swigg but want to get in on the action? has you covered.10. Gobcast Episode 10: Ashes of Agbendor, The Malignancy, and Me
57:44||Season 1, Ep. 10We look at the latest wave of Mythic Legions, Ashes of Agbendor. We focus on The Malignancy of Gobhollow, because it's goblins. And then I talk about myself for a bit.9. Gobcast Episode 9: Deep Dive on Gonxx
27:38||Season 1, Ep. 9This is the first of a series where we break out the highest definition lens we can and look at every detail of the Gonxx figure from Mythic Legions.We really take the figure apart and get to what makes Gonxx special. What does the figure itself tell us? How does the biography shape our understanding?This is not a review, but an exploration.8. Gobcast Episode 8: Collecting Plunderlings Part 2
34:33||Season 1, Ep. 8What is the magic number of Plunderlings for you?0 is right out. Everyone should have a Plunderling by their side.Maybe just 1 is enough for you and your collection. Having a deskmate or couch companion. Someone to show the Elf on a Shelf what for.Maybe you are afraid of having to complete a new line and want just a few? Well, that's cool, too.And what if you want to go all in? Just how many figures is the topic of the day.7. Gobcast Episode 7: Introduction to Collecting Plunderlings
33:45||Season 1, Ep. 7Let's talk about what it is like to collect Plunderlings in this very moment. If you are curious about what is available, how difficult it is to get into the line, or even just speculating on the future, this is the Gobcast for you.6. Gobcast Episode 6: Collecting Mythic Legions Goblins
31:09||Season 1, Ep. 6Simple and to the point: A rundown of the current Mythic Legions Goblins Market. How can you get them? What should you expect to pay? We'll even discuss some strategy and speculate on the future. It feels like a brisk walk through what is out there.5. Gobcast Episode 5: What Color is your Goblin? and why is it green?
56:08||Season 1, Ep. 5Recently, when watching The Hobbit (1977), I realized that goblins were not always the lovely emeral hue we have today. So how did we get here? Was it Dungeons & Dragons? Warhammer? Warcraft? Lord of the Rings? Was it a troubling seed sprouting in the collective unconscious of humanity, at last vitalized and coming to life? All of those and none of them.This is a video asking those questions and trying to get to some kind of answer. It's a long journey with lots of pictures and references, so who knows exactly where we'll end up. But we don't stop digging until we've dug too deep and then we dig just a little bit more, for kicks.If you have any additional information, let me know. Maybe we'll find some more tunnels to explore to get to the very very bottom of this.4. Gobcast Episode 4: Goblin at the Movies - The Hobbit (1977)
30:20||Season 1, Ep. 4We're going on a wonderful journey. And along that journey, we're going to be critical of Middle Earth, where pretty much everything wants to eat you. This is the goblin perspective of the animated The Hobbit (1977) from Rankin-Bass. It's a wild ride, and by the end I am a complete wreck. Enjoy!