
Goal 4: Education for All
Mike Trucano on Innovative EdTech
Season 2, Ep. 6
The World Bank's Senior Education & Technology Policy Specialist and Global Lead for Innovation in Education, and visiting fellow in the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution, joins me to discuss EdTech in developing contexts, why if you are pointed in the wrong direction, technology may help you get there more quickly, the importance of using the tech you already have, and his thoughts for the future. Links below.
Center for Universal Education at Brookings (links to blog posts)
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31. UNESCO Special: Matthias Eck and Sabine Meinck on Boys' Reading
30:17||Season 2, Ep. 31Disclaimer: The views of podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily represent those of UNESCO.Two authors of the new UNESCO/IEA policy brief Why boys may need more support in building their reading motivation, confidence, and engagement join me to discuss the findings and their implications.Further reading and information:IEA Policy Brief SeriesInformation on large-scale assessments in educationLeave no child behind: global report on boys’ disengagement from education - UNESCO Digital Library30. UNESCO Special: Matthias Eck on the Price of Inaction
16:27||Season 2, Ep. 30Disclaimer: The views of podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily represent those of UNESCO.The Programme Specialist in UNESCO’s Section of Education for Inclusion and Gender Equality joins me to talk about why education is not only a moral and social necessity, but a smart investment.The Price of Inaction report, and related information, can be viewed here.29. Andy Brock and Pauline Essah on Evidence Building in Education
44:07||Season 2, Ep. 29In this special episode, I speak to two top voices in education about the benefits and the limitations of gathering data and building evidence.Is there such a thing as too much research?Read more about Pauline and her work here.Read more about Andy and his work here.28. Jackie Jodl on Inclusive Education and Special Olympics
28:37||Season 2, Ep. 28The Chief of Global Youth and Education at Special Olympics talks the benefits of inclusion, education system change, the power of sport, and the role of Special Olympics.specialolympics.orgSpecial Olympics Global Center for Inclusion in Education27. Darren Moore on Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools
27:33||Season 2, Ep. 27The senior lecturer at the University of Exeter’s School of Education talks mental health and wellbeing, school attendance, and rethinking what we mean by ‘quality’ education.26. Mel Ainscow on Developing inclusive schools: Pathways to success
20:40||Season 2, Ep. 26The Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Manchester joins me to talk about his new book, and why inclusion for all is the pathway to educational excellence.Link to the book here.25. Richard Streitz on Reimagineering Education
23:37||Season 2, Ep. 25The Vice-Chairman and Co-Founder of Billion-Strong discusses his experiences in the entertainment industry, and the impact that this industry has on our mindsets. Previously a Walt Disney Imagineer, Richard brings a uniquely creative viewpoint to discussions around inclusion, equity, and diversity. billion-strong.org24. Daisy Shepherd on Including the Voice of Young People
23:53||Season 2, Ep. 24The current school pupil and passionate inclusive education activist joins me to speak about the role that young people can play in the all means all movement.23. UNESCO Special: Julia McGeown
13:56||Season 2, Ep. 23Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the podcast guests, and do not necessarily represent those of UNESCO.The head of inclusive education at Humanity & Inclusion joins me online following the Salamanca anniversary event at UNESCO HQ to talk inclusion.LinksInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Inclusive Education | Source ( Report Always Included 2023 ( Itinerant teachers – An innovative and personalized tutoring system. ( VideosEkitabu software piloting in HI supported inclusive model schools: Inclusive pre-school education in Jordan: assistants and a community approach in Kakuma refugee camp: