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Global Development Review

Life and Struggles in Gaza: A Palestinian Women's perspective

Ep. 1

Since 1948 Nakba, Palestinians are resisting the colonial aggression from Israel over the cost of their lives. From the past decades, the intensity of violence by Israel appears to be briskly increasing. Israeli aerial bombardment of Palestine, especially in Gaza, has taken many lives of innocent Palestinians. For example, the 2008-09 air attacks and ground invasion by Israel led to at least 1100 Palestinian deaths. The 2014 air attack and ground invasion resulted in 2100 killings of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The aerial, sea and land  bombardment that happened in recent weeks of May 2021 ended with the killing of , 254 including 39 women and 66 children in Gaza. These numbers are important to reveal the extent of violence and brutality on Palestinians by Israeli occupation and its bombardment, but it should not diminish other aspects of the daily struggle of those Palestinians who live under siege and occupation of Israeli forces. Apart from these killings and air attacks, Palestinians resist, struggle and experience everyday aggression, restrictions and sanctions that affect their economy, well being, health and every aspect of their life. The most vulnerable among them are children and women. This episode of Global Development Review Podcast thus focuses on the life and struggles in Gaza and learns from the lens and perspective of a Palestinian woman, from her lived experiences.

I requested Rana Shubair to share her experience, perspective and reflections about life and struggles in Gaza. Rana Shubair is a survivor of latest aggression of 2021 in Gaza strip. She is an activist, mother of three, and author of two books. Her first book ‘‘In Gaza I Dare to Dream’, recounts details of her own life under Israeli Occupation, aggression and the Gaza Siege. She presents Gaza as ‘a land where joy and grief are entwined, yet its people dare to dream, dare to love and struggle to gain their basic human rights’. Her second book “My Lover Is A Freedom Fighter” is a historical fiction that reflects about romance in Palestine while living under occupation. (you can know more about Rana and read her blog articles at:

In this podcast, I interviewed Rana with an aim to learn and express my solidarity with the people of Palestine by sharing the life and struggle of an ordinary Palestinian to a global audience, through her narrative and experience. While her narrative and personal experiences are heartfelt and reflect deeply about the hardship of Palestinians in present times that ranges from homelessness to education to health to economy etc. in this interview, yet her interview also reflects how Palestinians express their agency, and determine their resilience and their power of resistance.

Her interview talks about history of Palestine and Israel’s occupation, a life of an ordinary Palestinian in present times, role and struggles of Palestinian women with ongoing resistance, Palestinian’s perspective on ongoing colonial tactics of Israel, and she also reflects the level of oppression that Palestinians are experiencing, and she also suggests how global community can support the people of Palestine. 

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  • 13. The World Bank Inspection Panel and its 30 years: Critical reflections and Learning

    In this episode, our guest Ramanie Kunanayagam, Chairperson of The World Bank Inspection Panel, had discussion with Jaffer Latief Najar, sharing her insights on on the issues of accountability of the World Bank funded development projects, the role of Inspection Panel and its 30 years of learning, and critical reflections to the way forward.Ramanie Kunanayagam, a Sri Lankan-born Australian citizen, is current Chairperson of The World Bank Inspection Panel. She brings to the Panel three decades of experience across diverse geopolitical and multicultural environments in the private and public sectors. She has held leadership positions in sustainability in both the private sector (working for two FTSE 10 companies) and the nonprofit sector.Before joining the Panel, she was the Global Head for Social Performance and Human Rights for BG Group. She has been a member of the boards of two international non-profit development organizations—RESOLVE and the Institute of Human Rights and Business. Her appointment as a secondee to the World Bank very early in her career also gives her insight into and knowledge of the organization’s operations that complement the expertise she has developed working alongside civil society, multilaterals, bilaterals and communities affected by World Bank projects.In this episode, Jaffer Latief Najar asks the following questions to Ramanie Kunanayagam:1. What is the World Bank Inspection Panel. What is the purpose and goal of its establishment, and how and when it was established. Can you please share with us about the historical background of The World Bank Inspection Panel and the context behind its birth. 2. How the inspection panel engages with the cases of World Bank funded projects that seems to have damaging or negative impact on local communities and environment at the project sites. What is the procedure for selection of cases for inspection and accountability? 3. What is the methodology of Inspection Panel to check, inspect, examine, and enquire about the consequences of the World Bank Projects. Who are the people involved in the inspection process4. Are the reports and recommendations of Inspection panel taken seriously by World Bank or is it just a tokenistic response for the sake of accountability. Can you please share how the findings, recommendations, and advice of Inspection penal shape and influence the overall funding and accountability policy of world bank and its global development projects?5. I am wondering if it’s possible for you to please share one of the experiences of inspection panel about a case (in any country) where its recommendations have influenced the World Bank Policy6. One important role of the Inspection Panel is sharing lessons learned from past investigation cases in order to inform future operations of the World Bank. Can you tell us about your most recent publication on lessons learned which, as I understand, focuses on the protection of livelihoods among project-affected people?7. Scholars have concerned and underlined that climate change, gender injustices, displacement of local communities, loss of livelihood, forced migration, and dispossessions of Indigenous communities appeared to have been one of the negative outcomes of any development projects. Based on your experience as a chair, can you please share how Inspection Panel and World Bank policies deal with these concerns while funding a development project in any country. 8. This year, under your leadership as a chair, the Inspection Panel has completed 30 years of its existence and contributions. If I ask you about the critical reflections and learning of Inspection Panel from its past experiences and contributions, what would be those reflections and learnings.
  • 12. FAO and the main drivers of Global Food Insecurity and Malnutrition : What to do now and beyond ?

