
cover art for [Good King & His Great God] #6 - Failure is not Final (Psalm 51)

Gilnahirk Baptist Church's Podcast

[Good King & His Great God] #6 - Failure is not Final (Psalm 51)

Leslie Hutchinson guides us through Psalm 51 where we see David confessing his sin, asking for forgiveness and being restored to useful service. One lesson for the Christian here is that failure does not need to be final - through Jesus Christ we may know forgiveness, cleansing and restoration; and that Truth brings hope

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  • [Good King & His Great God] #7 - The Singing King & His Praiseworthy God (2 Samuel 22)

    As we conclude our series in the Life of King David, we see his song of praise in 2 Samuel 22 and consider just 7 of the reasons David has for praising His God; and these reasons continue today, therefore we can praise God like David did.You can watch this message via:
  • Baptismal Service // The Gospel of Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21)

    As part of our Baptismal service, Drew unpacks 2 Corinthians 5:21, which is one place where we see the Good News of Jesus outlined in Scripture.You can watch this message via:
  • [Good King & His Great God] #5 - Flawed King and Faithful God (2 Samuel 11&12)

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  • Gospel Aspiration // Reuben Russell // Phil 1:12-19

    Reuben Russell brings God's Word from Philippians 1:12-19 and shows how Paul's aspiration for the spread of the Gospel enabled his perseverance in all things.You can watch this message via:
  • [Good King & His Great God] #4 - Promise Making, Promise Keeping God (2 Samuel 7)

    Drew continues our series in the Life of David by considering the Covenant God entered into with David in 2 Samuel 7, and how it shows that God is the Promise-Making, Promise-Keeping God.Watch this message via:
  • The Condition of the Heart // Michael Shaw // Matt 15:1-20

    On Association Sunday 2024, we're delighted to be joined by Michael Shaw from Strandtown Baptist as he shares from Matthew 15:1-20. In that passage we see Jesus, as the Great Physician, administering a Test, giving the Diagnosis and offering the Cure for greatest problem we have: our sin against a Holy God.You can watch this message via:
  • [Good King & His Great God] #3 - Trusting King and His Trustworthy God (1 Samuel 24)

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  • Live in the Light of Christ's Coming // 1 Thessalonians 5

    Damian Wharton, General Director of Scripture Union Northern Ireland, brings a message from 1 Thessalonians 5, where we are shown the certainty that Christ is Coming, therefore we must live in the light of that now. We are to live as 'children of the light', filled with a joyful faith, encouraging one another, knowing that whatever circumstances we face, God is good.You can watch this message here: