
cover art for Saving Yellowstone

The Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Saving Yellowstone

Ep. 21

Megan Kate Nelson takes us on a journey to Yellowstone, the first national park and a site of iconic western beauty. From the scientific surveys that explored the park's geysers, to the railroad expansion through Native American territory, Dr. Nelson's book paints a vivid portrait of the place. Join us for a conversation about the American environment, economic panics, landscape photography, and how to write narrative history.

Essential Reading:

Megan Kate Nelson, Saving Yellowstone: Exploration and Preservation in Reconstruction America (2022).

Recommended Reading:

Ferdinand V. Hayden, “The Wonders of the West II. More about the Yellowstone,” Scribner’s Monthly (February 1872): 388-396.


Thomas Moran, The Grand Cañon of the Yellowstone (1872).


Ernie LaPointe, Sitting Bull: His Life and Legacy (2009).

M. John Lubetkin, Jay Cooke’s Gamble: The Northern Pacific Railroad, The Sioux, and the Panic of 1873 (2006).

Heather Cox Richardson, West from Appomattox: The Reconstruction of America after the Civil War (2007).

Mark David Spence, Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks (2000).

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  • 98. Building the Metropolis

    51:16||Ep. 98
    Construction history is entirely unfamiliar to most scholars, and yet it is a crucial part of urban history. Alexander Wood joins the show to discuss how New York City was built from blueprints to scaffolding to demolition.Essential Reading:Alexander Wood, Building the Metropolis: Architecture, Construction, and Labor in New York City, 1880–1935 (2025).Recommended Reading:Joanne Abel Goldman, Building New York's Sewers: Developing Mechanisms of Urban Management (1997).Gerard Koeppel, City on a Grid: How New York Became New York (2015).Mike Wallace, Greater Gotham: A History of New York City from 1898 to 1919 (2017).
  • 97. The Pacific's New Navies

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    Context is crucial and perspective is everything. Dr. Tommy Jamison's debut book about the growth of naval power in the Pacific is a wonderful addition to our understanding of Gilded Age security. We discuss the impact of Chile, Peru, China, and Japan on geopolitics and the US Navy. Essential Reading:Thomas Jamison, The Pacific's New Navies: An Ocean, its Wars, and the Making of US Sea Power (2024).Recommended Reading:William D. Riddell, On the Waves of Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Merchant Sailors, 1872-1924 (2023).Marilyn Lake, Progressive New World: How Settler Colonialism and Transpacific Exchange Shaped American Reform (2019),Rolf Hobson, Imperialism at Sea: Naval Strategic Thought, the Ideology of Sea Power, and the Tirpitz Plan, 1875-1914 (2002).Elting Morison, Admiral Sims and the Modern American Navy (1968).
  • 96. Roundtable: Native American Studies Today

    01:33:10||Ep. 96
    Three expert scholars join the show to discuss the state of the field. My thanks to Dr. Cahill, Dr. Cothran, and Dr. Sweet. They have compiled important texts in the hope this bibliography can help aspiring minds to delver deeper. The full list is extensive and cannot be included in its entirety in the show notes, so please find a link to the complete list here.Blackhawk, The Rediscovery of America.Bsumek, Indian-Made.Cahill, Federal Fathers & Mothers.Cothran, Remembering the Modoc War.Deloria, Indians in Unexpected Places.Doerfler, Those Who Belong.Farr, Blackfoot Redemption.Gage, We Do Not Want the Gates Closed Between Us.Harmon, Rich Indians.Jacoby, Shadows at Dawn.Kauanui, Hawaiian Blood.LaPier, Invisible Reality.Meyer, The White Earth Tragedy.Ostler, Surviving Genocide.Raibmon, Authentic Indians.Roberts, I've Been Here all the While.Silva, Aloha Betrayed.Smith, Decolonizing Methodologies.Sturm, Blood Politics.Theobald, Reproduction on the Reservation.
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    51:23||Ep. 95
    Who are the people who unearthed Egyptian antiquities and brought them to Western museums? Besides the countless male archaeologists we've heard about, several important women dug in the sands and their stories are an intersectional revelation. Kathleen Sheppard joins the show to talk about her book Women in the Valley of Kings. Essential Reading:Kathleen Sheppard, Women in the Valley of Kings: The Untold Story of Women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age (2024).
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  • 93. Interpreting Christmas

    44:30||Ep. 93
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  • 91. Learning for Work

    54:13||Ep. 91
    With the industrial revolution came a revolution in the education of Americans. In this episode, Connie Goddard discusses her latest book on the industrial education system that taught Americans how to do trades, skilled labor activities, and generally find work in factories and industrial jobs.Essential Reading:Connie Goddard, Learning for Work: How Industrial Education Fostered Democratic Opportunity (2024).Recommended Reading:Kelly Ann Kolondy, Normalites: The First Professionally Prepared Teachers in the United States (2014).Christopher J. Lucas, Teacher Education in America: Reform Agendas for the Twenty-First Century (1997).Helen Proctor and Kellie Burns, The Curriculum of the Body and the School as Clinic: Histories of Public Health and Schooling (2023).
  • 90. Gilded Age Mythology: A Roundtable

    01:07:29||Ep. 90
    Presidential elections often serve as periodic demarcations from one historical epoch to another. 1876 has often been seen as the beginning of the Gilded Age. This roundtable episode brings together leading scholars of American law and politics to discuss the virtues and vices of this approach with the aim of determining if we can make sense of American political history from the Gilded Age to the present. Essential Reading: Richard Slotkin, A Great Disorder: National Myth and the Battle for America (2024).Cynthia Nicoletti, Secession on Trial: The Treason Prosecution of Jefferson Davis (2017).Recommended Reading: Heather Cox Richardson, "Reconstruction and the Gilded Age and Progressive Era" in A Companion to the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (2017).