    In this episode, our guest Dr Marco V. Sánchez had discussion with Jaffer Latief Najar, sharing his insights on Global Food Insecurity and Malnutrition.Dr Marco V. Sánchez is Deputy-Director of Agrifood Economics at Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, where he directs flagship reports The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World and The State of Food and Agriculture.Previously he was Senior Economist at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2006 –2017) and Economist at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (2004-2006). He has been consultant to UNDP, IFPRI and IADB (2000-2004) and has supported lecturing and research at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University in the Netherlands (2000-2004), National University of Costa Rica (1995-1999), and Tilburg University in The Netherlands (1995-1996). He has published extensively and was lead editor of books for Bloomsbury (Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East) and Pelgrave/Macmillan (Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Latin America). His recent articles feature in World Development, Journal of Environment and Development and Food Policy.Dr Marco talks about the current situation of global food security and malnutrition, key drivers of food security and malnutrition, and which regions, nations, and communities are exposed to it or potentially vulnerable to it, across the world. He also share his insights on role of women in tackling food security and malnutrition, and suggests the way forward to take measures for now, and what should be a long-term policy to eradicate this threatening rise of global hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.We are active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Please follow us for future updates and other episodes. You can also contact us at for participating in one of the episodes, feedback or any other communication.Hope you enjoy this conversation!Cheers!Global Development Review Podcast
  • 11. Ecological Threats, Conflicts, and Consequences: Imagining Global Peace in the age of Chaos

    Steve Killelea combines a highly successful career in technology with a philanthropic focus on peace and sustainable development to shed new light on issues, from terrorism and conflict to economics and prosperity. He founded the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) in 2007, as an independent not-for-profit global research institute analysing the intertwined relationships between business, peace, and economic development. Steve’s funding and thought leadership behind the Institute would see him recognised as one of the World’s 100 Most Influential People on reducing the onset of armed violence. IEP global leadership extends to calculating the economic cost of violence, measuring peace, risk analysis of a nation’s threat levels, and a new understanding of “Positive Peace” – an eight-pillar model embracing the attitudes, institutions, and structures required to create and sustain peaceful societies. As one of the world’s most impactful think tanks, its research is extensively used by multi-laterals, including the United Nations, World Bank, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and taught in thousands of university courses around the world. He is also the founder of the Global Peace Index, the world’s leading quantitative measurement of global peacefulness, ranking 163 countries, and independent territories. Steve currently serves on the President’s Circle for Club de Madrid, the largest forum of democratic former Presidents and Prime Ministers working to strengthen democracy. In 2010, Steve was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for his service to the community through the global peace movement, and in 2016 was awarded the Luxembourg Peace Prize. Steve is also the author of 'Peace in the Age of Chaos: The Best Solution for a Sustainable Future'. In this episode of Global Development Review Podcast, Steve Killelea had a conversation with Jaffer Latief Najar, reflecting on the conceptualization of peace and positive peace. Steve also shares his insights on the global peace index, contemporary ecological threats, historical wrongs, global conflicts, role of international community, and what we learn from present such situations, including pandemic. He also shares his insights on how can one imagine peace in the present age of chaos and what is the way forward to it. We are active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Please follow us for future updates and other episodes. You can also contact us at for participating in one of the episodes, feedbacks or any other communication. Hope you enjoy this conversation!
  • 10. What counts as modern slavery: A contemporary critical perspective

    Our guest for this episode of Global Development Review Podcast is Prof. Joel Quirk. Joel Quirk is a Professor of Politics at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. His research focuses upon slavery and abolition, mobility and work, social movements, repairing historical wrongs, and the history and politics of Africa. He is a co-founder and editor of the Beyond Trafficking and Slavery (BTS) project, which is housed within openDemocracy. His most recent project with BTS was It’s time to get off the fence on sex workers’ rights (London: openDemocracy, 2021). In this episode, Prof. Joel discusses with Jaffer Latief Najar about critical perspectives on modern slavery and human trafficking. He shares his insights on the history of slavery and how we understand slavery in context of contemporary modern world. He critically reflects on the discourse of modern slavery and share his insights on the comparison of human trafficking with slavery or modern day slavery. Prof. Joel also talks about the implications of policies concerning human trafficking and modern slavery on the individuals and communities, and how it effects the trajectories of such individuals. Based on his years of contribution and research experience in the field, he suggests the way forward in research and policy to assist persons living at the margin.We hope you enjoy this conversation. Global Development Review Podcast is available on social media platforms like Google Podcasts, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook. Please follow for future updates and visit our website for previous episodes.
  • 9. European Union Refugee Policies: A refugee led perspective

    Our guest in this episode is Anila Noor. Anila Noor is a policy influencer for inclusion, diversity and social justice, Feminist Ecosystem Builder, An activist , TEDx Speaker and Researcher based in the Netherlands. Recently she became member of European Commission Expert Group and evaluator for AMIF calls. As an Advisor and expert consultant, she works with different institutions on designing engagement projects related to inclusion and diversity. She is also part of European Commission Expert Group, a former fellow of Open Society Foundation, a former member of European Migrant Advisory Board, EMAB Urban Agenda and worked as a policy advisor on integration for the City of Amsterdam.Anila Noor also initiated New Women Connectors, a movement striving for mainstreaming the unheard voices of migrant and refugee women living across Europe. New Women Connectors is a perspective-shift to the refugee agenda and advocates inclusion than integration as a policy choice.In this episode, Anila shares her experience and insights about the EU refugee and migration policies, what are the ambiguities, and what needs much focus in EU policy framework related to refugees and incoming migrants. Global Development Review Podcast is available on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Podcasts and Twitter. Follow us for other episodes and future updates.
  • 8. Tobacco Industry and Child Labour in Malawi, Africa

    The guest for this episode of Global Development Review Podcast is Prof. Marty Otañez. Prof. Marty Otañez is a California-born medical anthropologist and filmmaker. He is Chair and Associate Professor in the Anthropology Department, University of Colorado Denver. His study areas include exploitative labor practices of global tobacco companies in Malawi's tobacco growing sector, occupational health concerns of cannabis workers in Colorado, and digital storytelling as a resource to examine health equities and social justice. His recent publications include the manuscript co-authored with Jassy Grewal, “Health and Safety in the Legal Cannabis Industry Before and During COVID-19, New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy; the chapter co-authored with David Vergara, “Cannabis Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: A Critical Approach to Research and Practice,” in The Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Cannabis Research; and “A Labor Studies Approach to Cannabis,” in The Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Cannabis Research. In 2021, he is working on a co-edited volume called Cannabis Counter-Narratives: The Role of Arts-Based and Visual Research in Addressing Stigma. Otañez received his PhD in Anthropology from University of California Irvine in 2004, and master's degrees from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (Political Science) and the Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands (Employment and Labor Studies). He produces the community television show Getting High on Anthropology: A Story-Based Approach to Cannabis Research, Education and Funding, this podcast episode, Prof. Marty shares about his work on Tobacco Farming and Child Labour in Africa and what are the key findings of his research. He also helps us to understand the political economy of Tobacco Farming and Child Labour in the context of Malawi, how legal laws or national policies are dealing with the issue of Tobacco Farming and Child Labour in Malawi, how do we understand child labour in the context of countries suffering from chronic poverty and how do we locate agency of worker in that context.In this podcast episode, Prof. Marty also talks about the nature of exploitation or harms that the child labour and adult labour do experience in tobacco farming. Based on his engagement and work, he also suggests and recommends several policy measures, and highlights the nexus between corporate and state. He also explains what he calls neo-colonialism, referring to arrangement of colonial legacy that still exists with current changes.We hope you enjoy this conversation and learn from the insights that Prof. Marty shares in this podcast. We are active on all leading social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Please follow us for future episodes and updates.
  • 7. Content and Scope of ILO Convention 190

    According to International Labour Organisation (ILO), "ILO Convention No. 190 (C 190) is the first international treaty to recognize the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment. The Convention was adopted in June 2019, by the International Labour Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and came into force on 25 June 2021. The Convention represents an historic opportunity to shape a future of work based on dignity and respect for all".In this episode of Global Development Review Podcast, Jaffer Latief Najar discusses with our special guest Ms. Chidi King (Chief of the ILO Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Branch) about the content and scope of C 190, what C 190 offers and how it is helpful to the workers across the labour sectors, around the globe. Our Guest Ms. Chidi King is the Chief of the ILO Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Branch. Previously, Chidi has worked as the Director of the Equality Department at the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). She has also worked as the senior lawyer with the whistle-blowing charity Public Concern at Work (now known as Protect). We are active on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google Podcasts. Please follow for future episodes and updates!
  • 6. Can myths, rituals, traditions help in saving liberalism and re-imagining modern societies?

    We hope you enjoy this conversation. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook social media platforms for future update and episodes!. In this episode of Global Development Review Podcast, Dr. Timothy Stacey will share insights on his upcoming book “Saving Liberalism from Itself: The Spirit of Political Participation”, which is in press with Bristol University Press.Dr Tim argues stresses about the Spirit of Political Participation and argues that ‘the aim of peace-loving people should not be to build a world without myths, but to replace divisive myths with hopeful myths’. He indeed highlights in his upcoming book that '‘Saving liberalism from itself doesn’t mean giving up on either rational or confessional truth. Instead, it means balancing these with compassionate truth”.A brief Introduction about Prof. Tim and his work: Timothy Stacey is a Lecturer in Religion and Politics at Leiden University and a Visiting Professor in the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria. Tim explores the myths, rituals, magic and traditions that mobilise people to take ethical and political action, as well as the political systems that enable and inhibit people's capacity to engage with these more-than-rational elements. He undertakes ethnographic research with a range of actors and, as well as developing theory, tries to share lessons “upwards” to conventional politics and “outwards” to activists and practitioners. Most recently, he is applying his expertise to explore the transition towards environmentally friendly behaviours. Tim regularly collaborates with researchers and practitioners both within and outside the academy to explore how their work can change minds and behaviours. He is the co-convenor of AltVisions, a network of academics, activists and artists exploring the alternative visions and epistemologies that can inspire people to collectively confront global challenges. Most recently, his help has been enlisted to increase engagement with climate change mitigation.In this episode, Discussant Jaffer Latief Najar discusses the following reflections with Prof. Tim: 1. Your book title is “Saving Liberalism from Itself”; are you suggesting that liberalism is falling down in modern societies, how? Also, please share some insights about your book.                           2. In the part of your book that I read, you argue that myths, rituals, magics and traditions can help us to rediscover the spirit of political participation, could you please elaborate this and explain what do you mean by the spirit of political participation, and why this aspect is important in re-imagining modern societies, including global politics and development? 3. How we see the relationship between myths, rituals and traditions. How myths are brought to life in rituals and traditions, and how crucially myths play a role in development of a culture, identity or politics, etc.  4. You argue that ‘the aim of peace-loving people should not be to build a world without myths, but to replace divisive myths with hopeful myths’. But don’t you think that building a society on myths might bring challenges to scientific rationalities? And what if those who are in a position of authority appropriates or manipulate this rationale of hopeful myth for their interests, wouldn’t it risk more inequalities or what alternatives we can think of to overcome such imbalances? 5. You conclude your book by saying that ‘Saving liberalism from itself doesn’t mean giving up on either rational or confessional truth. Instead, it means balancing these with compassionate truth”. I like the argument of compassionate truth, could you please elaborate the understanding of compassionate truth to my audience, and how it could be useful in saving liberalism and developing our societies towards inclusion. 
  • 5. Sufi Discourse and Practice in Pakistan: Exploring The Gender Dynamics

    Tune in to Listen #NewEpisode Dr Saad Ali Khan, faculty from Centre of Excellence in Gender Studies, Quaid i Azam University, Islamabad- Pakistan talks about Origin and historical roots of Sufism. How Sufi discourse and practice developed across the world and how it plays a role in social transformation in Pakistani and South Asian societies. Dr Saad also shares his insights about orders of Sufism across the world, with a key focus on South Asia and Pakistan.In this podcast episode, Dr Saad emphasises about the Gender dynamics in Sufi discourse and practices in Pakistan. He shares about how gender is perceived and understood in different orders of Sufism, and particularly Pakistan. He also shares his insights about how Sufism is reemerging in contemporary times and what needs to be more focused in the research and academic world.Our discussant/host for this episode is Jaffer Latief Najar.